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Eric Stach

Electron Microscopy Group Leader

Eric Stach leads the Electron Microscopy Group in the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Virginia. He has held positions as Staff Scientist and Principal Investigator at the National Center for Electron Microscopy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and as Associate then Full Professor at Purdue University, where he retains an Adjunct appointment.

His research interests focus on the development and application of electron microscopy techniques to solve materials problems in nanostructure growth, catalysis, thin film growth and materials deformation. Dr. Stach has received several awards, among them the Microscopy Society of America's Eli F. Burton (Young Scientist) Award, and Purdue University's Faculty Scholar and Early Career Research Excellence Awards. He is the author of over 120 peer-reviewed publications, and has given over 100 invited presentations at conferences and university, corporate and national laboratories.


  • Ph.D. 1998: Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia
  • M.S. 1994: Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington
  • B.S. 1992: Mechanical Engineering, Duke University

All Publications:

  • Enhancing the catalytic performance of Pt/C catalysts using steam-etched carbon blacks as a catalyst support; M.X. Wang, F. Xu, Q. Liu, H.F. Sun, R.H. Cheng, H. He, E.A. Stach and J.A. Xie, Carbon, 49, 256-265, 2011.
  • Controlled growth of ordered nanopore arrays with GaN nanorods; I. Wildeson, D. Ewoldt, R. Colby, E.A. Stach, and T.D. Sands, Nano Letters.
  • Step-flow kinetics in nanowire growth; C.-Y. Wen, J. Tersoff, M. C. Reuter, E. A. Stach, and F. M. Ross, Phys. Rev. Lett, 105, 195502, 2010.
  • Fabrication of 7.2% Efficient CZTSSe Solar Cells Using CZTS Nanocrystals; Qijie Guo, Grayson M. Ford, Wei-Chang Yang, Bryce C. Walker, Eric A. Stach, Hugh W. Hillhouse, and Rakesh Agrawal, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 17384-17386, 2010.
  • Biogenic aqueous-phase palladium crystallization on tobacco mosaic virus without an additional chemical reduction agent; Jung-Sun Lim, Seung-Min Kim, Sang-Yup Lee, Eric A. Stach, James N. Culver and Michael T. Harris, Nano Letters 10, 3863-3967, 2010.
  • Metallic corner atoms in gold clusters are the dominant active site for rutile supported water-gas shift catalysts; W. Damion Williams, Mayank Shekhar, Wen-Sheng Lee, Vincent Kispersky, W. Nicholas Delgass, Fabio H. Ribeiro, Seung Min Kim, Eric A. Stach, Jeffrey T. Miller, Lawrence F. Allard Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132 (40), 14108-14120, 2010.
  • Empirical Study of Hall Bars on Few-Layer Graphene on C-Face 4H-SiC, J. Elect. Mat., 39, 2969-2701, 2010.
  • Investigation of carbon corrosion in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using steam etching; M.X. Wang, Q. Liu, H.F. Sun, N. Ogbeifun, F. Xu, E.A. Stach and J.A. Xie, Mater. Chem. Phys., 123, 761-766, 2010.
  • Nucleation of highly dense nanoscale precipitates based on warm laser shock peening; Yiliang Liao, Chang Ye, Bong-Joong Kim, Sergey Suslov, Eric Stach and Gary J.Cheng, J. Appl. Phys., 108, 063518, 2010.
  • Wear mechanisms and friction parameters for sliding wear of micron-scale polysilicon sidewalls, D. H. Alsem, R. van der Hulst, E. A. Stach, M. T. Dugger, J. Th. M. De Hosson, and R. O. Ritchie, Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 163, 373-382 (2010).
  • GaN nanostructure design for optimal dislocation filtering; Zhiwen Liang, Robert Colby, Isaac H. Wildeson, David A. Ewoldt, Timothy D. Sands, Eric A. Stach and R. Edwin Garcia, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 074313, 2010.
  • III-nitride nanopyramid LEDs grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy; Isaac H. Wildeson, Robert Colby, David A. Ewoldt, Zhiwen Liang, Dmitri N. Zakharov, Nestor Zaluzec, R. Edwin Garcia, Eric A. Stach and Timothy D. Sands, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 044303, 2010.
  • Catalyst and catalyst support morphology evolution in single-walled carbon nanotube supergrowth: growth deceleration and termination; Seung-Min Kim, Cary L. Pint, Placidus B. Amama, Robert H. Hauge, Benji Maruyama and Eric A. Stach, J. Mater. Res., 25, 1875, 2010.
