Interlibrary Loan

Most published materials you need are available either from the BLM Library's collection or through the interlibrary loan process. Through the OCLC interlibrary loan subsystem, we have access to library collections of all types throughout the world. Response time for loans varies from 2 days to 2 weeks, with harder-to-locate items taking longer.

The length of an interlibrary loan is set by the lending library. Due dates can be extended if the lending library policy allows for renewals. To assist us in remaining in good standing with other libraries, loan extensions should be requested before the due date indicated.

Request for documents or journal articles should include as much information as possible in the citations.

To request an interlibrary loan:

Contact: David Woodworth
Phone: 303-236-6434 (one citation only)
FAX: 303-236-4810 (for longer lists)

If you have any problems sending e-mail to us from this page, please consult your local computer support.

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