Site Description
Station Information
Category: Marine
Collaborating Institutes:
Status: Deployed November, 2004
Site Info: Contacts:
Dr. Olga L. Mayol-Bracero
Office:+1 (787) 764-0000 ext. 3430
Lab: +1 (787) 764-0000 ext. 2526
fax: +1 (787) 772-1481

Regular Mail Address
Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies (ITES)
University of Puerto Rico
PO Box 21910
San Juan PR 00931-1910 USA

FedEx Address
Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies (ITES)
University of Puerto Rico
Anexo Facundo Bueso
Office #207
Rio Piedras, PR 00931 USA

Goals and Objectives of CSJ measurements

NOAA/CMDL and the University of Puerto Rico are cooperating to measure aerosol optical properties in the Caribbean. The aerosol instrumentation deployed will be similar to that at some of NOAA/CMDLs baseline stations (e.g., MLO). Initially, the deployment will be part of two larger field studies RICO - Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean Experiment and PRACS (Puerto Rico Aerosols and Clouds Experiment).
Some of the objectives of these studies are:
  • To gain a better understanding of the chemical, physical and optical properties of tropical marine organic aerosols
  • To gain a better understanding of how marine organic aerosols affect tropical clouds and climate

The aerosol instruments will remain at CSJ for approximately 1 year so that seasonal variability of the aerosol optical properties can be studied. The instruments will be located at the facilities of the natural reserve of Cabezas de San Juan (Cape San Juan) which are protected by the Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico.

CPR Aerosol Properties Plots

These plots are designed to provide a quick look at the measured aerosol properties. They display raw unedited data, but known corrections for instrument errors have been applied.

Do not quote or cite.

Atmospheric Properties

Short Term Plots (smoothed corrected, 6 min. averages, includes up to last 48 hours of data transferred to GMD): Long-term Plots (smoothed corrected, hourly averages, last 30 days of data):

CPR System Status

These plots are designed to allow NOAA/ESRL/GMD staff to review current station operations. Feel free to browse these plots, but be aware that they are raw unedited data.

Most Recent Atmospheric Properties:
  • Extensive Parameter Summary (scattering, absorption, condensation nuclei)
  • Intensive Parameter Summary (single scattering albedo, backscattering fraction, Ångström exponent)
  • Light Scattering and Absorption Coefficients
  • Light scattering, Humidified Nephelometer
  • Aerosol Intensive Properties, Humidified Nephelometer
  • f(RH) (ratio of wet to dry nephelometer scattering coefficients vs. time)
  • Fitted f(RH)
  • Humidograph (ratio of wet to dry nephelometer scattering coefficients vs. relative humidity)
  • CN concentrations
  • Wind speed and direction
  • 3w_Bap
Short Term Status PlotsLong Term Status Plots