Classification of Death and Injury Resulting from Terrorism - Appendix II

Changes in the Mortality Classification Index to Incorporate Terrorism

Changes to the mortality classification require modifications of the Tabular List as well as changes to the Alphabetical Index shown in this appendix. Changes to the Alphabetical Index include the addition of the term “Terrorism” and its subcategories and the addition of “Terrorism” and its subcategories to existing lead terms as shown below.

Additions to the Alphabetical Index for the new term Terrorism

Terrorism (injury) (by) (in) (involving) U01.9

-air blast U01.2
-aircraft burned, destroyed, exploded, shot down U01.1
–used as a weapon U01.1
-anthrax U01.6
-asphyxia from
–chemical (weapons) U01.7
–fire, conflagration (caused by fire-producing device) U01.3
—from nuclear explosion U01.5
–gas or fumes U01.7
-bayonet U01.8
-biological agents (weapons) U01.6
-blast (air) (effects) U01.2
–from nuclear explosion U01.5
–underwater U01.0
-bomb (antipersonnel) (mortar) (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
–petrol U01.3
-bullet(s) (from carbine, machine gun, pistol, rifle, rubber (rifle),
shotgun) U01.4
-burn from
–chemical U01.7
–fire, conflagration (caused by fire-producing device) U01.3
— from nuclear explosion U01.5
–gas U01.7
-burning aircraft U01.1
-chemical (weapons) U01.7
-cholera U01.6
-conflagration U01.3
-crushed by falling aircraft U01.1
-depth-charge U01.0
-destruction of aircraft U01.1
-disability as sequelae one year or more after injury U02
-drowning U01.8
-effect (direct) (secondary) of nuclear weapon U01.5
–sequelae U02
-explosion (artillery shell) (breech-block) (cannon block) U01.2
–aircraft U01.1
–bomb (antipersonnel) (mortar) U01.2
—nuclear (atom) (hydrogen) U01.5
–depth-charge U01.0
–grenade U01.2
–injury by fragments from U01.2
–land-mine U01.2
–marine weapon U01.0
–mine (land) U01.2
—at sea or in harbor U01.0
—marine U01.0
–missile (explosive) (guided) NEC U01.2
–munitions (dump) (factory) U01.2
–nuclear (weapon) U01.5
–other direct and secondary effects of U01.5
–own weapons (accidental) U01.2
–sea-based artillery shell U01.0
–torpedo U01.0
-exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear explosion U01.5
-falling aircraft U01.1
-fire or fire-producing device U01.3
-firearms U01.4
-fireball effects from nuclear explosion U01.5
-fragments from artillery shell, bomb NEC, grenade, guided missile, land-mine, rocket, shell, shrapnel U01.2
-gas or fumes U01.7
-grenade (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
-guided missile (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
–nuclear U01.5
-heat from nuclear explosion U01.5
-hot substances U01.3
-hydrogen cyanide U01.7
-land-mine (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
-laser(s) U01.8
-late effect of U02
-lewisite U01.7
-lung irritant (chemical) (fumes) (gas) U01.7
-marine mine U01.0
-mine U01.2
–at sea U01.0
–in harbor U01.0
–land (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
–marine U01.0
-missile (guided) (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
–marine U01.0
–nuclear U01.5
-mortar bomb (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
-mustard gas U01.7
-nerve gas U01.7
-nuclear weapons U01.5
-pellets (shotgun) U01.4
-petrol bomb U01.3
-piercing object U01.8
-phosgene U01.7
-poisoning (chemical) (fumes) (gas) U01.7
-radiation, ionizing from nuclear explosion U01.5
-rocket (explosion) (fragments) U01.2
-saber, sabre U01.8
-sarin U01.7
-screening smoke U01.7
-sequelae effect (of) U02
-shell (aircraft) (artillery) (cannon) (land-based) (explosion)
(fragments) U01.2
–sea-based U01.0
-shooting U01.4
–bullet(s) U01.4
–pellet(s) (rifle) (shotgun) U01.4
-shrapnel U01.2
-smallpox U01.6
-stabbing object(s) U01.8
-submersion U01.8
-torpedo U01.0
-underwater blast U01.0
-vesicant (chemical) (fumes) (gas) U01.7
-weapon burst U01.2

