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Reactor Vessel Head Degradation
Current NRC Activities
0350 Oversight Panel
News and Correspondence
Public Meetings
Correspondence Related to NRC Bulletin 2002-01
Correspondence Related to NRC Order EA-03-009
Specific Communications with Spring 2002 Outage Plants
Petition Related Documents
Lessons Learned Task Force

Specific Communications with Spring 2002 Outage Plants

This page presents NRC communications with Nuclear Power Plants having outages during the spring 2002 season. NRC staff held telephone conversations in Pre-Inspection Communications with managers of all plants conducting refueling outages this Spring to ensure they inspect reactor vessel heads for signs of degradation as required in Bulletin 2002-01. Results of those inspections were discussed with NRC staff in Post-Inspection Communications. Links to communications in the table will be activated as quickly as is possible.

All links on this page are to documents in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). See our Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools page for more information.

Pre-Inspection Communications
Post-Inspection Communications
Other Communications
Arkansas 2    
Byron 1
Calvert Cliffs 1
Comanche Peak  
Diablo Canyon 1
McGuire 2
Millstone 2
Oconee 1
Palo Verde 2
Surry 2
Turkey Point 4
Vogtle 1
Waterford 3
Watts Bar
Wolf Creek

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007