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FEC Record: Compliance

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Commission Seeks Comment on Enforcement Process
(Posted 1/31/13; By Isaac Baker)

The Commission is seeking public comment on certain aspects of its enforcement process and, more generally, whether the agency is effectively enforcing the Federal Election Campaign Act and Commission regulations. The comments received will be considered in determining whether the agency’s enforcement policies and procedures should be altered and whether rulemaking is advised. Read more...

Message from the Reports Analysis Division (RAD) – Process Change Notification
(Posted 1/24/13; By Jodi Winship, Reports Analysis Division)

The Reports Analysis Division (RAD) will begin sending Non-Filer Notifications via email in February 2013. Read more...

FEC Cites Committees for Failure to File October Quarterly and 12-Day Pre-General Financial Reports
(Posted 11/5/12; By Dorothy Yeager)

The Federal Election Commission cited three campaign committees on November 2, 2012, for failing to file the October Quarterly Election Report and 19 committees for failing to file the 12-Day Pre-General Election Report required by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, (the Act). Read more...

Commission Cites Committee for Failure to File Massachusetts Pre-Primary Report
(Posted 9/4/12; By Myles Martin)

On September 4, 2012, the Commission cited one campaign committee for failing to file the 12-Day Pre-Primary Election Report required by the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) for the Massachusetts primary election held on September 6, 2012. Read more...

Commission Cites Committees for Failure to File Arizona Pre-Primary Report
(Posted 8/24/12; By Myles Martin)

On August 24, 2012, the Commission cited two campaign committees for failing to file the 12-Day Pre-Primary Election Report required by the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act), for the Arizona primary election held on August 28, 2012. Read more...

Commission Cites Committees for Failure to File Florida and
Wisconsin Pre-Primary Reports
(Posted 8/10/12; By Myles Martin)

On August 10, 2012, the Commission cited five campaign committees for failing to file the 12-Day Pre-Primary Election Report required by the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act), for the Florida and Wisconsin primary elections held on August 14, 2012. Read more...






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The FEC Record is produced by the Information Division, Office of Communications. Toll free 800-424-9530; Local 202-694-1100; E-mail Greg Scott, Director; Alex Knott, Senior Writer/Editor; Dorothy Yeager, Production Manager