UNDP in Nepal

Success Stories

Ensuring seed sovereignty of local farmers [19-08-2009]
Managed and owned by the community, the seed bank was started with 54 locally endangered variety of seeds . In 2006, the UNDP Global Environment Facility (GEF)/ Small Grants Programme supported the construction of the ‘seed bank building’ which further helped the community to expand their business.
Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) mobile camps in the far-west [19-08-2009]
As a result of him taking the lead to support the camp, a large number of people came in for VCT. There were 50 people tested for HIV antibody, 54 were treated for STI diseases, 51 were counselled, and near about 850 people got information and education about HIV/AIDS, STI, condom demonstration and other general diseases.

News Updates

[17-08-2009] - Press Release
Political Transformation and Inclusion critical for building peace in Nepal  
“Today Nepal is in transition from conflict to peace and from authoritarian rule to democracy and has the chance to redefine both the nation and the state. It is an opportunity for political ‘transformation’, to root out age old practices by ensuring equality, justice and greater voice for excluded groups. Deepening democracy and strengthening the rule of law are critical in order to give peace a chance of success”, says the new 2009 Nepal Human Development Report launched in Kathmandu today.
[19-08-2009] - News
Strengthening capacity for negotiation and consensus-building  
As part of its support to the Constituent Assembly (CA) in the process of drafting a new constitution, the UNDP/Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal (SPCBN) project has launched a new initiative to strengthen the capacity of Constituent Assembly members to negotiate and build constructive consensus.
[19-08-2009] - News
Voices of the marginalized communities
On the occasion, Chairman Nembang released a new monthly magazine, `Sambad’ (Dialogue), published by the FNJ with the financial support of UNDP/Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal(SPCBN). The magazine is being disseminated to all 601 members of the CA, as well as all the district chapters of the FNJ at the national level.
[05-06-2009] - Press Release
Australia provides AUD4.5 million to Nepal through UNDP to support micro-enterprise development
The additional resources from AusAID will allow UNDP to support 20,000 more low income families to establish agro-based, forest-based, tourism-based and service-based micro- enterprises through its Microenterprise Development Programme (MEDEP), Phase III (April 2008- December 2010).
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UNDP in Nepal

UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners. More...

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