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An official website of the United States Government.

Insurance FAQs

Service Standards

  • Because the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) administers the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program, the largest employer-sponsored health insurance program in the world, we believe we have a commitment to you. Following are the standards we follow:
    • Your choice of health benefits plans will compare favorably for value and selection with the private sector.  
    • When you use the Guide to Federal Benefits and plan benefit brochures, you will find they are clear, factual and give you the information you need.  
    • When you change plans or options, your new plan will issue your identification card within 15 calendar days after it gets your enrollment form from your agency or retirement system.  
    • Your fee-for-service plan should pay your claims within 20 work days; if more information is needed, it should pay within 60 calendar days.  
    • If you ask us to review a claim dispute with your plan, our decision will be fair and easy to understand, and we'll send it to you within 60 calendar days. If you need to do more before we can review a claim dispute, we will tell you within 14 work days what you still need to do.  
    • When you write to us about other matters, we will respond within 30 calendar days after we get your letter. If we need time to give you a complete response, we will let you know.
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