Trends in Motor Vehicle Crashes Fatal Crashes 1975-2002 Injury and Property-Damage-Only Crashes 1988-2002 "December 11, 2003" Table of Contents Table Table Title Page Table 1 Large Truck Fatal Crash Statistics 3 Table 2 Large Truck Injury Crash Statistics 4 Table 3 Large Truck Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 4 Table 4 Combination Truck Fatal Crash Statistics 5 Table 5 Combination Truck Injury Crash Statistics 6 Table 6 Combination Truck Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 6 Table 7 Single-Unit Truck Fatal Crash Statistics 7 Table 8 Single-Unit Truck Injury Crash Statistics 8 Table 9 Single-Unit Truck Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 8 Table 10 Medium Truck Fatal Crash Statistics 9 Table 11 Heavy Truck Fatal Crash Statistics 10 Table 12 Bus Fatal Crash Statistics 11 Table 13 Bus Injury Crash Statistics 12 Table 14 Bus Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 12 Table 15 Passenger Vehicle Fatal Crash Statistics 13 Table 16 Passenger Vehicle Injury Crash Statistics 14 Table 17 Passenger Vehicle Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics14 Table 18 Passenger Car Fatal Crash Statistics 15 Table 19 Passenger Car Injury Crash Statistics 16 Table 20 Passenger Car Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 16 Table 21 Light Truck Fatal Crash Statistics 17 Table 22 Light Truck Injury Crash Statistics 18 Table 23 Light Truck Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 18 Table 24 Fatal Crash Statistics (All Vehicles) 19 Table 25 Injury Crash Statistics (Includes All Vehicles) 20 Table 26 Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics (All Vehicles) 20 TABLE 1 3 Large Truck¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 "3,722" "3,977" 961 "4,483" "81,330" 4.6 4.9 5.5 "5,362,369" 1976 "4,184" "4,435" "1,132" "5,008" "86,070" 4.9 5.2 5.8 "5,575,185" 1977 "4,843" "5,164" "1,287" "5,723" "95,021" 5.1 5.4 6.0 "5,689,903" 1978 "5,405" "5,759" "1,395" "6,356" "105,739" 5.1 5.4 6.0 "5,859,807" 1979 "5,684" "6,084" "1,432" "6,702" "109,004" 5.2 5.6 6.1 "5,891,571" 1980 "5,042" "5,379" "1,262" "5,971" "108,491" 4.6 5.0 5.5 "5,790,653" 1981 "4,928" "5,230" "1,133" "5,806" "108,702" 4.5 4.8 5.3 "5,716,278" 1982 "4,396" "4,646" 944 "5,229" "111,423" 3.9 4.2 4.7 "5,590,415" 1983 "4,615" "4,877" 982 "5,491" "116,132" 4.0 4.2 4.7 "5,508,392" 1984 "4,831" "5,124" "1,074" "5,640" "121,796" 4.0 4.2 4.6 "5,401,075" 1985 "4,841" "5,153" 977 "5,734" "123,504" 3.9 4.2 4.6 "5,996,337" 1986 "4,785" "5,097" 926 "5,579" "126,675" 3.8 4.0 4.4 "5,720,880" 1987 "4,813" "5,108" 852 "5,598" "133,517" 3.6 3.8 4.2 "5,718,266" 1988 "4,885" "5,241" 911 "5,679" "137,985" 3.5 3.8 4.1 "6,136,884" 1989 "4,674" "4,984" 858 "5,490" "142,749" 3.3 3.5 3.8 "6,226,482" 1990 "4,518" "4,776" 705 "5,272" "146,242" 3.1 3.3 3.6 "6,195,876" 1991 "4,097" "4,347" 661 "4,821" "149,543" 2.7 2.9 3.2 "6,172,146" 1992 "3,825" "4,035" 