Be the Voice: Today's Action

  • Aviation is one of the fastest-growing sources of global warming pollution on the planet. Stand up and tell your senators to hold airlines accountable for their emissions. Stand Up

Featured Stories

  • Find out how fireflies and whale sharks are connected. Read more

  • Tigers are highly vulnerable to poaching. Learn about WWF's Zero Poaching initiative. Read more

  • Reconnecting shared landscapes is crucial for wildlife and people to thrive. Read more

  • Ecotourism provides hope for local people in post-disaster Chile. Read more

  • Satellite images provide WWF scientists a better picture of buffalo in the wild. Read more

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    85% of WWF's spending is directed to worldwide conservation activities.

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    Charity Navigator gives WWF the highest rating, four stars. WWF is also a BBB Accredited charity.

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  • 50 Years of History

    Since 1961, WWF has been achieving results in conservation around the globe.

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  • Leonardo DiCaprio

    Save Tigers Now

    WWF's Save Tigers Now, with support from Leonardo DiCaprio, aims to save tigers in the wild.

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