  • Genesis and evolution of Pt species during atomic layer deposition on oxide supports characterized by in-situ XAFS analysis and Water Gas Shift reaction of model Pt catalysts; Worajit Setthapun, W. Damion Williams, Seung Min Kim, Hao Feng, Jeffrey W. Elam, Federico A. Rabuffetti, Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier, Peter C. Stair, Eric A. Stach, Fabio H. Ribeiro, Jeffrey T. Miller and Christopher L. Marshall, J. Phys. Chem. C., 114(21), 9758-9771, 2010.
  • The growth and characterization of Si and Ge nanowires grown from reactive metal catalysts; F. M. Ross, C.-Y. Wen, E. A. Stach, B. A. Wacaser and M. C. Reuter, Philosophical Magazine, 90(20), 2807-2816, 2010.
  • Transmission electron microscopy observation of corrosion behaviors of platinized carbon blacks under thermal and electrochemical conditions; Z. Y. Liu, J. L. Zhang, P. T. Yu, J. X. Zhang, R. Makharia, K. L. More and E. A. Stach, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157(6), B906-913, 2010.
  • Dislocation filtering in GaN nanostructures demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy and numerical analysis; R. Colby, Z. Liang, I. Wildeson, T. Sands, R.E. García and E.A. Stach, Nano Letters, 10, 1568–1573, 2010.
  • Comment on “Size-Dependent Melting Properties of Small Tin Particles: Nanocalorimetric Measurementsâ€ÂÂ�, J. Koppes, A. Muza, C. Handwerker and E.A. Stach, Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 189601, 2010.
  • Acceleration of interparticle sintering by Ag migration in Cu-Ag core-shell nanoparticles; Suk Jun Kim, Eric A. Stach, and Carol A. Handwerker, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 144101, 2010.
  • Mechanistic insights into the thermal decomposition of dodecamolybdophosphoric acid; Hari Nair, Jeffery T. Miller, Eric A. Stach and Chelsey D. Baertsch, J. Catalysis, 270(1), 40-47, 2010.
  • Formation of Au/Pd alloy nanoparticles on TMV, Jung-Sun Lim, Seung-Min Kim, Sang Yup Lee, Eric Stach, J. Culver and Michael Harris, J. Nanomaterials, 620505, 2010.
  • The effects of cubic stiffness on fatigue characterization resonator performance; M. Budnitzki, M.C. Scates, R.O. Ritchie, E.A. Stach, C.L. Muhlstein and O.N. Pierron, Sensors and Actuators, 157(2), 228-234, 2010.
  • Large scale graphene films synthesized on metals and transferred to insulators for electronic applications; Helin Cao, Qingkai Yu, Deepak Pandey, Dmitry Zemlyanov, Robert Colby, Isaac Childres, Vladimir Drachev, Eric Stach, Jie Lian, Hao Li, Steven S. Pei and Yong P. Chen, J. Appl. Phys., 107, 044310, 2010.
  • Influence of alumina type on the evolution and activity of alumina-supported Fe catalysts in single-walled carbon nanotube carpet growth; Placidus B. Amama, Cary L. Pint, Seung Min Kim, Laura McJilton, Kurt G. Eyink, Eric A. Stach, Robert H. Hauge, Benji Maruyama, ACS Nano, 4(2), 895-904, 2010.
  • Evolution in catalyst morphology leads to carbon nanotube growth termination; Seung Min Kim, Cary L. Pint, Placidus B. Amama, Dmitri N. Zakharov, Robert H. Hauge, Benji Maruyama, and Eric A. Stach, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1, 918-922, 2010.
  • Structure, growth kinetics and ledge flow during vapor-solid-solid growth of copper-catalyzed silicon nanowires; C.-Y. Wen, M. C. Reuter, J. Tersoff, E. A. Stach and F. M. Ross, Nano Letters, Nano Lett., 10 (2), 514–519, 2010.
  • Biomagnetic glasses: preparation, characterization and biosensor applications, Yu-Ho Won, Ho Seong Jang, Seung Min Kim, Millikarunarao Ganesana, Eric Stach, Silvana Andreescu, and Lia Stanciu, Langmuir, 26(6), 4320-4326, 2010.
