Urban Institute nonprofit social and economic policy research
February 15, 2013


President Obama and Jack Lew

Desperately Needed: A Strong Treasury Department

Gene Steuerle reflects on President Obama's nomination of Jack Lew for Treasury Secretary and the role the Treasury has played in forging fiscal policy. Read More

MetroTrends Data Dashboard

MetroTrends Announces New Data Dashboard

The Great Recession and slow recovery created unique ups, downs, and shifts in the nation's 366 metropolitan areas. The new MetroTrends Data Dashboard transforms complex datasets about jobs, housing, crime, and demographics into easily accessible, interactive charts and maps. Visit the Dashboard to uncover your city's circumstances, make comparisons to other locales or the entire nation, and follow changes over time.

Fiscal Democracy Index

The Decline of Fiscal Democracy in America

On January 3, 2013, the 113th session of Congress opened with a fiscal cliff averted, but a country still stuck in a less-recognized fiscal bind. UI Fellow Eugene Steuerle explores a major reason recent Congresses have been so dysfunctional in the first of three videos on fiscal democracy. Watch the Video.

48% Decrease in Number of Uninsured by Medicaid Expansion under the ACA

The Cost & Coverage Implications of the ACA Medicaid Expansion

Following the June 2012 Supreme Court decision, states must choose whether to adopt the Medicaid expansion. Their choices will have enormous consequences for health coverage of low-income people. UI researchers provide state-by-state estimates of the impact of the ACA on federal and state Medicaid costs, Medicaid enrollment, and the number of uninsured. Read More.