585 "4,462" "153,384" 2.5 2.6 2.9 "6,045,205" 1993 "4,101" "4,328" 605 "4,856" "159,888" 2.6 2.7 3.0 "6,088,155" 1994 "4,373" "4,644" 670 "5,144" "170,216" 2.6 2.7 3.0 "6,587,885" 1995 "4,194" "4,472" 648 "4,918" "178,156" 2.4 2.5 2.8 "6,719,421" 1996 "4,413" "4,755" 621 "5,142" "182,971" 2.4 2.6 2.8 "7,012,615" 1997 "4,614" "4,917" 723 "5,398" "191,477" 2.4 2.6 2.8 "7,083,326" 1998 "4,579" "4,955" 742 "5,395" "196,380" 2.3 2.5 2.7 "7,732,270" 1999 "4,560" "4,920" 759 "5,380" "202,688" 2.2 2.4 2.7 "7,791,426" 2000 "4,573" "4,995" 754 "5,282" "205,520" 2.2 2.4 2.6 "8,022,649" 2001 "4,451" "4,823" 708 "5,111" "209,032" 2.1 2.3 2.4 "7,857,675" 2002 "4,183" "4,542" 684 "4,897" "214,530" 1.9 2.1 2.3 "7,927,280" Note: Large Trucks are equivalent to Medium and Heavy Trucks "¹ A large truck is a truck with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more." * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 2 4 Large Truck¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "93,737" "94,000" "95,853" "96,000" "130,190" "130,000" "137,985" 67.9 69.5 94.4 "6,136,884" 1989 "106,487" "106,000" "110,195" "110,000" "155,638" "156,000" "142,749" 74.6 77.2 109.0 "6,226,482" 1990 "101,975" "102,000" "107,160" "107,000" "150,102" "150,000" "146,242" 69.7 73.3 102.6 "6,195,876" 1991 "75,029" "75,000" "77,999" "78,000" "110,449" "110,000" "149,543" 50.2 52.2 73.9 "6,172,146" 1992 "90,807" "91,000" "94,725" "95,000" "138,659" "139,000" "153,384" 59.2 61.8 90.4 "6,045,205" 1993 "92,598" "93,000" "96,522" "97,000" "132,989" "133,000" "159,888" 57.9 60.4 83.2 "6,088,155" 1994 "90,716" "91,000" "95,631" "96,000" "132,974" "133,000" "170,216" 53.3 56.2 78.1 "6,587,885" 1995 "79,583" "80,000" "83,594" "84,000" "116,993" "117,000" "178,156" 44.7 46.9 65.7 "6,719,421" 1996 "88,935" "89,000" "93,887" "94,000" "129,314" "129,000" "182,971" 48.6 51.3 70.7 "7,012,615" 1997 "91,990" "92,000" "95,545" "96,000" "130,862" "131,000" "191,477" 48.0 49.9 68.3 "7,083,326" 1998 "85,106" "85,000" "88,624" "89,000" "127,239" "127,000" "196,380" 43.3 45.1 64.8 "7,732,270" 1999 "95,077" "95,000" "100,630" "101,000" "141,722" "142,000" "202,688" 46.9 49.6 69.9 "7,791,426" 2000 "96,343" "96,000" "100,521" "101,000" "139,663" "140,000" "205,520" 46.9 48.9 68.0 "8,022,649" 2001 "85,623" "86,000" "89,824" "90,000" "130,548" "131,000" "209,032" 41.0 43.0 62.5 "7,857,675" 2002 "89,869" "90,000" "94,274" "94,000" "129,707" "130,000" "214,530" 41.9 43.9 60.5 "7,927,280" TABLE 3 Large Truck¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "290,770" "291,000" "296,969" "297,000" "137,985" 210.7 215.2 "6,136,884" 1989 "290,862" "291,000" "300,452" "300,000" "142,749" 203.8 210.5 "6,226,482" 1990 "265,308" "265,000" "273,300" "273,000" "146,242" 181.4 186.9 "6,195,876" 1991 "239,511" "240,000" "248,271" "248,000" "149,543" 160.2 166.0 "6,172,146" 1992 "268,175" "268,000" "277,243" "277,000" "153,384" 174.8 180.8 "6,045,205" 