  • Quantitative study of Au(III) and Pd(II) ion biosorption on genetically engineered tobacco mosaic virus; Jung-Sun Lim; Seung-Min Kim; Sang-Yup Lee; Eric A Stach; James N Culver, Michael T. Harris, J. Colloid & Interface Science, 342, 455-461, 2010.
  • Formation of the ST12 phase in nanocrystalline Ge at ambient pressures; Suk Jun Kim, Ong Khac Quy, Ling-Shao Chang, Eric A. Stach, Carol A. Handwerker and Alexander Wei, J. Mater. Chem., 20, 331 – 337, 2010.
  • Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy of thin graphite films grown by chemical vapor deposition, Robert Colby, Helin Cao, Qingkai Yu, Steven S. Pei, Eric A. Stach, Yong P. Chen, Diamond and Related Materials, 19, 143-146, 2010.
  • Formation of compositionally abrupt axial heterojunctions in Si/Ge nanowires, C.-Y. Wen, M. C. Reuter, J. Bruley, J. Tersoff, S. Kodambaka, E. A. Stach and F. M. Ross, Science, 326, 1247 2009.
  • Size effects in the phase transition of nanoscale Au-Si eutectic; B. J. Kim, J. Tersoff, C.Y. Wen, M. C. Reuter, E. A. Stach and F.M. Ross, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 155701, 2009.
  • Preferential growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes with metallic conductivity; Avetik R. Harutyunyan, Gugang Chen, Elena M. Pigos, Oleg A. Kuznetsov, Tereza Paronyan, Kapila Hewaparakrama, Seung Min Kim, Dmitri Zakharov, Eric A. Stach and Gamini Sumanasekera, Science, 326, 116, 2009.
  • Nanogap engineering – an investigation of polyethyleneimine to control the growth front morphology of electrochemically deposited gold nanowires; Manuel DaSilva, Daniel S. Wood, Matthew M. Schneider, Bong-Joong Kim, Eric A. Stach and Timothy D. Sands, Small, 5(21), 2387-2391, 2009.
  • Fabrication of ZnS nanoparticle chains on a protein template, S. Padalkar, J. Hulleman, S. M. Kim, T. Tumkur, J.-C. Rochet, E. Stach and L. Stanciu, J. Nanoparticle Res., 11(8), 2031-2041, 2009.
  • Pseudomorphic stabilization of rocksalt GaN in TiN/GaN multilayers and superlattices, Vijay Rawat, Dmitri N. Zakharov, Eric A. Stach, and Timothy D. Sands, Phys. Rev. B 80, 024114, 2009.
  • 0.8 V supply voltage deep submicron inversion-mode In0.75Ga0.25As MOSFETs for high-speed low-power logic applications; Y.Q. Wu, W.K. Wang, O. Koybasi, D.N. Zakharov, E. Stach, S. Nakahara, J.C.M. Hwang, and P.D. Ye, IEEE Elect. Dev. Lett., 30, 700-702, 2009.
  • An efficient, scalable approach to the rapid reduction of high density layers of surface-supported metal-oxide catalyst with hydrazine vapor; Cary L. Pint, Seung Min Kim, Eric A. Stach, and Robert H. Hauge, ACS Nano, 3(7)1897-1905, 2009.
  • Stabilizing nanostructured materials by coherent nano-twins and their grain-boundary triple junction drag; C. Saldana, T. G. Murthy, M. R. Shankar, E. A. Stach and S. Chandrasekar , Applied Physics Letters, 94, 021910, 2009.
  • The role of water in super growth of single-walled carbon nanotube carpets; Placidus B. Amama, Cary Pint, Laura McJilton, Seung Min Kim, Eric A. Stach, P. Terry Murray, Robert H. Hauge, and Benji Maruyama, Nano Letters, 9(1), 44-49, 2009.
  • Kinetics of individual nucleation events observed in nanoscale vapor-liquid-solid growth; B. J. Kim, J. Tersoff, S. Kodambaka, M. C. Reuter, E. A. Stach and F. M. Ross, Science, 322, 1070-73, 2008.
  • Nanometer-scale sharpness in corner-overgrown heterostructures; L. Steinke, P. Cantwell, D. Zakharov, E. Stach, N. J. Zaluzec, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, M. Bichler, G. Abstreiter, and M. Grayson, Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 193117 , 2008.
  • Micron-scale friction and sliding wear of polycrystalline silicon thin structural films in ambient air; D.H. Alsem, M.T. Dugger, E.A. Stach and R.O. Ritchie, J. Microelectromechanical Systems, 17(5), 1144 - 1154, 2008.
