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2003 SN CRAC (SN-03) Expedited Rate Case
ToolKit Model for
SN-03 Final Proposal

(Treasury Payment Probability Calculation)
(posted on July 10, 2003)

Summary: The model described on this page is the one used by BPA to determine the Treasury Payment Probability, Thresholds and Caps for the SN-03 Final Proposal. These source files represent the output found in Chapter 7 - SN CRAC Design (PDF, 16 pages, 137 kb) of the SN-03 Final Study Documentation (SN-03-FS-BPA-02).

Contact Person: Byrne Lovell, BPA Strategic Planning, (503) 230-3930, belovell@bpa.gov

Instructions: The model consists of three Excel files and instructions (PDF file) that can be downloaded individually (below) or as a single compressed (self-extracting) file (.EXE file, 1.30 MB).   After the compressed file has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed by double-clicking on the file (total expanded size = 4.13 MB).   [Note: A .zip version of the same package of files (also # MB) is also available for those who cannot download .exe files.]

If you wish to download the files individually, and your web browser is configured to open Excel files within the browser, click on the links below with your right mouse button and select "Save Target As" to download.

Place all three Excel files into a common folder and launch the SN CRAC ToolKit Model Excel file first. The PBL and TBL input files will be linked automatically. If for any reason Excel does not locate these files, a dialogue box will appear and request that these files be linked to the ToolKit Model.

Instructions (PDF, 78 kb)

Final Proposal Model

  1. SN CRAC ToolKit Model Variable, Flat SN CRAC, 80% TPP
    (TK_187_SN-03_FS3_BPA-Prop_Variable_Flat_SNN_24-Jun-03.xls, 3.1 MB)

Data Input Files (required to run the above model)

  1. PBL Annual Net Revenue input file
    (RM_June19_Final.xls, 692 kb)
  2. TBL input file
    (TBL_MAY_PBLMC_TOOLKIT_Tx_RESERVES_DATA_5-29-03.xls, 340 kb)

Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  July 10, 2003.
Content originally provided by:  Michael Normandeau, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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