The Grantsmanship Center
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GrantDomain- The Grantsmanship Center'ssm Databases of Funding Sources


GrantDomain is a user-friendly, affordable tool that gives grantseekers instant access to databases containing the full range of funding opportunities available to them.

GrantDomain's databases contain the most genuinely useful information available on government, foundation and corporate funding sources. Subscribers receive access to all three databases at far less cost than other services charge for databases covering only one kind of funding source.

Click on the "Federal," "Foundation," and "Corporate" tabs for more information about each of the databases, including sample funder profiles and guided tours.

Purchasing a GrantDomain account is quick and easy. You may pay by check, purchase order, or credit card- and GrantDomain comes with a money-back guarantee. Try GrantDomain for 30 days and if you're not completely satisfied, we'll refund your payment- no questions asked. The price of GrantDomain is $495 for 1 year, $695 for 2 years and $795 for 3 years.

Questions? Check out the "FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions) tab to see if your question has been addressed. You can also send an email or call The Grantsmanship Centersm at 213-482-9860 and ask for the GrantDomain Help Desk. If you would like to speak to a Customer Service Representative about purchasing GrantDomain, send an email with your contact info and a Representative will call you.


Federal Funding
Government agencies offer new grant opportunities every working day. Our staff of professional researchers identify and post these grants in our federal grants database as soon as they are announced. You can search the database by:

  • Announcement date
  • Funding agency
  • Keywords
  • Program area
  • Program title
  • CFDA number

The summary information is clear and easy to use, so you'll quickly know if this is a grant worth pursuing. And every grant listed is keyed to a continually updated calendar of proposal deadlines-making it much more convenient to plan ahead. You can easily see which competitions are still open or scan through closed competitions to anticipate when programs will be announced again. In addition, you'll have access to our extensive network of quick-links, connecting you directly with the key pages at federal and state funding sites. (No need to search through hundreds of websites, bookmarking pages on your own.)

As a bonus feature, you'll get daily updates with new program announcements, news of changes in the federal grantmaking process and other important issues that impact grantees. Other grantseekers pay thousands of dollars annually for comparable government grant information services.

Click here to view a snapshot of a sample federal grant announcement.

Click here to take a guided tour of the federal grant database.


Foundation Grants
Searching for foundation grants can be time-consuming and expensive. Reference books covering foundations often cost hundreds of dollars each. The annual fees for online reference services range from $350 to $1,000-and up. Unlike other grant information services, GrantDomain pre-screens foundations to ensure that they have a staff, issue RFPs, or otherwise indicate an interest in receiving proposals. In other words, we've targeted those foundations that will actually consider your application for funding. You won't come up with dead-end leads. And you won't have to plow through mounds of useless data from small family foundations that give only to pre-selected recipients and never make grants to organizations like yours. You can search GrantDomain's foundation database by:

  • Foundation name
  • Geographic giving preference
  • Program area
  • Types of support
  • Keywords

In addition, GrantDomain gives you new foundation RFPs, posted daily. And our foundation news updates will keep you abreast of changing priorities and new initiatives at the foundations in which you and your organization have a special interest.

Click here to view a snapshot of a sample foundation profile.

Click here to take a guided tour of the grantmaking foundation database.


Corporate Giving
GrantDomain's corporate giving database is the only one of its kind, covering more than 1,200 corporations and another 1,000 corporate foundations. Corporate giving is usually based on location, so this database helps you target all the major companies located, or with interests in your community. You'll find out who they are and what kinds of charitable programs they have, including:

  • Direct corporate giving
  • Matching gifts
  • Donations of goods and services
  • Volunteering

With GrantDomain's geographic search function, you'll discover companies you may not have even know had operations in your community. You can search by:

  • Company name
  • Keywords
  • City, county, or zip code to find companies with headquarters, branches or subsidiaries in your area

Click here to view a snapshot of a sample corporate giving profile.

Click here to take a guided tour of the corporate giving database.

How does GrantDomain compare to other funding information services?
Most funding databases focus on a single kind of funding source—government, foundation or corporate. Grant Domain covers all three. It provides reliable, up-to-date information about foundation grants, corporate giving, and government funding—and it costs far less than services that cover just one kind of funding source.

What's the difference between GrantDomain and Alumni Membership?
GrantDomain is a subscription service available to the public. Membership is an alumni program available only to graduates of The Grantsmanship Center'ssm Grantsmanship Training Both GrantDomain and Alumni Membership provide access to The Grantsmanship Center'ssm exclusive online databases covering government, foundation, and corporate funding sources. Membership also includes other benefits and services, which are described here.

The website already posts federal grant announcements. How does that service differ from GrantDomain's coverage of federal funding?
The grant announcements posted at are drawn solely from the daily Federal Register. At GrantDomain, we post federal grant announcements from all available sources, including the Federal Register, agency websites, grantmaker email alerts, and a host of other resources. Even the federal government's own “comprehensive” portal fails to capture important information that GrantDomain includes. And GrantDomain's listings are searchable by funding agency, keyword, program area, program title, CFDA number, and announcement date. There is also an advanced search function that allows you to combine these options.

What are the criteria you use for selecting the foundations that you include in your database?
GrantDomain's foundation database includes more than 4,700 foundations, all of which have been carefully pre-screened to ensure that they have a staff, issue RFPs or otherwise indicate an interest in receiving proposals. In other words, we target those foundations that will actually consider your application for funding. You won't come up with dead-end leads. And you won't have to plow though mounds of useless data from small family foundations that give only to pre-selected recipients and never make grants to organizations like yours.

Have more questions? Send us an email or give us a call at 213-482-9860.

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