Federal Aviation Administration

Benito De Leon

Director, Office of Airport Planning and Programming

Updated: 4:37 pm ET January 23, 2007

Benito De Leon was appointed Director of FAA's Office of Airport Planning and Programming in January 2007. The Office of Airport Planning and Programming serves as the principal FAA organization responsible for all Airports program matters pertaining to National airport planning, environmental and social requirements, airport grants, passenger facility charges, property transfers, and ensuring adequacy of the substantive aspects of FAA rulemaking actions relating to these programs. Mr. De Leon had served as the office's Deputy Directory from September 2001 to January 2007.

Prior to joining the FAA Headquarters Airports Organization, Mr. De Leon worked in the FAA Great Lakes Region as an Airports Engineer, Community Planner, Capacity Manager, and Manager of the Planning and Programming Branch.

Before coming to FAA, Mr. De Leon worked for the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, as an Assistant Construction Engineer. Mr. De Leon received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Civil Engineering.

4:37 pm ET January 23, 2007