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FEC Record

The FEC Record is an on-line resource for political committees and others interested in latest information on the Commission and the federal campaign finance law. Until August 2011, the Commission published the Record as a monthly newsletter. Now, the agency posts articles as news happens, then compiles those articles at then end of each month. To view or print those monthly compilations or the archived monthly newsletters, you'll need to download a copy of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software at

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Latest Articles:

Massachusetts Special Election Reporting: Senate
(Posted 2/14/13; By Kathy Carothers

Massachusetts will hold special primary and general elections to fill the U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts vacated by Secretary of State John Kerry. The Special Primary will be held on April 30, 2013, and the Special General will be held June 25, 2013. Read more...

Missouri Special Election Reporting: 8th District
(Posted 2/12/13; By Kathy Carothers)

Missouri will hold a Special General Election to fill the U.S. House seat in Missouri’s 8th Congressional District vacated by Representative Jo Ann Emerson. The Special General will be held on June 4, 2013. Read more...

Contribution Limits for 2013-2014
(Posted 2/12/13; By Dorothy Yeager)

Under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act), certain contribution limits are indexed for inflation every two years, based on the change in the cost of living since 2001, which is the base year for adjusting these limits. Read more...

2013 Coordinated Party Expenditure Limits
(Posted 2/11/13; By Dorothy Yeager)

The 2013 coordinated party expenditure limits are now available. Read more...

2013 Lobbyist Bundling Disclosure Threshold
(Posted 2/11/13; By Dorothy Yeager)

The Federal Election Campaign Act, as amended by the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 (HLOGA), requires certain political committees to disclose contributions bundled by lobbyists/registrants and lobbyist/registrant PACs once the contributions exceed a specified threshold amount. Read more...

Reporting Ultimate Payees for Committee Disbursements
(Posted 2/8/13; By Myles Martin)

On January 31, 2013, the Commission posted for public comment a draft interpretive rule that would clarify how political committees must report disbursements to (or by) a person who is not the “ultimate payee”—i.e., the person who provided goods or services to the committee. Read more...

FEC Summarizes First 21 Months of Campaign Activity for the 2012 Election Cycle
(Posted 2/8/13; By Alex Knott)

Federal candidates, parties and political action committees (PACs) collected more than $5.7 billion and spent more than $4.8 billion between January 1, 2011 and September 30, 2012, according to third-quarter filings submitted to the Commission. Independent expenditure and electioneering communication spending totaled $541 million during the 21-month period. Read more...

AO 2012-39: Green Party of Virginia Qualifies as State Party Committee
(Posted 2/6/13; By Travis Drake)

The Green Party of Virginia (the GPV) qualifies as a state party committee under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) because: (1) the Green Party of the U.S. (the GPUS) qualifies as a political party; (2) GPV is part of the official GPUS structure; and (3) GPV is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the GPUS at the state level. Read more...

South Carolina Special Election Reporting: 1st District
(Posted 2/4/13; By Katherine Carothers)

South Carolina will hold Special Primary and General elections to fill the U.S. House seat in South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District vacated by Senator Tim Scott. The Special Primary will be held on March 19, 2013 and the Special General will be held May 7, 2013. Read more...

Joint Fundraising
(Posted 2/1/13; By Dorothy Yeager)

Joint fundraising is fundraising conducted jointly by a political committee and one or more other political committees or unregistered organizations. Joint fundraising rules apply to: party committees; party organizations not registered as political committees; federal and/or nonfederal candidate committees; nonparty, unauthorized political committees (nonconnected PACs); and unregistered nonparty organizations. Read more...












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The FEC Record is produced by the Information Division, Office of Communications. Toll free 800-424-9530; Local 202-694-1100; E-mail Greg Scott, Director; Alex Knott, Senior Writer/Editor; Dorothy Yeager, Production Manager