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Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State – April 2012 Traffic Volume Trends – Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume – OHPI – FHWA

Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume

April 2012 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table – 4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State April March
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2012 (Preliminary) 2011 2012 (Revised) 2011
Connecticut 25 1,728 1,714 0.8 24 1,754 1,744 0.6
Maine 13 201 193 3.9 13 223 218 2.3
Massachusetts 53 2,919 2,893 0.9 52 3,376 3,376 0.0
New Hampshire 25 497 489 1.6 25 497 500 -0.5
New Jersey 70 4,421 4,382 0.9 75 4,606 4,532 1.6
New York 94 6,140 6,171 -0.5 91 6,561 6,485 1.2
Pennsylvania 21 4,022 4,033 -0.3 22 4,188 4,108 1.9
Rhode Island 39 477 477 -0.1 44 478 476 0.3
Vermont 15 99 98 0.2 15 99 97 2.7
Subtotal   20,504 20,450 0.3   21,782 21,536 1.1
South Atlantic
Delaware 15 382 367 4.1 15 374 360 3.7
District of Columbia - 225 229 -1.9 - 247 247 -0.1
Florida 137 8,443 8,585 -1.6 138 9,183 9,087 1.1
Georgia 98 4,257 4,305 -1.1 105 4,264 4,215 1.2
Maryland 41 2,955 2,984 -1.0 40 3,059 3,047 0.4
North Carolina 22 3,556 3,587 -0.9 22 4,073 4,035 0.9
South Carolina 38 1,713 1,740 -1.5 40 1,818 1,805 0.7
Virginia 341 3,513 3,586 -2.1 338 3,524 3,531 -0.2
West Virginia - 531 535 -0.8 - 682 675 1.0
Subtotal   25,575 25,918 -1.3   27,224 27,002 0.8
North Central
Illinois 9 5,473 5,411 1.2 13 5,150 5,173 -0.4
Indiana 26 2,556 2,532 0.9 23 2,357 2,362 -0.2
Iowa 34 791 798 -0.9 39 792 778 1.8
Kansas 18 972 992 -2.0 19 946 944 0.2
Michigan 53 4,470 4,427 1.0 53 4,724 4,673 1.1
Minnesota 27 2,140 2,119 1.0 27 2,193 2,099 4.5
Missouri 58 2,274 2,291 -0.7 55 2,361 2,316 2.0
Nebraska 13 561 555 1.2 13 577 560 3.1
North Dakota 9 145 138 4.7 8 134 129 3.9
Ohio 83 4,430 4,413 0.4 85 4,540 4,494 1.0
South Dakota 9 158 159 -0.5 10 166 161 3.2
Wisconsin 42 2,015 1,959 2.9 56 2,148 2,065 4.0
Subtotal   25,985 25,794 0.7   26,088 25,754 1.3
South Gulf
Alabama 22 1,802 1,827 -1.4 12 1,863 1,837 1.4
Arkansas - 868 872 -0.4 11 961 972 -1.1
Kentucky 6 1,451 1,399 3.7 6 1,385 1,330 4.1
Louisiana - 1,721 1,810 -4.9 1 1,866 1,909 -2.3
Mississippi 28 985 1,000 -1.5 30 979 990 -1.1
Oklahoma - 1,536 1,530 0.4 - 1,621 1,622 0.0
Tennessee 7 2,798 2,791 0.3 5 2,819 2,757 2.2
Texas 90 11,446 11,376 0.6 89 12,356 12,323 0.3
Subtotal   22,607 22,605 0.0   23,850 23,740 0.5
Alaska 37 175 181 -3.3 37 150 154 -2.6
Arizona 23 3,108 3,127 -0.6 23 3,077 3,076 0.0
California 35 20,122 20,340 -1.1 39 18,769 18,805 -0.2
Colorado 21 2,366 2,405 -1.6 23 2,455 2,483 -1.1
Hawaii 31 384 387 -0.8 31 379 382 -0.8
Idaho 67 417 410 1.8 73 417 415 0.7
Montana 5 134 130 3.4 5 130 124 4.5
Nevada 30 1,052 1,078 -2.4 30 1,117 1,126 -0.8
New Mexico 34 741 744 -0.4 34 715 733 -2.4
Oregon 30 1,153 1,156 -0.3 39 1,173 1,193 -1.6
Utah 43 1,135 1,132 0.3 42 1,187 1,179 0.6
Washington 41 2,624 2,648 -0.9 37 2,533 2,566 -1.3
Wyoming - 137 138 -0.7 - 121 121 -0.1
Subtotal   33,548 33,876 -1.0   32,223 32,357 -0.4
Totals 1,978 128,219 128,643 -0.3 2,027 131,167 130,389 0.6

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.


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