1993 "286,522" "287,000" "295,917" "296,000" "159,888" 179.2 185.1 "6,088,155" 1994 "349,608" "350,000" "360,135" "360,000" "170,216" 205.4 211.6 "6,587,885" 1995 "279,106" "279,000" "289,386" "289,000" "178,156" 156.7 162.4 "6,719,421" 1996 "284,987" "285,000" "295,154" "295,000" "182,971" 155.8 161.3 "7,012,615" 1997 "324,773" "325,000" "337,207" "337,000" "191,477" 169.6 176.1 "7,083,326" 1998 "302,122" "302,000" "318,073" "318,000" "196,380" 153.8 162.0 "7,732,270" 1999 "352,807" "353,000" "369,209" "369,000" "202,688" 174.1 182.2 "7,791,426" 2000 "336,945" "337,000" "351,159" "351,000" "205,520" 163.9 170.9 "8,022,649" 2001 "319,298" "319,000" "334,851" "335,000" "209,032" 152.8 160.2 "7,857,675" 2002 "322,383" "322,000" "335,517" "336,000" "214,530" 150.3 156.4 "7,927,280" Note: Large Trucks are equivalent to Medium and Heavy Trucks "¹ A large truck is a truck with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more." * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A - Not available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 4 5 Combination Truck¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 "2,825" "3,006" 696 "3,452" "46,724" 6.0 6.4 7.4 "1,130,747" 1976 "3,260" "3,439" 838 "3,948" "49,680" 6.6 6.9 7.9 "1,224,917" 1977 "3,613" "3,830" 932 "4,305" "55,682" 6.5 6.9 7.7 "1,239,613" 1978 "4,066" "4,305" "1,001" "4,825" "62,992" 6.5 6.8 7.7 "1,341,707" 1979 "4,307" "4,574" "1,041" "5,148" "66,992" 6.4 6.8 7.7 "1,386,374" 1980 "3,731" "3,957" 904 "4,473" "68,678" 5.4 5.8 6.5 "1,416,869" 1981 "3,863" "4,070" 850 "4,594" "69,134" 5.6 5.9 6.6 "1,261,202" 1982 "3,519" "3,708" 744 "4,226" "70,765" 5.0 5.2 6.0 "1,265,321" 1983 "3,645" "3,839" 756 "4,365" "73,586" 5.0 5.2 5.9 "1,304,041" 1984 "3,907" "4,122" 872 "4,605" "77,377" 5.0 5.3 6.0 "1,340,144" 1985 "3,892" "4,124" 772 "4,655" "78,063" 5.0 5.3 6.0 "1,403,266" 1986 "3,825" "4,060" 718 "4,493" "81,038" 4.7 5.0 5.5 "1,407,783" 1987 "3,746" "3,971" 675 "4,403" "85,495" 4.4 4.6 5.2 "1,529,824" 1988 "3,939" "4,212" 731 "4,609" "88,551" 4.4 4.8 5.2 "1,667,327" 1989 "3,680" "3,909" 671 "4,372" "91,879" 4.0 4.3 4.8 "1,707,182" 1990 "3,583" "3,780" 520 "4,217" "94,341" 3.8 4.0 4.5 "1,708,895" 1991 "3,071" "3,266" 493 "3,635" "96,645" 3.2 3.4 3.8 "1,691,331" 1992 "2,881" "3,033" 429 "3,376" "99,510" 2.9 3.0 3.4 "1,675,363" 1993 "3,092" "3,261" 446 "3,699" "103,116" 3.0 3.2 3.6 "1,680,305" 1994 "3,248" "3,432" 477 "3,860" "108,932" 3.0 3.2 3.5 "1,681,500" 1995 "3,129" "3,319" 472 "3,723" "115,451" 2.7 2.9 3.2 "1,695,751" 1996 "3,325" "3,570" 448 "3,921" "118,899" 2.8 3.0 3.3 "1,746,586" 1997 "3,491" "3,711" 512 "4,122" "124,584" 2.8 3.0 3.3 "1,789,968" 1998 "3,465" "3,747" 531 "4,143" "128,359" 2.7 2.9 3.2 "1,997,345" 1999 "3,442" "3,713" 574 "4,121" "132,384" 2.6 2.8 3.1 "2,028,562" 2000 "3,466" "3,771" 541 "4,052" "135,020" 2.6 2.8 3.0 "2,096,619" 2001 "3,298" "3,553" 503 "3,838" "136,584" 2.4 2.6 2.8 "2,154,174" 