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Invited Presentations and Manuscripts

Presentation Preparation

Speakers are asked to send the electronic files of their talks to the publications coordinator, Erik Secula (erik.secula@nist.gov), by May 16, 2011.

The MINATEC facility is equipped with a PC using the latest version of MS Powerpoint. It is strongly recommended that you test your file on the facility computer before you give your presentation, especially if your talk contains movies or animation. Talks submitted by the above deadline will be preloaded on the computer to facilitate this.

Manuscript Preparation

The Conference Proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) in a hardback book, along with a CD-ROM. Both the invited and the contributed poster papers will be published and are expected to provide a foundation for R&D activities in characterization and metrology especially at the nanoscale.

Your manuscript, including figures, tables, and references, may be up to 10 pages long.

The deadline for your final, 10-page, camera-ready manuscript is June 14, 2011. The template, instructions, and necessary copyright and permission forms are below. 

Please Note: All color figures will be printed in black-and-white unless you make arrangements with the volume editor for color printing. If you prefer your figures in color, you will be responsible for a $350 fee per color page. You will need to request this in a separate letter to be submitted with your manuscript. Please contact Erik Secula for additional details.


Please note, the single largest cause of delay in assembling the conference proceedings is the lack of necessary permission forms for reproducing previously published material. Please keep this in mind when writing your manuscript and prepare accordingly!

Final manuscripts should be e-mailed to Erik Secula in PDF or Word file format.