SOUTH DAKOTA Department of
Environment & Natural Resources

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Sara Title III
Picture of a Community
(Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act)                                                            

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     Program Info


     Section 302/303 Reporting

     Section 311 Reporting

     Tier II Reporting


  • List of some Tier II Reportable Chemicals (pdf format)

Fertilizer Reporting - Is my fertilizer storage exempt? 

Battery Reporting

     Toxics Release Inventory (TRI ) Reporting
    Frequently Asked Questions

Why are SARA Title III regulations important?

In 1986, Congress passed the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) as a response to the chemical accident in Bhopal, India. This was the incident in which a toxic gas, methyl isocyanate, escaped from an industrial plant and killed or injured more than 1,000 people. Title III of SARA, also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, establishes the public's right to know what chemicals are stored in their communities. It also requires state and local governments to establish local committees to identify hazardous materials and to plan for responding to releases of the materials.

What are the regulations that apply?

The federal regulations governing SARA Title III are found in 40 CFR 300-355 [get the Adobe Acrobat Reader here]. Related state statutes are found in South Dakota Codified Law 1-50.

Who has to report?

Any business which stores, uses, or releases hazardous materials may be required to comply with one or more provision of SARA Title III. This federal act focuses on local emergency planning and on the public's right of access to information about the chemicals stored or used in the community. South Dakota has developed a Small Business Compliance Guide for fulfilling these requirements. Download the document Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Format, 475 KB. You can also contact Trish Kindt at (800) 433-2288 or E-mail to request a hard copy.


The emergency planning notification requirements are related to the amount of a specific material stored by a number known as a Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ). This threshold amount applies to any chemical on the Extremely Hazardous Substances ListIt is based on acute toxicity and ranges from 10 to several thousand pounds.  Business locations that store more than the threshold amount of an Extremely Hazardous Substance are required to inform the state, a local planning committee and the fire department which has jurisdiction at the facility.  This notification must include a designated facility coordinator.


Other hazardous materials such as petroleum products, solvents, and most compressed gases, are subject to a second type of threshold. These materials must be reported if the amount located on site exceeds 10,000 pounds at any one time during the calendar year. The annual reports that include these hazardous materials along with any extremely hazardous substances stored at a business location is called the Tier II Emergency & Hazardous Chemical Inventory.


Certain facilities must also comply with the Toxic Release Inventory by submitting an annual report to EPA and to the state. These reports can be submitted either on Form R or Form A depending on the amount of waste the facility produces. These facilities must have ten or more employees, and use more than threshold amounts of listed chemicals per year. Originally, this provision applied only to manufacturing and processing facilities with a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code of 2000 to 3999, but EPA expanded it to cover additional industry groups beginning with the 1998 reporting year. The new industry groups include metal mining, coal mining, coal and oil fired electric utilities, chemical wholesale facilities, petroleum bulk stations and terminals, RCRA Subtitle C facilities, and waste solvent recyclers. Data reported by reporting facilities around the country is found in Envirofacts on the Environmental Protection Agency's web site.


SARA Title III also requires a business or individual to report releases of substances with a federally designated Reportable Quantity if the release exceeds that amount in any 24-hour period. See South Dakota's spill reporting procedures. These quantities range from one pound to several thousand pounds. EPA has compiled a list of these substances and the lists mentioned above into the "Lists of Lists (PDF Format).

Farmers and Title III

Where do I get more information about SARA Title III?

The department has a toll-free number to help businesses get the information they need to comply with SARA Title III. If you have questions, contact Trish Kindt at (800) 433-2288 or E-mail