About the Wyoming Department of Family Services

Our mission

The Wyoming Department of Family Services is dedicated to promoting the safety, well-being and self-sufficiency of families through community partnerships.

Our vision

A department that is recognized for its professionalism, where client needs define the skills for individual workers, and where the skills of supervisors, field managers, consultants and administrators are better suited to those functions, where respect and appreciation define the culture, and where people support each other while holding each other accountable.

DFS By the Numbers

DFS employs 813 people in 29 offices across the state.

On average, Economic Assistance serves 68,940 people a month with nutrition support and home heating help; Child Support Enforcement serves 110,000 people annually; Juvenile Services serves 2,350 youth annually and Protective Services works with 6,000 people annually.

The agency's total operating budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 is $278 million. Of that, $167 million come from the state's general fund. Another $101 million are federal dollars and another $10 million comes from special revenue funding.

The Wyoming Boys' School budget is $13.7 million and the Wyoming Girls' School budget is $10.8 million. Both schools use a mix of federal and general fund dollars.