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Spirit Mars Rover in 'McMurdo' Panorama Read article 'NASA's Veteran Mars Rover Ready to Start 10th Year'  
Spirit Mars Rover in 'McMurdo' Panorama >> NASA's Veteran Mars Rover Ready to Start 10th Year >>  
What's New - Rover Features

View the release 'Opportunity Investigation Target Opportunity Investigation Target "Onaping"
This image from the front hazard-avoidance camera (Hazcam) on the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the rover's arm extended for examination of a target called "Onaping" at the base of an outcrop called "Copper Cliff" in the Matijevic Hill area of the west rim of Endeavour Crater. >>
View the release 'NASA Opportunity Rover Does Walkabout of Crater Rim' NASA Opportunity Rover Does Walkabout of Crater Rim
The latest work assignment for NASA's long-lived Mars rover Opportunity is a further examination of an area where the robot just completed a walkabout. >>
View the release ''Matijevic Hill' on Rim of Mars' Endeavour Crater, (Stereo View)' 'Whitewater Lake' Rock Viewed by Opportunity
A rind that appears bluish in this false-color view covers portions of the surface of a rock called "Whitewater Lake" in the top half of the view from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. >>
View the release '<NoTitle> 'Matijevic Hill' on Rim of Mars' Endeavour Crater, (Stereo View)
On the horizon in the right half of this panoramic view is an area of Mars informally named "Matijevic Hill," in commemoration of an influential rover-team leader. >>
View the release 'Mars Rover Opportunity Working At 'Matijevic Hill' Mars Rover Opportunity Working At 'Matijevic Hill'
NASA's Mars rover Opportunity, well into its ninth year on Mars, will work for the next several weeks or months at a site with some of the mission's most intriguing geological features. >>
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View the video 'Opportunity on Mars: Eight years and counting'
Opportunity on Mars: Eight years and counting
View the video 'Mars in a Minute: How Do You Get to Mars?'
Mars in a Minute:
How Do You Get to Mars?
View the video 'Mars in a Minute: Is Mars Really Red?'
Mars in a Minute:
Is Mars Really Red?
View the video 'Rover's Eye View of Three-Year Trek on Mars'
Rover's Eye View of Three-Year Trek on Mars
View the video 'Spirit's Snapshots of Mars'
Spirit's Snapshots of Mars
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