Additions to existing lead terms in the Alphabetical Index


-blast in terrorism U01.2
-blast in war operations Y36.2

Asphyxia, asphyxiation

–chemical in terrorism U01.7
–chemical in war operations Y36.7
–fumes in terrorism (chemical weapons) U01.7
–fumes in war operations (chemical weapons) Y36.7
–gas (see also Table of drugs and chemicals) X47.-
—in terrorism (chemical weapons) U01.7
—in war operations (chemical weapons) Y36.7
–fire (see also Exposure, fire) X09.-
—in terrorism U01.3
—in war operations Y36.3

Bayonet wound W26.-

–terrorism U01.8
–war operations Y36.4

Blast (air) in terrorism U01.2

-from nuclear explosion U01.5
-underwater U01.0

Blast (air) in war operations Y36.2

-from nuclear explosion Y36.5
-underwater Y36.0

Burn, burned, burning (by) (from) (on) X09.-

-chemical (external) (internal) X49.-
–in terrorism (chemical weapons) U01.7
–in war operations (chemical weapons) Y36.7
-in terrorism (from fire-producing device) NEC U01.3
–nuclear explosion U01.5
–petrol bomb U01.3

Casualty (not due to war) NEC X59.-

-terrorism U01.9
-war (see also War operations) Y36.9


–burning (uncontrolled fire)
—in terrorism U01.3
–burning (uncontrolled fire)
—in terrorism U01.3


-aircraft (powered) V95.-
–in terrorism U01.1
–in war operations Y36.1

Crushed X59.-

-between objects (moving) (stationary and moving)
-by, in
—aircraft V95.9
—-in terrorism U01.1
—-in war operations Y36.1

Cut, cutting (any part of body) (by) (see also Contact, with, by object or machine) W49.-

-terrorism U01.8
-war operation Y36.4

Drowning (accidental) W74.-

–terrorism U01.8
–war operation Y36.4

Effect(s) (adverse) of

-nuclear explosion or weapon in terrorism (blast) (direct) (fireball)
(heat) (radiation) (secondary) U01.5
-nuclear explosion or weapon in war operations (blast) (direct)
(fireball) (heat) (radiation) (secondary) Y36.5

Explosion (in) (of) (on) (with secondary fire) W40.-

-terrorism U01.2
-war operations (see also War operations, explosion) Y36.2

Exposure to

-fire (with exposure to smoke or fumes or causing
burns, or secondary explosion) X09.-
–in, of, on, starting in
—terrorism (by fire-producing device) U01.3
—-fittings or furniture (burning building) (uncontrolled fire) U01.3
—-from nuclear explosion U01.5
—war operations (by fire-producing device or conventional
weapon) Y36.3
—-from nuclear explosion Y36.5

Fall, falling

-from, off
—burning (uncontrolled fire)
—-in terrorism U01.3
–structure NEC
—burning (uncontrolled fire)
—-in terrorism U01.3

Fireball effects from nuclear explosion in terrorism U01.5

Fireball effects from nuclear explosion in war operations Y36.5

Heat (effects of) (excessive) X30.-

–nuclear explosion in terrorism U01.5
–nuclear explosion in war operations Y36.5

Injury, injured NEC

-by, caused by, from
–terrorism – see Terrorism
-due to
–terrorism – see Terrorism

Jumped, jumping

–building (see also Jumped, from, high place)
—burning (uncontrolled fire)
—-in terrorism U01.3
–structure (see also Jumped, from, high place)
—burning (uncontrolled fire)
—-in terrorism U01.3

Poisoning (by) (see also Table of drugs and chemicals) X49.-

-in terrorism (chemical weapons) U01.7
-in war operations (chemical weapons) Y36.7

Radiation (exposure to) W91.-

–terrorism (from or following nuclear explosion) (direct)
(secondary) U01.5
—laser(s) U01.8
–war operations (from or following nuclear explosion) (direct)
(secondary) Y36.5
—laser(s) Y36.7
-laser(s) W90.-
–in terrorism U01.8
–in war operations Y36.7

Sequelae (of) Y89.9

-in terrorism U02
-in war operations Y89.1

Shooting, shot (see also Discharge, by type of firearm)

-in terrorism U01.4
-in war operations Y36.4

Struck by

-bullet (see also Discharge, by type of firearm) W34.-
–in terrorism U01.4
–in war operations Y36.4
–in terrorism – see Terrorism, missile
—from, in, on
—–burning (uncontrolled fire)
——in terrorism U01.3

Suicide, suicidal (attempted) (by) X84.-

-explosive(s) (material) X75.-
–in terrorism U03.0
-in terrorism U01.4

Page last reviewed: November 6, 2015