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Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State – May 2013 Traffic Volume Trends – Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume – OHPI – FHWA

Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume

May 2013 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table – 4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State May April
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2013 (Preliminary) 2012 2012 (Revised) 2011
Connecticut 28 2,016 2,007 0.5 28 1,760 1,747 0.8
Maine 4 222 218 2.1 4 197 197 0.2
Massachusetts 42 3,535 3,487 1.4 51 3,028 3,023 0.2
New Hampshire 23 497 496 0.4 22 494 492 0.4
New Jersey 16 4,559 4,479 1.8 21 4,505 4,408 2.2
New York 91 6,450 6,477 -0.4 91 6,069 5,988 1.4
Pennsylvania 9 4,298 4,262 0.8 14 4,016 3,957 1.5
Rhode Island 40 545 541 0.8 40 478 470 1.8
Vermont 16 111 109 1.2 15 100 99 1.3
Subtotal   22,233 22,076 0.7   20,647 20,381 1.3
South Atlantic
Delaware 15 400 392 2.2 15 398 395 0.9
District of Columbia 1 216 217 -0.6 2 210 213 -1.7
Florida 138 8,792 8,639 1.8 135 8,400 8,304 1.2
Georgia 106 4,439 4,412 0.6 106 4,292 4,250 1.0
Maryland 39 3,307 3,273 1.0 39 3,035 2,971 2.1
North Carolina 24 4,096 4,089 0.2 24 3,731 3,646 2.3
South Carolina 42 1,768 1,729 2.2 42 1,747 1,717 1.8
Virginia 338 3,678 3,649 0.8 351 3,525 3,479 1.3
West Virginia - 488 486 0.3 - 529 522 1.4
Subtotal   27,184 26,886 1.1   25,867 25,497 1.5
North Central
Illinois 41 5,389 5,426 -0.7 20 5,348 5,320 0.5
Indiana 28 2,598 2,580 0.7 27 2,638 2,593 1.7
Iowa 33 839 851 -1.4 33 805 798 0.9
Kansas 16 989 996 -0.7 17 993 1,008 -1.5
Michigan 52 4,757 4,671 1.9 52 4,553 4,475 1.7
Minnesota 20 2,245 2,231 0.6 20 2,077 2,087 -0.5
Missouri 66 2,618 2,659 -1.5 64 2,408 2,398 0.4
Nebraska 14 545 558 -2.3 14 537 544 -1.3
North Dakota 9 142 140 1.2 9 146 147 -1.0
Ohio 76 4,828 4,826 0.0 80 4,434 4,371 1.5
South Dakota 7 189 185 2.1 8 156 163 -4.2
Wisconsin 52 2,045 1,990 2.8 36 1,961 1,936 1.3
Subtotal   27,184 27,113 0.3   26,056 25,840 0.8
South Gulf
Alabama 34 1,928 1,915 0.7 29 1,873 1,879 -0.3
Arkansas - 1,038 1,035 0.4 - 881 874 0.9
Kentucky 7 1,440 1,457 -1.2 - 1,478 1,461 1.1
Louisiana 14 1,795 1,788 0.4 14 1,807 1,796 0.6
Mississippi 23 967 962 0.5 24 973 969 0.5
Oklahoma - 1,638 1,618 1.2 - 1,552 1,535 1.1
Tennessee 8 2,833 2,878 -1.5 7 2,841 2,841 0.0
Texas 85 12,627 12,442 1.5 79 11,826 11,642 1.6
Subtotal   24,266 24,095 0.7   23,231 22,997 1.0
Alaska - 189 187 1.2 48 168 172 -1.8
Arizona 16 3,244 3,178 2.1 15 3,198 3,114 2.7
California 94 19,360 19,111 1.3 92 21,204 20,287 4.5
Colorado 22 2,306 2,251 2.4 19 2,381 2,383 -0.1
Hawaii 35 294 288 2.1 36 398 387 2.8
Idaho 77 458 445 2.9 78 432 419 3.1
Montana 6 166 159 4.3 6 136 136 -0.3
Nevada 23 1,185 1,194 -0.8 24 1,049 1,051 -0.1
New Mexico 32 715 715 -0.1 31 745 737 1.1
Oregon 41 1,257 1,237 1.6 34 1,188 1,163 2.2
Utah 45 1,137 1,124 1.2 45 1,161 1,141 1.8
Washington 46 3,035 2,995 1.3 27 2,754 2,661 3.5
Wyoming 36 154 153 0.2 35 138 142 -3.0
Subtotal   33,500 33,037 1.4   34,952 33,793 3.4
Totals 2,030 134,367 133,207 0.9 2,023 130,753 128,508 1.7

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.


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