U.S. Department of Justice

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Three-Year Strategic Sustainability Plan

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Feb. 19, 2013

Library ID

  • 026645

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  • 2012
  • 16 pages

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  • Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Three-Year Strategic Sustainability Plan

ANNOTATION: 'The goals established in the Strategic Sustainability Plan frequently make sense by cutting our fuel and electricity costs, lowering waste disposal fees, and reducing our water usage and sewer bills. The plan also provides guidance on training offenders in environmental issues and provides them with green job skills that will prepare them to compete for employment upon their release and practice sustainability in their homes' (p. 1). Sections of this plan are: letter from the Director; executive summary; introduction; GreenPrisons.org; areas of impact'water, transportation, energy, waste, new building and renovations, environmentally responsible and strategic purchasing, Ohio Prison Industries, and education, training, and programming for offenders; and implementation'communication and education, roles and responsibilities, reporting, sustaining the effort, and contact information.

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