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Power Rates
September 04, 2002
FB CRAC Public Forum / Workshop
(updated on September 4, 2002)

Workshop Materials/Handouts
  1. August 15, 2002 Letter
    (public forum / workshop announcement)

    (PDF, 14 kb, posted August 16, 2002)
  2. August 29, 2002 Letter
    (FB CRAC notification to rate case parties and customers)

    (PDF, 25 kb, posted August 29, 2002)
  3. Workshop Agenda
    (PDF, 10 kb, posted September 4, 2002)
  4. July 2, 2002 Forecast of Future LB CRAC Percentages, Slice and non-Slice Rate Increases
    (PDF, 8 kb, posted July 3, 2002)
    (Forecasts for April 2003 - September 2006)
    [Notes: This document was originally posted in response to a request at the June 20, 2002 LB CRAC workshop. These forecasts are only estimates and they absolutely will change.]
  5. Pages 19-24 of the 2002 General Rate Schedule Provisions (FB CRAC)
    (PDF, 23 kb, posted September 4, 2002)
  6. BPA FY 2002 Third Quarter Financial Review
    (posted August 29, 2002)
  7. PBL Generation Accumulated Net Revenues Forecast
    (PDF, 14 kb, updated August 30, 2002)
  8. Power Business Line Summary of Net Revenues / FY 2002 Third Quarter Review Forecast
    (PDF, 12 kb, posted September 4, 2002)
  9. Summary of Sales and Revenues / FY 2002 Third Quarter Review Forecast
    (PDF, 12 kb, posted September 4, 2002)

Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  September 4, 2002.
Content originally provided by:  Michael Normandeau, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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