2002 "3,173" "3,449" 505 "3,794" "138,643" 2.3 2.5 2.7 "2,276,661" ¹ A combination truck is a truck tractor pulling any number of trailers (including none) or a straight truck pulling at least one trailer. * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 5 6 Combination Truck¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "53,840" "54,000" "54,901" "55,000" "76,295" "76,000" "88,551" 60.8 62.0 86.2 "1,667,327" 1989 "61,426" "61,000" "63,750" "64,000" "86,756" "87,000" "91,879" 66.9 69.4 94.4 "1,707,182" 1990 "58,584" "59,000" "60,785" "61,000" "85,180" "85,000" "94,341" 62.1 64.4 90.3 "1,708,895" 1991 "42,237" "42,000" "43,963" "44,000" "63,000" "63,000" "96,645" 43.7 45.5 65.2 "1,691,331" 1992 "46,181" "46,000" "47,218" "47,000" "71,662" "72,000" "99,510" 46.4 47.5 72.0 "1,675,363" 1993 "54,377" "54,000" "56,232" "56,000" "77,132" "77,000" "103,116" 52.7 54.5 74.8 "1,680,305" 1994 "57,558" "58,000" "60,327" "60,000" "82,297" "82,000" "108,932" 52.8 55.4 75.5 "1,681,500" 1995 "48,065" "48,000" "50,215" "50,000" "67,384" "67,000" "115,451" 41.6 43.5 58.4 "1,695,751" 1996 "54,552" "55,000" "57,147" "57,000" "77,863" "78,000" "118,899" 45.9 48.1 65.5 "1,746,586" 1997 "50,754" "51,000" "52,808" "53,000" "72,411" "72,000" "124,584" 40.7 42.4 58.1 "1,789,968" 1998 "48,679" "49,000" "50,537" "51,000" "74,880" "75,000" "128,359" 37.9 39.4 58.3 "1,997,345" 1999 "53,637" "54,000" "56,925" "57,000" "79,118" "79,000" "132,384" 40.5 43.0 59.8 "2,028,562" 2000 "50,221" "50,000" "52,284" "52,000" "72,733" "73,000" "135,020" 37.2 38.7 53.9 "2,096,619" 2001 "46,447" "46,000" "48,620" "49,000" "70,735" "71,000" "136,584" 34.0 35.6 51.8 "2,154,174" 2002 "48,240" "48,000" "50,278" "50,000" "71,643" "72,000" "138,643" 34.8 36.3 51.7 "2,276,661" TABLE 6 Combination Truck¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "182,371" "182,000" "185,519" "186,000" "88,551" 206.0 209.5 "1,667,327" 1989 "180,016" "180,000" "185,314" "185,000" "91,879" 195.9 201.7 "1,707,182" 1990 "161,243" "161,000" "165,621" "166,000" "94,341" 170.9 175.6 "1,708,895" 1991 "145,731" "146,000" "151,716" "152,000" "96,645" 150.8 157.0 "1,691,331" 1992 "128,901" "129,000" "133,673" "134,000" "99,510" 129.5 134.3 "1,675,363" 1993 "179,991" "180,000" "186,102" "186,000" "103,116" 174.6 180.5 "1,680,305" 1994 "217,184" "217,000" "223,095" "223,000" "108,932" 199.4 204.8 "1,681,500" 1995 "174,199" "174,000" "179,172" "179,000" "115,451" 150.9 155.2 "1,695,751" 1996 "167,697" "168,000" "173,348" "173,000" "118,899" 141.0 145.8 "1,746,586" 1997 "188,131" "188,000" "196,692" "197,000" "124,584" 151.0 157.9 "1,789,968" 1998 "169,876" "170,000" "178,289" "178,000" "128,359" 132.3 138.9 "1,997,345" 1999 "175,856" "176,000" "183,863" "184,000" "132,384" 132.8 138.9 "2,028,562" 2000 "171,254" "171,000" "178,514" "179,000" "135,020" 126.8 132.2 "2,096,619" 2001 "158,577" "159,000" "166,060" "166,000" "136,584" 116.1 121.6 "2,154,174" 2002 "152,741" "153,000" "159,400" "159,000" "138,643" 110.2 115.0 "2,276,661" ¹ A combination truck is a truck tractor pulling any number of trailers (including none) or a straight truck pulling at least one trailer. * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 7 7 Single-Unit Truck¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 948 971 265 "1,094" "34,606" 2.7 2.8 3.2 "4,231,622" 1976 978 996 294 "1,125" "36,390" 2.7 2.7 3.1 "4,350,268" 1977 "1,306" "1,334" 355 "1,502" "39,339" 3.3 3.4 3.8 "4,450,290" 1978 "1,419" "1,454" 394 "1,630" "42,747" 3.3 3.4 3.8 "4,518,100" 1979 "1,472" "1,510" 391 "1,670" "42,012" 3.5 3.6 4.0 "4,505,197" 1980 "1,388" "1,422" 358 "1,590" "39,813" 3.5 3.6 4.0 "4,373,784" 1981 "1,130" "1,160" 283 "1,298" "39,568" 2.9 2.9 3.3 "4,455,076" 1982 922 938 200 "1,056" "40,658" 2.3 2.3 2.6 "4,325,094" 1983 "1,019" "1,038" 226 "1,182" "42,546" 2.4 2.4 2.8 "4,204,351" 1984 986 "1,002" 202 "1,114" "44,419" 2.2 2.3 2.5 "4,060,931" 1985 "1,016" "1,029" 205 "1,163" "45,441" 2.2 2.3 2.6 "4,593,071" 1986 "1,018" "1,037" 208 "1,158" "45,637" 2.2 2.3 2.5 "4,313,097" 1987 "1,118" "1,137" 177 "1,259" "48,022" 2.3 2.4 2.6 "4,188,442" 1988 "1,014" "1,029" 180 "1,143" "49,434" 2.1 2.1 2.3 "4,469,557" 1989 "1,056" "1,075" 187 "1,192" "50,870" 2.1 2.1 2.3 "4,519,300" 1990 979 996 185 "1,106" "51,901" 1.9 1.9 2.1 "4,486,981" 1991 "1,072" "1,081" 168 "1,251" "52,898" 2.0 2.0 2.4 "4,480,815" 1992 987 "1,002" 156 "1,137" "53,874" 1.8 1.9 2.1 "4,369,842" 1993 "1,054" "1,067" 159 "1,214" "56,772" 1.9 1.9 2.1 "4,407,850" 1994 "1,188" "1,212" 193 "1,354" "61,284" 1.9 2.0 2.2 "4,906,385" 1995 "1,133" "1,153" 176 "1,275" "62,705" 1.8 1.8 2.0 "5,023,669" 1996 "1,160" "1,185" 173 "1,313" "64,072" 1.8 1.8 2.0 "5,266,029" 1997 "1,194" "1,206" 211 "1,369" "66,893" 1.8 1.8 2.0 "5,293,358" 1998 "1,185" "1,208" 211 "1,331" "68,021" 1.7 1.8 2.0 "5,734,925" 1999 "1,193" "1,207" 185 "1,352" "70,304" 1.7 1.7 1.9 "5,763,864" 2000 "1,199" "1,224" 213 "1,350" "70,500" 1.7 1.7 1.9 "5,926,030" 2001 "1,247" "1,270" 205 "1,382" "72,448" 1.7 1.8 1.9 "5,703,501" 2002 "1,082" "1,093" 179 "1,204" "75,887" 1.4 1.4 1.6 "5,650,619" "¹ A single-unit truck is a medium or heavy truck in which the engine, cab, drive train and cargo area are all on one chassis." * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 8 8 Single-Unit Truck¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "40,682" "41,000" "40,952" "41,000" "54,979" "55,000" "49,434" 82.3 82.8 111.2 "4,469,557" 1989 "45,699" "46,000" "46,445" "46,000" "70,126" "70,000" "50,870" 89.8 91.3 137.9 "4,519,300" 1990 "44,761" "45,000" "46,375" "46,000" "70,075" "70,000" "51,901" 86.2 89.4 135.0 "4,486,981" 1991 "33,339" "33,000" "34,036" "34,000" "48,323" "48,000" "52,898" 63.0 64.3 91.4 "4,480,815" 1992 "45,915" "46,000" "47,508" "48,000" "69,216" "69,000" "53,874" 85.2 88.2 128.5 "4,369,842" 1993 "39,155" "39,000" "40,290" "40,000" "57,232" "57,000" "56,772" 