  • Double-walled boron nitride nanotubes grown by floating chemical vapor deposition; M. J. Kim, S. Chatterjee, S. M. Kim, E. A. Stach, M. Bradley, M. Pender, L. Sneddon and B. Maruyama, Nano Letters, 8(10); 3298-3302, 2008.
  • Development of CuInSe2 nanocrystal and nanoring inks for low-cost solar cells; Qijie Guo, Suk Jun Kim, Mahaprasad Kar, William Shafarman, Robert Birkmire, Eric A. Stach, Rakesh Agrawal and Hugh W. Hillhouse, Nano Letters, 8(9); 2982-2987, 2008.
  • Detection of single atoms and buried defects in three dimensions by aberration-corrected electron microscopy with 0.5 Angstrom information limit; C. Kisielowski, B. Freitag, M. Bischoff, H. van Lin, S. Lazar, G. Knippels, P. Tiemeijer, M. van der Stam, S. von Harrach, M. Stekelenburg, M. Haider, S. Uhlemann, H. Müller, P. Hartel, B. Kabius, D. Miller, I. Petrov, E. A., T. Donchev, E.A. Kenik, A. Lupini, J. Bentley, S. Pennycook, I.M. Anderson, A.M. Minor, A.K. Schmid, T. Duden, V. Radmilovic, Q. Ramasse, M. Watanabe, R. Erni, E.A. Stach, P. Denes and U. Dahmen, Microsc. Microanal. 14, 454-462, 2008.
  • Organometallic vapor phase epitaxial growth of GaN on ZrN / AlN / Si substrates; Mark H. Oliver, Jeremy L. Schroeder, David A. Ewoldt, Isaac H. Wildeson, Vijay Rawat, Robert Colby, Patrick R. Cantwell, Eric A. Stach, and Timothy D. Sands, Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 023109, 2008.
  • Protein-templated semiconductor nanoparticle chains; S. Padalkar, J.D. Hulleman, S.M. Kim, J.C. Rochet, E.A. Stach and L.A. Stanciu, Nanotechnology, 19(27) 275602, 2008.
  • Molecular beam epitaxy growth of InAs and In0.8Ga0.2As channel materials on GaAs substrate for metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor applications; N. Li, E.S. Harmon, D.B. Salzman, D.N. Zakharov, J.H. Jeon, E. Stach, J.M. Woodall, X.W. Wang, T.P. Ma and F. Walker, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B., 26(3) 1187-1190, 2008.
  • Effect of post-release sidewall morphology on the mechanical properties of polycrystalline silicon structural films; D. H. Alsem, S. Timpe, B. L. Boyce, M. T. Dugger, E. A. Stach, K. Komvopoulos and R. O. Ritchie, Sensors and Actuators A, 147, 553-560, 2008.
  • Large lattice strain in individual grains of deformed nanocrystalline Ni; Zhiwei Shan, E.A. Stach, J.M.K Wiezorek, D.M. Follstaedt, J.A. Knapp E.A. Stach and S.X. Mao, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 091917, 2008.
  • Inter- and intra-grain agglomerate fracture in nanocrystalline nickel; Zhiwei Shan, J.A. Knapp, D.M. Follstaedt, E.A. Stach, J.M.K Wiezorek, and S.X. Mao, Physical Review Letters, 100, 105502, 2008.
  • Effect of twin plane spacing on the deformation of copper containing a high density of growth twins; Z.W. Shan, L. Lu, A.M. Minor, E. A. Stach and S. X. Mao, JOM, 60(9) 71-74, 2008.
  • Peeling force spectroscopy: exposing the adhesive nanomechanics of one-dimensional nanostructures: M. C. Strus, L. Zalamea, A. Raman, R. B. Pipes, C. V. Nguyen, and E. A. Stach, Nano Lett., 8 (2), 544 -550, 2008.
  • Electrical properties of ZnO nanowire field effect transistors by surface passivation; Woong-Ki Hong, Bong-Joong Kim, Tae-Wook Kim, Gunho Jo, Sunghoon Song, Soon-Seen Kwon, Ahnsook Yoon, Eric A Stach, and Takhee Lee, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 313–314, 378–382, 2008.
  • Directed self-assembly of quantum structures by nanomechanical stamping using probe tips; Curtis Taylor, Euclydes Marega, Eric A Stach, Gregory Salamo, Lindsay Hussey, Martin Muñoz and Ajay Malshe, Nanotechnology 19, 015301, 2008.
