Welcome to the home of New Hampshire's Citizen Corps
The Citizen Corps Mission
The mission of Citizen Corps is to harness the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues and disasters of all kinds.

Our Vision

The State Citizen Corps Council will assist all local level Citizen Corps Councils throughout New Hampshire by helping to create and expand opportunities for local community members to partner and engage volunteer services, and create a framework to enhance local community disaster readiness. Read our strategic plan.
NH Homeland Security
Action Center
Latest News
Local Meeting and Exercise more...

DoE Launches Guide for Emergency Management at Institutes of Higher Education more...

Two new courses offered by FEMA’s EMI. more...


Charter Programs
CERT - The Community Emergency Response
Team educates people about disaster preparedness and trains them... More

MRC - The Medical Reserve Corps strengthens communities by helping medical, public health and other volunteers... More

VIPS - Volunteers in Police Service works
to enhance the capacity of state and local
law enforcement to utilize volunteers... More

NAW - An expanded Neighborhood Watch Program incorporates terrorism awareness education into its existing crime prevention mission, while also serving as a way... More
Be Prepared
Concord Weather
Copyright © 2009, State Citizen Corp of New Hampshire. All Rights Reserved in the United States.