69.0 71.0 100.8 "4,407,850" 1994 "34,405" "34,000" "35,304" "35,000" "52,472" "52,000" "61,284" 56.1 57.6 85.6 "4,906,385" 1995 "32,271" "32,000" "33,378" "33,000" "50,715" "51,000" "62,705" 51.5 53.2 80.9 "5,023,669" 1996 "35,852" "36,000" "36,740" "37,000" "53,843" "54,000" "64,072" 56.0 57.3 84.0 "5,266,029" 1997 "42,250" "42,000" "42,737" "43,000" "59,969" "60,000" "66,893" 63.2 63.9 89.6 "5,293,358" 1998 "37,566" "38,000" "38,087" "38,000" "54,024" "54,000" "68,021" 55.2 56.0 79.4 "5,734,925" 1999 "42,737" "43,000" "43,705" "44,000" "64,897" "65,000" "70,304" 60.8 62.2 92.3 "5,763,864" 2000 "47,612" "48,000" "48,237" "48,000" "69,507" "70,000" "70,500" 67.5 68.4 98.6 "5,926,030" 2001 "40,647" "41,000" "41,204" "41,000" "62,035" "62,000" "72,448" 56.1 56.9 85.6 "5,703,501" 2002 "43,325" "43,000" "43,996" "44,000" "61,196" "61,000" "75,887" 57.1 58.0 80.6 "5,650,619" TABLE 9 Single-Unit Truck¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "109,951" "110,000" "111,450" "111,000" "49,434" 222.4 225.5 "4,469,557" 1989 "113,294" "113,000" "115,138" "115,000" "50,870" 222.7 226.3 "4,519,300" 1990 "105,862" "106,000" "107,679" "108,000" "51,901" 204.0 207.5 "4,486,981" 1991 "95,823" "96,000" "96,555" "97,000" "52,898" 181.1 182.5 "4,480,815" 1992 "141,250" "141,000" "143,571" "144,000" "53,874" 262.2 266.5 "4,369,842" 1993 "108,618" "109,000" "109,815" "110,000" "56,772" 191.3 193.4 "4,407,850" 1994 "135,380" "135,000" "137,040" "137,000" "61,284" 220.9 223.6 "4,906,385" 1995 "107,778" "108,000" "110,214" "110,000" "62,705" 171.9 175.8 "5,023,669" 1996 "120,269" "120,000" "121,807" "122,000" "64,072" 187.7 190.1 "5,266,029" 1997 "139,507" "140,000" "140,516" "141,000" "66,893" 208.6 210.1 "5,293,358" 1998 "137,723" "138,000" "139,784" "140,000" "68,021" 202.5 205.5 "5,734,925" 1999 "180,868" "181,000" "185,346" "185,000" "70,304" 257.3 263.6 "5,763,864" 2000 "171,178" "171,000" "172,645" "173,000" "70,500" 242.8 244.9 "5,926,030" 2001 "166,939" "167,000" "168,791" "169,000" "72,448" 230.4 233.0 "5,703,501" 2002 "173,012" "173,000" "176,116" "176,000" "75,887" 228.0 232.1 "5,650,619" "¹ A single-unit truck is a medium or heavy truck in which the engine, cab, drive train and cargo area are all on one chassis." * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 8 8 Single-Unit Truck¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "40,682" "41,000" "40,952" "41,000" "54,979" "55,000" "49,434" 82.3 82.8 111.2 "4,469,557" 1989 "45,699" "46,000" "46,445" "46,000" "70,126" "70,000" "50,870" 89.8 91.3 137.9 "4,519,300" 1990 "44,761" "45,000" "46,375" "46,000" "70,075" "70,000" "51,901" 86.2 89.4 135.0 "4,486,981" 1991 "33,339" "33,000" "34,036" "34,000" "48,323" "48,000" "52,898" 63.0 64.3 91.4 "4,480,815" 1992 "45,915" "46,000" "47,508" "48,000" "69,216" "69,000" "53,874" 85.2 88.2 128.5 "4,369,842" 1993 "39,155" "39,000" "40,290" "40,000" "57,232" "57,000" "56,772" 