  • Role of molecular surface passivation in electrical transport properties of InAs nanowires; Qingling Hang, Fudong Wang, Patrick D. Carpenter, Dmitri Zemlyanov, Dmitri Zakharov, Eric A. Stach, William E. Buhro, and David B. Janes, Nano Letters, 8(1); 49-55, 2008.
  • Nanoscale mechanisms of misfit dislocation propagation in undulated Si1-xGex/Si(100) epitaxial thin films; Chi-Chin Wu, Robert Hull and Eric A. Stach, Nanotechnology, 18, 165705, 2007.
  • Realization of highly reproducible ZnO nanowire field effect transistors with n-channel depletion and enhancement modes, Woong-Ki Hong, Dae-Kue Hwang, Il-Kyu Park, Gunho Jo, Sunghoon Song, Seong-Ju Park, Takhee Lee, Bong-Joong Kim and Eric A. Stach, Applied Physics Letters, 90(24), 243103, 2007.
  • Dislocation dynamics in nanocrysytalline Ni; Zhiwei Shan, E.A. Stach, J.M.K Wiezorek, D.M. Follstaedt, J.A. Knapp E.A. Stach and S.X. Mao, Physical Review Letters, 98, 095502, 2007.
  • An electron microscopy study of wear in polysilicon microelectromechanical systems; D.H. Alsem, E.A. Stach, M.T. Dugger, M. Enachescu and R.O. Ritchie, Thin Solid Films, 515, 3259, 2007.
  • Alpha-synuclein as a template for the synthesis of metallic nanowires; Sonal Padalkar, Parijat Deb, Kara Cunzeman, Jean-Christophe Rochet, John Hulleman, Eric A. Stach and Lia Stanciu, Nanotechnology, 18, 055609, 2007.
  • Very high-cycle fatigue failure in micron-scale polycrystalline silicon films: effects of environment and surface oxide thickness; D.H. Alsem, R. Timmerman, B.L. Boyce, E.A. Stach, J.T.M. De Hosson and R.O. Ritchie, J. Appl. Phys., 101, 013515, 2007.
  • Dislocation-grain boundary interactions: a tribute to David Brandon; Jeff T.M. De Hosson, Wouter A. Soer, Andy M. Minor, Steven Shan, Eric A. Stach, S.A. Syed Asif, Oden L. Warren, J. Mat. Sci., 41, 7704-7719, 2006.
  • Quantifying the onset of plasticity at the nanoscale; A.M. Minor, S.A. Syed Asif, Z.W. Shan, E.A. Stach, E. Cyrankowski, T. Wyrobek and O. Warren, Nature Materials, 5(9) 697-702, 2006.
  • Graphene-based composite materials; S. Stankovich, D.A. Dikin, G. Dommett, K. M. Kohlhaas, E. Zimney, E.A. Stach, R.D. Piner, S.B.T. Nguyen, and R.S. Ruoff, Nature, 442, 282-286, 2006.
  • Using EELS to observe composition and electronic structure variations at dislocation cores in GaN; I. Arslan, A. Bleloch, E. A. Stach, S. Ogut and N. D. Browning, Philosophical Magazine A, December, 86, 4727-4746, 2006.
  • Size effects in the nanoindentation response of silicon; Daibin Ge, A. M. Minor, E.A. Stach and J.W. Morris Jr., Phil. Mag. A, 86, 4069-800, 2006.
  • Vertical single-walled carbon nanotubes grown from porous anodic alumina templates; Matthew R. Maschmann, Aaron D. Franklin, Placidus B. Amama, Dmitri N. Zakharov, Eric A. Stach, Timothy D. Sands, Timothy S. Fisher, Nanotechnology, 17, 3925-3929, 2006.
  • Fabrication and characterization of solid-state nanopores using a field emission scanning electron microscope; H. Chung, S.M. Iqbal, E.A. Stach, A.H. King, N.J. Zaluzec and R. Bashir, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 103109, 2006.
  • Ultrastructural examination of dentin using focused ion-beam cross-sectioning and transmission electron microscopy; R. K. Nalla, A. E. Porter, C. Daraio, A. M. Minor, V. Radmilovic, E. A. Stach, A. P. Tomsia, and R. O. Ritchie, Micron, 36, 672-80, 2005.
