2017 CalendarNow you can support the trails you love and get 12 months of beautiful trail images. Give just $20 or more now and get our beautiful 2017 Calendar as a thank you gift!

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We're creating a nationwide network of trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors to build healthier places for healthier people.

Explore What Inspires Us

Connecting Communities

Our vision is that 90 percent of Americans will live within three miles of a trail system by 2020.

Learn About Our Work

Working Together

Trails stimulate economic growth, spurring small business and improving quality of life.

Learn About Trail Building

Discovering Trails

For health, for mobility, for community connections…that’s why we use and love trails.

Experience the Power of Trails

Tell the Next President

Runners on the Met Branch Trail

Sign our petition to urge the next administration to make trails a key part of transportation investments!

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Make a Difference for Trails

MBT Volunteers

Trails across the country depend on thousands of volunteers. You can make a difference for trails by volunteering—and by supporting Rails-to-Trails Conservancy's work to create networks of trails nationwide!

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Search our database of more than 30,000 miles of trails around the country, and explore detailed trail descriptions, maps, photographs, ratings and reviews!

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