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As a result of the landmark document America Burning: The Report of the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control, Public Law 93-498, The Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, was signed into law on October 29, 1974. With the passage of PL93-498, the US Fire Administration and its delivery arm, the National Fire Academy, were created.

It is estimated that, since 1975, over 1,400,000 students have received training through a variety of course delivery methods. The American public has greatly benefited from the training and education programs provided by USFA and NFA. Countless lives have been saved and property losses prevented as a direct result of this training and education.

Through its courses and programs, the National Fire Academy (NFA) works to enhance the ability of fire and emergency services and allied professionals to deal more effectively with fire and related emergencies. The Academy's delivery systems are diverse. Courses are delivered at the resident facility in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and throughout the Nation in cooperation with State and local fire training organizations and local colleges and universities.

On-Campus Delivery

On the Emmitsburg campus, the Academy conducts specialized training courses and advanced management programs of national impact. NFA offers these courses and programs in a concentrated, residential setting that is most conducive to intensive learning. On-campus programs target middle- and top-level fire officers, fire service instructors, technical professionals, and representatives from allied professions. Any person with substantial involvement in fire prevention and control, emergency medical services, or fire-related emergency management activities is eligible to apply for Academy courses. Learn More »

Off-Campus Delivery

Due to space and budget limitations, NFA cannot accept all qualified applicants for courses at the Emmitsburg campus. Also, many volunteer and career fire service personnel do not have the time to attend on-campus programs. To reach these students, the Academy offers courses through a distance delivery training system. NFA 2-day courses are available for direct delivery in States and local communities. Students can attend select 1- and 2-week NFA courses within their geographical region through the Academy's off-campus, Regional Delivery Program. Through a cooperative working relationship with State and local fire training systems and the four branches of the Armed Services, the Train-the-Trainer Program provides expanded opportunities for fire service personnel to participate in Academy courses at the State and local level. Learn More »

Technology-Mediated Distance Delivery

The NFA is taking advantage of technology in order to deliver training to our students. In order to maximize the number of students reached, we are leveraging technology in the form of video, audio, computer, multimedia communications, or a combination of these with traditional delivery. Distribution of technology-mediated training is being facilitated using CD-ROM's, the Simulation Laboratory, and the Internet. Learn More »


States are viewed as partners with the NFA, and as such, may deliver 6-day and 2-day NFA courses in addition to the current deliveries available to them. States and the NFA work cooperatively to deliver Regional, and Direct Delivery Programs. States have sole control and responsibility to deliver hand-off courses. Enfranchisement establishes that State Fire Training Systems are the NFA in their State, with or without Federal funding. As such, State Fire Training Systems are enfranchised to deliver NFA courses using NFA instructors. The release of residential courses to States is proposed to be three courses per year, because of duplication costs and course development timelines. States will report student participation in all courses for inclusion in the NFA database. Students will receive NFA residential certificates. Learn More »


States have a need for courses that the NFA cannot develop because of time constraints, the number of courses they need, and subject matter or resource constraints. Endorsement recognizes that some State-developed courses are the equivalent of NFA courses in both quality and content. NFA and State Fire Training Systems have agreed upon a set of criteria and a process to have State-level courses approved as NFA courses. The States will manage the system for assessing courses submitted by individual States; essentially a peer review process using geographically distant States to perform the assessment. Once a course meets the established criteria, it becomes an NFA "approved" course. Approved courses are NFA courses delivered locally by local instructors. Students in NFA-approved courses may be registered in the NFA student database if the State training system provides the information, and if the State so desires, may receive NFA certificates. Approved courses will be available for distribution to other States that may not have adequate resources to develop a course. The process for exchange, costs, etc., is managed by the States involved. Learn More »