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Safety Evaluation Reports Concerning the Revised Basis for QA Programs for Operating Reactors (including Calibration Services) and New Reactor Licensing Activities

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Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 4

Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 4, establishes the acceptance of Part I and Part II requirements included in NQA-1-2008 and the NQA-1a-2009 Addenda, "Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications," for the implementation of a QA program during design and construction phases of nuclear power plants and fuel reprocessing plants. The NRC has determined that NQA-1-2008 and the NQA-1a-2009 Addenda provide an adequate basis for complying with the requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, subject to the additions and modifications of NQA-1-2008 and the NQA-1a-2009 Addenda identified in RG 1.28, Revision 4

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Adoption of ASME NQA-1-1994

For several licensees, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved changing the licensing basis from ANSI N45.2, ''Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants," to NQA-1-1994, "Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications." Part II of NQA-1-1994 sets forth programmatic requirements for establishing and executing quality assurance programs for the siting, design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. To augment those requirements, Part II of NQA-1-1994 sets forth non-programmatic quality assurance requirements for planning and executing identified tasks during the fabrication, construction, modification, repair, maintenance, and testing of structures, systems, and components for nuclear facilities. The guidance provided by Parts I and II of NQA-1-1994 is similar to that provided by the ANSI N45.2 daughter standards developed in the 1970s and early 1980s. The licensees in question proposed to adopt NQA-1-1994 in lieu of certain current commitments to ANSI N45.2 daughter standards.

The bases for staff approval of the proposed change are documented in the following safety evaluation reports:

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Calibration Services

The NRC approved the NVLAP/A2LA third-party accreditation of calibration laboratories, in lieu of a commercial-grade survey or in-process surveillance for Arizona Public Service Company in a letter dated September 28, 2005. The alternative method for qualifying the calibration supplier and accepting its calibration services would be applied only to domestic commercial-grade calibration services, as defined by Title 10, Part 21, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 21), "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance."

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QA Program Reviews

The NRC reviewed and approved QA-related topical reports for potential applicants using the guidance in Standard Review Plan (SRP) 17.5. The bases for staff approval are documented in the following safety evaluation reports:

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, January 23, 2013