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FEC Record: Regulations

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Reporting Ultimate Payees for Committee Disbursements
(Posted 2/8/13; By Myles Martin)

On January 31, 2013, the Commission posted for public comment a draft interpretive rule that would clarify how political committees must report disbursements to (or by) a person who is not the “ultimate payee”—i.e., the person who provided goods or services to the committee. Read more...

Commission Seeks Comment on Enforcement Process
(Posted 1/31/13; By Isaac Baker)

The Commission is seeking public comment on certain aspects of its enforcement process and, more generally, whether the agency is effectively enforcing the Federal Election Campaign Act and Commission regulations. The comments received will be considered in determining whether the agency’s enforcement policies and procedures should be altered and whether rulemaking is advised. Read more...

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Limited Liability Partnerships
(Posted 12/14/12; By Myles Martin)

On December 6, 2012, the Commission approved a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding the treatment of limited liability partnerships (LLPs) for purposes of the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act). The Commission is considering amending its rules governing partnerships to address LLPs that have elected corporate tax treatment under the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Read more...

Petition for Rulemaking on Disclosure of Electioneering Communications
(Posted 10/26/12; By Myles Martin)

On October 18, 2012, the Commission approved a Notice of Availability for a Petition for Rulemaking from the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF). In that petition, the CFIF urges the Commission to revise its regulations on the reporting of electioneering communications at 11 CFR 104.20(c)(8) and (9). Public comments are due by December 26, 2012. Read more...







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The FEC Record is produced by the Information Division, Office of Communications. Toll free 800-424-9530; Local 202-694-1100; E-mail Greg Scott, Director; Alex Knott, Senior Writer/Editor; Dorothy Yeager, Production Manager