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Health, United States, 2011

What's New in Health, United States, 2011 Edition!



New Tables

Table 36. Death rates for drug poisoning and drug poisoning involving opioid analgesics, by sex, age, race, and Hispanic origin: United States, selected years 1999-2008 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Table 57. Selected measures of disability and health status among adults 18-64 years of age, by urbanization level and selected characteristics: United States, average annual, 2002-2004 through 2008-2010 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Table 58. Selected measures of disability and health status among adults 65 years of age and over, by urbanization level and selected characteristics: United States, average annual, 2002-2004 through 2008-2010 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Table 63. Current cigarette smoking among adults 18-64 years of age, by urbanization level and selected characteristics: United States, average annual, 2002-2004 through 2008-2010 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Table 66. Health-related behaviors of children 6-11 years of age, by selected characteristics: United States, 2003 and 2007 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Table 80. Selected measures of access to medical care among adults 18-64 years of age, by urbanization level and selected characteristics: United States, average annual, 2002-2004 through 2008-2010 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Table 92. Use of colorectal tests or procedures among adults 50-75 years of age, by selected characteristics: United States, selected years 2000-2010 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Table 132. Cost of hospital discharges with common hospital operating room procedures in nonfederal community hospitals, by age and selected principal procedure: United States, selected years 2000-2009 [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]


Special Feature on Socioeconomic Status and Health

Figure 22. Children under 18 years of age, by percent of poverty level and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 1990–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 23. Current asthma among children under 18 years of age, by race and Hispanic origin and percent of poverty level: United States, 2009–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 24. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among children 5–17 years of age, by race and Hispanic origin and percent of poverty level: United States, 2009–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 25. Obesity among children 2–19 years of age, by sex of child and education level of head of household: United States, 1988–1994 and 2007–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 26. Children 6–11 years of age who engaged in more than 2 hours of screen time daily, by sex and percent of poverty level: United States, average annual, 2003 and 2007 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 27. Babies breastfed 3 months or more among mothers 22–44 years of age, by mother's education level: United States, 1992–1994 through 2002–2004 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 28. Vaccinations among adolescents 13–17 years of age, by type of vaccine and percent of poverty level: United States, 2009 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 29. No health insurance coverage among children under 18 years of age, by percent of poverty level and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 30. Dental visits in the past year among children 2–17 years of age, by percent of poverty level and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 31. Adults 18 years of age and over, by percent of poverty level and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 1990–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 32. Life expectancy at age 25, by sex and education level: United States, 1996 and 2006 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 33. Depression among adults 20 years of age and over, by age and percent of poverty level: United States, 2005–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 34. Edentulism (lack of natural teeth) among adults 45 years of age and over, by age and percent of poverty level: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 35. Two or more selected chronic health conditions among adults 45–64 years of age, by percent of poverty level: United States, 1999–2000 and 2009–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 36. Basic actions difficulty or complex activity limitation among adults 18 years of age and over, by age and percent of poverty level: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 37. Obesity among adults 25 years of age and over, by sex and education level: United States, 1988–1994 and 2007–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 38. Current cigarette smoking among adults 25 years of age and over, by age and education level: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 39. Colorectal tests or procedures among adults 50–75 years of age, by education level: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 40. No health insurance coverage among adults 18–64 years of age, by percent of poverty level and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB]

Figure 41. Delay or nonreceipt of needed medical care in the past 12 months due to cost among adults 18–64 years of age, by percent of poverty level and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000–2010 [PPT - 279 KB] [PDF - 10 MB] [XLS - 310 KB] The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
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