Fire Weather Products
Clickable Fire Weather Forecast Map
Map of New Mexico showing forecast points Click on a Name to view the site specific forecast or the Zone to view the zone forecast.
Site specific Forecasts are based on a 2.5 square kilometer grid box for which the RAWS/ASOS site is located. Elevations are an average for the 2.5 square kilometer grid box.

Project Burns and Significant Wildfires

Fire Weather Products
Location Fire Weather Products Red Flag Warning / Fire Weather Watch Point Forecast Matrix Technical Fire Discussion
 Albuquerque  Latest & Archive  RFW

Latest & Archive

Latest & Archive
 El Paso  Latest & Archive  RFW

Latest & Archive

Latest & Archive

 Midland  Latest & Archive  RFW Latest & Archive  
 Lubbock  Latest & Archive  RFW    
 Amarillo  Latest & Archive  RFW Latest & Archive Latest & Archive
 Flagstaff  Latest & Archive  RFW    
 Phoenix  Latest & Archive  RFW   Latest & Archive
 Tuscon  Latest & Archive  RFW   Latest & Archive

Note: Please check times on all products to make sure they are current.

NWS National Fire Weather Page -

  • Provides one stop shopping for localized and broad based fire weather across the country.
    Enter in your location and get access to an assortment of different fire weather products.
    Save the internet address of your location using the Permalink function and then click on Bookmark.

Weather Activity Planner:

 Fire Weather Program Information

 Summary of NWS Fire Weather Service Areas,


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