December 2012
NAWBO prides itself on being a global beacon for influence, ingenuity and action and is uniquely positioned to provide incisive commentary on issues of importance to women business owners. NAWBO Focus is just one of the ways members, women business owners and stakeholders can participate. read more »

"A Season of Thanks, Hopes and Dreams" share your comments »

Are you feeling optimistic about your business growth as you look ahead to 2013? read more »

America’s Small Business Summit 2013 Is April 29-May 1. Join small businesses and chamber and association executives from across the country to network, learn from business experts and advocate for pro-business policies. NAWBO is co-sponsoring this event and will hold our annual Public Policy Day in conjunction with it. read more »

The Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards are an international business plan competition for women. Six female entrepreneurs, one per continent, are awarded with coaching support for one year, a $20,000 grant and a trophy designed by Cartier. Applications are being accepted through March 8th. read more »