Press Contact: Aaron Hunter 202-225-2040


Office Contact Information

U.S. House of Representatives
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Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2040
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San Diego CA 92116
Phone: (619) 280-5353
Fax: (619) 280-5311

Press Release

February 12, 2013

Congresswoman Susan Davis Statement on State of the Union and Having the Parents of Gun Violence Victim Willie Jones in Attendance

EMBARGOED WASHINGTONCongresswoman Susan Davis released the following statement on the President’s State of the Union address.  Davis, along with many of her colleagues, invited the family of gun violence victims to attend the State of the Union. Davis invited Rose and Willie Jones whose son, Willie James Jones, was killed in a drive-by shooting in 1994.  Willie was his high school’s valedictorian and was about to attend Cornell University on a full academic scholarship.
“The President reminded us that a unified America can overcome any challenges. History has shown that when faced with a daunting task, we can come together as a country and achieve anything.
“A top priority of the government should be the prosperity of our country by focusing on the middle class. By working together we can chart a path to a bright future with investments in education and our infrastructure and manufacturing sectors. When the middle class thrives America thrives.
“The Congress needs to work with the President to avoid a government shutdown and replace the sequester with a balanced approach at debt reduction. This will create certainty in our economy and protect thousands of middle class jobs.   
Statement on having the parents of Willie Jones, a victim of gun violence, in attendance at the State of the Union.
“Having Rose and Willie in the House chamber gave a voice to how senseless and destructive it was that their son Willie James and so many other young people never had a chance to fulfill their dreams and contribute to society.
“Willie’s parents are still a strong voice for San Diego families as violence continues 20 years later. It is as critical now as it was when he was killed to address this continuing assault in our country.
"Willie and Rose deserve a vote.” EMBARGOED


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