
Bring Science Home logo

As the old saying (almost) goes, science starts in the home. Try our fun science activities, which parents and their kids ages 6-12 can do together with household items in just a half hour or less. Teachers might like to incorporate them, too.

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Budding Scientist

Budding Scientist

Budding Scientist helps parents, grandparents, educators and anyone else who's interested learn how to get young people excited about science, technology, engineering and math. Here, Scientific American editors, scientists, and other contributors share ideas for involving kids in science early and often.

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Science In Action Award

Science in Action Award Logo

Scientific American is delighted to help expand the Google Science Fair honors by sponsoring a $50,000 Science in Action award for a project that addresses a social, environmental or health issue to make a practical difference in the lives of a group or community.

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