  • Quantitative characterization of the growth and morphological evolution of bicrystalline aluminum thin films; D. H. Alsem, E.A. Stach, and J. Th. M. de Hosson, Journal of Materials Science (Letters), 40(18) 5033-5036, 2005.
  • Faceted and vertically aligned GaN nanorod arrays fabricated without catalysts or lithography; Parijat Deb, Vijay Rawat, Hogyoung Kim, Sangho Kim, Mark Oliver, Mike Marshall, Eric Stach and Timothy Sands, Nano Letters, 5(9) 1847-51, 2005.
  • Nanoscale dislocation patterning by ultra-low load indentation; Curtis R. Taylor, Eric A. Stach, Gregory Salalmo and Ajay P. Malshe, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 073108, 2005.
  • Response to comment on “Grain boundary mediated plasticity in nanocrystalline nickelâ€ÂÂ�; Zhiwei Shan, E.A. Stach, J.M.K. Wiezorek, J.A. Knapp, D.M. Follstaedt, and S.X. Mao, Science, 308, 356, 2005.
  • Morphological, spectroscopic and microstructural analysis of femtosecond laser processed lithium niobate; D.C. Deshpande, A.P. Malshe, E.A. Stach, V.R Radmilovic, D. Alexander, D. Doerr and D. Hirt, J. Appl. Phys., 97, 074316, 2005.
  • Fatigue failure in thin-film polysilicon is due to sub-critical cracking within the oxide layer; D.H. Alsem, E.A. Stach, C.L. Muhlstein and R.O. Ritchie, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 041914,2005.
  • Room temperature dislocation plasticity in silicon; A.M. Minor, E.T. Lilleodden, M. Jin, E.A. Stach, Daryl Chrzan, and J.W. Morris, Jr., Phil. Mag. A., 85(2-3), 323-330, 2005.
  • The atomic and electronic structure of mixed dislocations in GaN; I. Arslan, A. Bleloch, E.A. Stach & N.D. Browning; Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 025504, 2005.
  • Dislocation-grain boundary interactions in martensitic steel observed through in situ nanoindentation in a TEM, T. Ohmura, A.M. Minor, E.A. Stach, and J.W. Morris, Jr., J. Mater. Res., 19(12), 3626-3632, 2004.
  • Direct observation of stress-induced grain growth during the indentation of ultra-fine grained aluminum, M. Jin, A.M. Minor, E.A. Stach and J.W. Morris, Jr., Acta Mat. 52(18) 5381-87, 2004.
  • The effect of solute Mg on grain boundary and dislocation dynamics during nanoindentation of Al-Mg thin films, W.A. Soer, J.Th.M. De Hosson, A.M. Minor, J.W. Morris, Jr. and E.A. Stach, Acta Materialia, 52, 5783-90, 2004.
  • Characteristic dimensions and the micro-mechanisms of fracture and fatigue in nano- and bio-materials; R.O. Ritchie, J.J. Kruzic, C.L. Muhsltein, R.K. Nalla and E.A. Stach, Inter. J. Fracture 128, 1-15, 2004
  • A mechanistic understanding of fatigue in polysilicon structural thin-films; R.O. Ritchie, D.H. Alsem, E.A. Stach and C.L. Muhlstein, Journal of Materials, 56(11) 192, 2004.
  • Grain boundary mediated plasticity in nanocrystalline nickel; Z.W. Shan, E.A. Stach, J.M.K Wiezorek, J.A. Knapp, D.M. Follstaedt and S.X. Mao, Science, 305, 654-7, 2004.
  • Structural changes of boron carbide under contact loading; D. Ge, V, Domnich, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi and E.A. Stach, Acta Mat. 52(13), 3921-7, 2004.
  • Direct observations of incipient plasticity during nanoindentation of Al; A.M. Minor, E.T. Lilleodden, E.A. Stach and J.W. Morris, Jr., J. Mater. Res., 19(1) 176-82, 2004.
  • Metal delocalization and surface decoration in direct-write nanolithography by electron beam induced deposition, V. Gopal, E.A. Stach, V.R. Radmilovic, and I.A. Mowat, Appl. Phys. Lett., 85(1), 49-51, 2004.
  • Rapid prototyping of site-specific nanocontacts by electron and ion beam assisted direct-write nanolithography; V. Gopal, C. Daraio, S. Jin, P. Yang and E.A. Stach, Nano Letters, 4(11), 2059-2063, 2004.
