Every child deserves a shot at a healthy life, no matter where they live.  Yet, every 20 seconds, a child dies of a disease that can be prevented by a vaccine.  By scaling up the delivery of vaccines in developing countries, we can save children's lives.

Join the movement to give children around the world a healthy shot at life!



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Shot@Life Catch Elena Sonnino’s post “Empowering Young Shot@Life Advocates”! Sharing her t... read more »
March 11

Shot@Life Continue the celebration of women and check out our video! Spending time with mo... read more »
March 10

Shot@Life Improving the health of every woman and every child is a priority for the United... read more »
March 09

Shot@Life This Month! Airing twice every Saturday on Born to Explore (9amEST) & Recipe Reh... read more »
March 09

Shot@Life Today, “One Woman” was released to the world. “We are one woman, your hopes are... read more »
March 08

Shot@Life We’d like to thank all the extraordinary women around the world in honor of the... read more »
March 08

Shot@Life Statement by the President on International Women's Day: http://ow.ly/iArGo read more »
March 08

Shot@Life Today we’re celebrating the power of women for International Women’s day and thi... read more »
March 08

Shot@Life What is your greatest wish for children everywhere? Through the Global Mom Relay... read more »
March 07

Shot@Life Take your mark! The Global Mom Relay kicks off on International Women’s Day! Joi... read more »
March 07

Celebrating the Power of Women
Today, March 8, marks International Women’s Day. Recognized since the early 1900s we celebrate the achievements of incredible women from around the globe. Here at Shot@Life, I am often inspired ...read more »
March 08

Changing the world through games
Changing the world is no game, except in this case. The United Nations is excited to partner with Half the Sky to launch the Half the Sky Facebook game – ...read more »
March 04

You Amaze Me
Wow – this month has been amazing! This February '28 Days of Impact' celebrated the role that vaccines play in helping to save the lives of children around the world. ...read more »
March 01

Choose Their Own Adventure
This month, we've seen tales of survivors giving back, stories of heroes in the fight, and even first-hand accounts from my fellow Shot at Life blogger ambassadors who were fortunate ...read more »
February 28

28 Day of Impact: Baby Harriett
Only four short months ago, I met Baby Harriett during a life-changing trip to Uganda, Africa with the United Nations Foundation’s – Shot@Life Campaign. I held her tiny and ...read more »
February 27

28 Days of Impact: Valeria
Valeria is a woman I met in Fort Portal. She has a spark in her eye and you can tell she has seen a lot in her years. Following attending ...read more »
February 26

U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson Supports Efforts to Provide Vaccines to Children in Developing Countries
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson issued the following statement in support of global lifesaving vaccines. ...read more »
February 26

28 Days of Impact – Giving Children a Healthy Chance #vaximpact
Last year I had the privilege of taking a trip to Guatemala with Save the Children. We visited a temporary health care outpost in the Vipecbalam community in Nebaj. These ...read more »
February 25

28 Days of Impact
Every year, throughout the world, countless children die from completely preventable diseases, mostly in the poorest and most remote regions of the world. Each of these deaths is a heartbreaking ...read more »
February 25

Uganda, Shot@Life, Capitol Hill, Champs & Mohammad!
Meet Mohammad Ismail, a 32-year old dad and polio survivor in Afghanistan. He lost both his legs to the disease when the vaccine wasn’t available in his country. He is ...read more »
February 24

Be a Child's Shot at Life

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