Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge
Mountain-Prairie Region

Comprehensive Conservation Planning

The CCP for Charles M. Russell NWR is a 15-year plan that will address habitat conservation and wildlife-dependent recreational uses.

The staff at Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge is embarking on an important multi-year process to develop a comprehensive conservation plan (CCP) and environmental impact statement (EIS) for the refuge including UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge. A CCP (as it is commonly referred to) provides long-range guidance and management direction for the refuge’s programs. Your ideas and comments are an important part of the process, and we invite you to participate. Throughout the process, we will provide information on this website about upcoming public meetings or workshops and we’ll post project documents as they become available. Additionally, you can request to be placed on the project mailing list or submit comments by following the links.

Click on the link to the planning involvement summary to learn more about the CCP process and how you can be involved.

August, 2008

Keeping on track with the schedule shown to the right, the Refuge staff have begun the process of developing and analyzing alternatives for the CCP. The CCP alternatives are different sets of objectives and strategies or means of achieving Refuge purposes and goals, helping to fulfill the Refuge System mission, and resolving issues. We would like to invite the public to join us at our meetings in September. Please click on the links below to view the meeting schedule and the August 2008 Planning Update which provides details about the alternatives. Comments will be accepted on the draft alternatives through October 31, 2008.



Comments will be accepted in writing at:  Laurie Shannon, Planning Team Leader, Division of Refuge Planning, P.O. 25486, Denver, CO  80225-0486

Barron Crawford
Project Leader,
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge



Last updated: May 6, 2009