  • Using the FIB to characterize nanoparticle materials; C.R. Perrey, C.B. Carter, J. Michael, P. Kotula, E.A. Stach, and V.R. Radmilovic, J. Microsc., 214(3) 222-236, 2004.
  • Surface characterization of metal nanoparticles; X. Phung, J.R. Groza, E.A. Stach, L.N. Williams, Mat. Sci. Eng A, 359, 261-8, 2003.
  • Formation of a few nanometer wide holes in membranes with a dual beam focused ion beam system; T. Schenkel, V. Radmilovic, E. A. Stach, S.-J. Park, and A. Persaud, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21(6), 2720-3, 2003.
  • An off-normal fiber-like texture in thin films on single crystalline substrates; C. Detavernier, A.S. Özcan, J. Jordan-Sweet, E.A. Stach, J. Tersoff, F.M. Ross, C. Lavoie, Nature, 426, 641-5, 2003.
  • Nanoscale surface and subsurface defects induced in lithium niobate by a femtosecond laser; E.A. Stach, V.R Radmilovic, D.C. Deshpande, A.P. Malshe, D. Alexander, D. Doerr, Appl. Phys. Lett., 83 (21) 4420-2, 2003.
  • In-situ nanoindentation of epitaxial TiN / MgO (100) in a transmission electron microscope; A.M. Minor, E.A. Stach, J.W. Morris, Jr. and I. Petrov, J. Elect. Mat., 32(10), 1023-7, 2003.
  • Fatigue problems of the future: high-cycle fatigue failures of silicon MEMS; C. L. Muhlstein, E. A. Stach, and R. O. Ritchie, J. Eng. Integrity Soc., 14, 4-12, 2003.
  • Watching GaN nanowires grow; E.A. Stach, P. Pauzauskie, T. Kuykendall, J. Goldberger and P. Yang, Nano Letters, 3(6), 867-9, May 2003.
  • On the origin of the orientation ratio in sputtered longitudinal media; B. G. Demczyk, J. N. Zhou, G. Choe, E.A. Stach, E.C. Nelson and U. Dahmen, J. Appl, Phys., 93(10) 7393-5, 2003.
  • An in situ transmission electron microscopy study of the thermal stability of near-surface microstructures induced by deep rolling and laser-shock peening; I. Altenberger, E. A. Stach, G. Y. Liu, R. K. Nalla and R. O. Ritchie, Scripta Mater., 48, 1593-98, 2003.
  • Nitride mediated epitaxy of CoSi2 on Si(001); R.K.K. Chong, M. Yeadon, W.K. Choi, E.A. Stach and C.B. Boothroyd, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82(12) 1833-5, 2003.
  • In situ TEM study of the nanoindentation behavior of Al; A.M. Minor, E.T. Lilleodden, E.A. Stach and J.W. Morris, Jr., J. Elect. Mat., 31 (10), 958-964, 2002.
  • Electromigration in passivated Cu interconnects studied by transmission x-ray microscopy; G. Schneider, M.A. Meyer, G. Denbeaux, E. Anderson, B. Bates, A. Pearson, C. Knöchel, D. Hambach, E. A. Stach and E. Zschech, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B, 20 (6), 3089-3094, 2002.
  • Dynamical x-ray microscopic investigations of electromigration of passivated inlaid Cu interconnect structures; G. Schneider, G. Denbeaux, E. H. Anderson, B. Bates, A. Pearson, M. A. Meyer, E. Zschech, D. Hambach, and E. A. Stach, Appl. Phys. Lett., 81(14), 2535-2537, 2002.
  • A reaction-layer mechanism for the delayed failure of micron-scale polycrystalline silicon structural films subjected to high-cycle fatigue loading; C.L. Muhlstein, E.A. Stach, and R.O. Ritchie, Acta Mater., 50, 3579-3596 2002.
  • Mechanism of fatigue in micron-scale films of polycrystalline silicon for MEMS applications; C.L. Muhlstein, E.A. Stach, and R.O. Ritchie, Appl. Phys. Lett., 80(9), 1532-4, 2002.
  • Nitrogen effects on the crystallization kinetics of amorphous TiOxNy thin films; K. Hukari, R. Dannenberg and E.A. Stach, J. Mater. Res. 17(3), 550-555, 2002.
  • Development of a nanoindenter for in-situ transmission electron microscopy; E. A. Stach, T. Freeman, A. M. Minor, D. K. Owen, J. Cumings, M. A. Wall, T. Chraska, R. Hull, J.W. Morris, Jr., A. Zettl and U. Dahmen, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7(6) 507-517, 2001.
