December is a time for celebration and reflection, and I’m doing plenty of both as 2009 draws to a close. First, I’ll share a little about what we’re celebrating here at the National Center.

NCPTT’s website and social media content are being featured in several media outlets right now. One of my favorite magazines, Government Video, recently named NCPTT its “Website of the Week,” citing the National Center’s use of “photos, videos, podcasts and every other modern method to demonstrate [its research].”

Additionally, tech blog Honeytech named us number four on its list of “Top 10 Government Sites Powered by WordPress.” Government websites from around the world were ranked on the list for their outstanding use of WordPress, which is the web’s most popular content management system (CMS).

Earlier this year, the WordPress organization chose NCPTT as one of eight U.S. government sites featured in its Showcase for outstanding implementation of the CMS.

While we greatly appreciate what those folks have to say, we also realize nice design and multimedia content alone won’t satisfy the needs of those who depend on us to help them use technology for preservation purposes.

We’ve thrown some pretty big changes at you in 2009–the redesign of our website on WordPress being just one. NCPTT was created to help protect America’s historic legacy through progressive, technology based research and training. Today, that includes effective communication using the World Wide Web. So we’re wondering: how can NCPTT improve the way it serves you online?

Are there topics we’re missing out on? Topics we talk too much about? Do you prefer to get your preservation technology information through Facebook or another social network? Does our online product catalog meet your needs?

We look forward to hearing from you.

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4 Responses to Media outlets recognize NCPTT’s Web presence, but how are our efforts working for you?

  1. Keith says:

    I think getting information through all possible channels is best. Facebook, Twitter, blog etc. Personally I use Twitter.

    P.S WordPress rocks doesn’t it?

  2. Richard Barker says:

    I think Facebook is pretty good as a channel. I don’t know about Keith, but being on too many of those social sites can be a huge distraction. And twitter is just too brief to really deliver any decent content. btw – I would never have guessed this is a wordpress blog – the theme is a great design.

  3. Chris says:

    I have to agree with Richard about Twitter — I honestly don’t see the value there. I was heavily into Facebook for about a year, but got tired of it. It DID let me catch up on friends and family I hadn’t seen or spoken to in years, and hear about causes that were new to me. My favorite thing about FB was the ability to share reading lists, news stories, videos, etc. I really like LinkedIn quite a bit and belong to quite a few media groups there.

  4. Ben Smith says:

    I was researching web presence and stumpled on this page, well done on customising the theme I wouldnt have guessed it was on wordpress.

    Regarding twitter and Facebook I agree these are just channels to drive people to your website, you may want to look at linkedin as that’s a very good networking site too.

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