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NIST Time Scale Data Archive

Updated monthly

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The deviation of UTC(NIST) from UTC has been less than +/-100 ns since July 6, 1994. The table below shows values of UTC - UTC(NIST) as supplied by the BIPM Circular T for the most recent period in which data are available.

UTC - UTC(NIST)Values (at 10-day intervals)

2007-12-25   54459 3.0
2007-12-15   54449 5.2
2007-12-05   54439 5.1
2007-11-25   54429 7.1
2007-11-15   54419 5.6
2007-11-05   54409 5.8
2007-10-26   54399 4.5
2007-10-16   54389 2.3
2007-10-06   54379 1.7
2007-09-26   54369 1.2
2007-09-16   54359 0.0
2007-09-06   54349 -2.1
2007-08-27   54339 -3.0
2007-08-17   54329 -2.3
2007-08-07   54319 -2.4
2007-07-28   54309 -1.8
2007-07-18   54299 -2.8
2007-07-08   54289 -1.7
2007-06-28   54279 -0.2
2007-06-18   54269 2.6
2007-06-08   54259 2.1
2007-05-29   54249 5.4
2007-05-19   54239 7.9
2007-05-09   54229 9.4
2007-04-29   54219 11.2
2007-04-19   54209 10.4
2007-04-09   54199 11.4
2007-03-30   54189 12.5
2007-03-20   54179 13.6
2007-03-10   54169 15.2
2007-02-28   54159 15.2
2007-02-18   54149 15.3
2007-02-08   54139 14.0
2007-01-29   54129 13.3
2007-01-19   54119 15.5
2007-01-09   54109 16.1