Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management RWU-4157

News and Events

Check out our new publications, webinars, workshops and events!

Sustaining Young Forest Communities: Ecology and Management of Early Successional Habitats in the Central Hardwood Region, USAPublication: New Book - Sustaining Young Forest Communities: Ecology and Management of Early Successional Habitats in the Central Hardwood Region, USA

Publication: Researching Effects of Prescribed Fire in Hardwood Forests

Publication: Indiana Bat Summer Maternity Distribution: Effects of Current and Future Climates

Publication: Acorn Viability Following Prescribed Fire in Upland Hardwood Forests


American Chestnut

The Restoration of the American Chestnut located at www.forestrywebinars.net

Workshops and events

April 16 - 17, 2013, Prescribed Fire and Indiana Bats Workshop at Fontana Dam, NC

"Upland Hardwood Silviculture Workshop" at Bent Creek Experimental Forest, Asheville, NC

Group of people in a hardwood forest.

Research Scientists from the US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, and Universities will be conducting a three day workshop for resource managers working in upland hardwood forsets. Workskhop participants will learn more about oak ecology and silvicultural techniques to regenerate oak and other upland hardwood species. The three day workshop will include indoor lecture and field trips. More information will be available soon.

Online Course - Upland Hardwood Silviculture

The Upland Hardwood Silviculture course that is taught at Bent Creek is now available online. Hosted by the Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management unit, the course is geared toward professional foresters and natural resource specialists. Click here to learn more.



Picture of Upland Hardwoods

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop and disseminate knowledge and strategies for restoring, managing, sustaining, and enhancing the vegetation and wildlife of southern upland hardwood forests. Through experimental studies and modeling, our research program focuses on learning and predicting how upland hardwood-dominated forests and wildlife are affected by natural disturbances or silvicultural activities. We also study how forest composition, regeneration, productivity, and response to disturbances differ across changing environmental conditions such as moisture and fertility gradients.

Understanding the range of responses will enable land managers to better predict changes in forest structure, composition, tree regeneration, productivity, and habitat quality and to develop scientifically-based methods to meet their management and restoration goals.

Our Locations

Our RWU is one of 16 maintained under the Southern Research Station by the USDA Forest Service.

Our research teams are located across the south, strategically placed to conduct research in physiographic subregions of the upland hardwood ecosystems including the southern Appalachian Mountains, the Cumberland Plateau, the Boston Mountains, Missouri Plateau and Huntsville, AL.

Our Scientists and Staff

For a list of scientists and staff of these units, click here.

Our Partners

Our research partners and collaborators include universities and colleges, State forestry and wildlife agencies, national forests, and many others.

News & Events

New Book - Sustaining Young Forest Communities: Ecology and Management of Early Successional Habitats in the Central Hardwood Region, USA

Sustaining Young Forest Communities: Ecology and Management of Early Successional Habitats in the Central Hardwood Region, USA

There is a rising concern among natural resource scientists and managers about decline of the many plant and animal species associated with early successional habitats. There is no concise definition of early successional habitats. However, all have a well developed ground cover or shrub and young tree component, lack a closed, mature tree canopy, and are created or maintained by intense or recurring disturbances. Most ecologists and environmentalists agree that disturbances and early successional habitats are important to maintain the diverse flora and fauna native to deciduous eastern forests. Indeed, many species, including several listed as endangered, threatened, sensitive, or of management concern, require the openness and thick cover that early successional habitats can provide. Management of early successional habitats can be based on the "historic natural range of variation", or can involve active forest management based on goals. In this book, expert scientists and experienced land managers synthesize knowledge and original scientific work to address critical questions on many topics related to early successional habitats in the Central Hardwood Region. Our aim is to collate information about early successional habitats, to aid researchers and resource management professionals in their quest to sustain wildlife and plant species that depend on or utilize these habitats.

Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management

Upland Hardwood
Ecology and
Bent Creek Experimental
1577 Brevard Rd.
Asheville, NC 28806

(828) 667-5261 Ph
(828) 667-9097 Fax