Contact JITEC




JITEC Mission

Educate, train, and exercise Department of Defense and Joint Intergovernmental, Interagency, and Multi-national spectrum partners/organizations in conjunction with on-going Homeland Defense operations in accordance with guidance from National Guard Bureau and stated interagency requirements.

The Joint Interagency Training and Education Center (JITEC) provides Homeland Security training to Department of Defense (DoD) assets, Government Agencies, and First Responders around the United States. The training provides formal instruction and mentorship in assessing, identifying, and prioritizing Homeland Security measures. JITEC conducts in house training, which is held within West Virginia, and also has a Mobile Training Team (MTT), which conducts training outside the state of West Virginia.

Scheduling your training or event with JITEC at Camp Dawson is made simple by our excellent support staff. We make it possible by hosting Joint, Interagency, and Community based support for prevention and deterrence activities that also facilitate better preparedness. Your JITEC Representative will coordinate it all. The information provided below is made available in order to assist you when requesting facilities through your representative. To schedule facilities and/or inquire about availability and cost of facilities, please see the contact page.