  • Quantitative in-situ nanoindentation of aluminum thin films; A.M. Minor, J.W. Morris Jr. and E.A. Stach, Appl. Phys. Lett, 79 (11), 1625-27, 2001.
  • Enhancement of dislocation velocities by stress assisted kink nucleation at the native oxide / SiGe interface; E.A. Stach and R. Hull, Appl. Phys. Lett., 79(3), 335-7, 2001.
  • Microstructural properties of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 films fabricated from BaF2/SrF2/TiO2 amorphous multilayers; I. Takeuchi, K. Chang and R. P. Sharma, L. Bendersky, H. Chang, X.-D. Xiang, E.A. Stach, and C.-Y. Song, J. Appl. Phys., 90, 2474-8, 2001.
  • Phenomenological description of grain growth stagnation for nanocrystalline films and powders; R. Dannenberg, E. A. Stach and J.R. Groza, J. Mater. Res., 16(4), 1090-5, 2001.
  • A tilting procedure to enhance compositional contrast and reduce residual Bragg contrast in EFTEM imaging of planar interfaces; K.T. Moore, E.A. Stach, J.M. Howe, D.C. Elbert, D.R. Veblen, Micron, 33(1), 39-51, 2001.
  • A new mechanism for dislocation blocking in strained layer epitaxial growth; E. A. Stach, R. Hull, K. W. Schwarz, F. M. Ross and R.M. Tromp, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84(5), 947, 2000.
  • Structural and chemical characterization of free-standing GaN films separated from sapphire substrates by laser lift-off; E.A. Stach, M. Kelsch, E.C. Nelson, W.S. Wong, T. Sands and N.W. Cheung, Appl. Phys. Lett., 77 (12) 1819, 2000.
  • In-situ transmission electron microscopy studies of the interaction between dislocations in strained SiGe / Si (001) heterostuctures; E. A. Stach, R. Hull, R. M. Tromp, F. M. Ross and M. C. Reuter, and J. C. Bean, Phil. Mag. A, 80, 2159, 2000.
  • In-situ TEM observations of normal grain growth in nanocrystalline Ag thin films; R. Dannenberg, E.A. Stach, J.R. Groza, and B.J. Dresser, Thin Solid Films 379(1-2) 133-8, 2000.
  • In-situ TEM observations of abnormal grain growth, coarsening and substrate de-wetting in nanocrystalline Ag films; R. Dannenberg, E.A. Stach, J.R. Groza and B.J. Dresser, Thin Solid Films 370 (1-2), 54, 2000.
  • Characterization of twin defects formed during GaAs(111)B MBE growth; Y. Park, M. Cich, R. Zhao, P. Specht, E.R. Weber, E.A. Stach, and S. Nozaki, J. Vac. Sci and Tech. B, 18 (3), 1566, 2000.
  • Interactions of moving dislocations in semiconductors with point, line and planar defects; R. Hull, E.A. Stach, R. M. Tromp, F. M. Ross and M. C. Reuter, phys. stat. sol. (a), 171 (1), 133, 1999.
  • Analysis of electron intensity as a function of aperture size in energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy imaging; K.T. Moore, J.M. Howe, D.R. Veblen, T.M. Murray and E.A. Stach, Ultramicroscopy, 80 (3) 231, 1999.
  • Effect of the surface upon misfit dislocation velocities during the growth and annealing of SiGe / Si (001) heterostructures; E. A. Stach, R. Hull, R. M. Tromp, M. C. Reuter, M. Copel, F. K. LeGoues, and J. C. Bean, J. Appl. Phys. 83 (4), 1931, 1998.
  • In-situ studies of the interaction of dislocations with point defects during annealing of ion implanted Si / SiGe / Si (001) heterostructures; E. A. Stach, R. Hull, J. C. Bean, K. S. Jones, and A. Nejim, Microscopy and Microanalysis 4 (3), 294, 1998.
  • Applications of in-situ electron and ion microscopy to the study of electronic materials and devices; R. Hull, J. Demarest, D. Dunn, Y. Quan and E. A. Stach, Microscopy and Microanalysis 4 (3), 308, 1998.
  • Suppression of boron transient enhanced diffusion in SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors by carbon incorporation; L. D. Lanzerotti, J. C. Sturm, E. Stach, R. Hull, T. Buyuklimanli and C. Magee, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (23) 3125, 1997.



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