69.0 71.0 100.8 "4,407,850" 1994 "34,405" "34,000" "35,304" "35,000" "52,472" "52,000" "61,284" 56.1 57.6 85.6 "4,906,385" 1995 "32,271" "32,000" "33,378" "33,000" "50,715" "51,000" "62,705" 51.5 53.2 80.9 "5,023,669" 1996 "35,852" "36,000" "36,740" "37,000" "53,843" "54,000" "64,072" 56.0 57.3 84.0 "5,266,029" 1997 "42,250" "42,000" "42,737" "43,000" "59,969" "60,000" "66,893" 63.2 63.9 89.6 "5,293,358" 1998 "37,566" "38,000" "38,087" "38,000" "54,024" "54,000" "68,021" 55.2 56.0 79.4 "5,734,925" 1999 "42,737" "43,000" "43,705" "44,000" "64,897" "65,000" "70,304" 60.8 62.2 92.3 "5,763,864" 2000 "47,612" "48,000" "48,237" "48,000" "69,507" "70,000" "70,500" 67.5 68.4 98.6 "5,926,030" 2001 "40,647" "41,000" "41,204" "41,000" "62,035" "62,000" "72,448" 56.1 56.9 85.6 "5,703,501" 2002 "43,325" "43,000" "43,996" "44,000" "61,196" "61,000" "75,887" 57.1 58.0 80.6 "5,650,619" TABLE 9 Single-Unit Truck¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "109,951" "110,000" "111,450" "111,000" "49,434" 222.4 225.5 "4,469,557" 1989 "113,294" "113,000" "115,138" "115,000" "50,870" 222.7 226.3 "4,519,300" 1990 "105,862" "106,000" "107,679" "108,000" "51,901" 204.0 207.5 "4,486,981" 1991 "95,823" "96,000" "96,555" "97,000" "52,898" 181.1 182.5 "4,480,815" 1992 "141,250" "141,000" "143,571" "144,000" "53,874" 262.2 266.5 "4,369,842" 1993 "108,618" "109,000" "109,815" "110,000" "56,772" 191.3 193.4 "4,407,850" 1994 "135,380" "135,000" "137,040" "137,000" "61,284" 220.9 223.6 "4,906,385" 1995 "107,778" "108,000" "110,214" "110,000" "62,705" 171.9 175.8 "5,023,669" 1996 "120,269" "120,000" "121,807" "122,000" "64,072" 187.7 190.1 "5,266,029" 1997 "139,507" "140,000" "140,516" "141,000" "66,893" 208.6 210.1 "5,293,358" 1998 "137,723" "138,000" "139,784" "140,000" "68,021" 202.5 205.5 "5,734,925" 1999 "180,868" "181,000" "185,346" "185,000" "70,304" 257.3 263.6 "5,763,864" 2000 "171,178" "171,000" "172,645" "173,000" "70,500" 242.8 244.9 "5,926,030" 2001 "166,939" "167,000" "168,791" "169,000" "72,448" 230.4 233.0 "5,703,501" 2002 "173,012" "173,000" "176,116" "176,000" "75,887" 228.0 232.1 "5,650,619" "¹ A single-unit truck is a medium or heavy truck in which the engine, cab, drive train and cargo area are all on one chassis." * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 10 9 Medium Truck¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES 1975 817 838 228 946 1976 423 424 129 486 1977 "1,036" "1,055" 297 "1,185" 1978 "1,123" "1,142" 351 "1,296" 1979 "1,174" "1,203" 344 "1,326" 1980 "1,072" "1,092" 285 "1,228" 1981 868 889 235 "1,001" 1982 666 674 154 769 1983 672 679 172 788 1984 680 687 153 778 1985 654 661 157 762 1986 660 667 145 751 1987 707 717 125 820 1988 683 691 125 776 1989 661 670 128 750 1990 620 628 134 704 1991 665 670 115 774 1992 529 540 99 605 1993 545 548 90 628 1994 540 550 109 609 1995 453 460 96 508 1996 491 495 87 553 1997 554 555 122 642 1998 490 492 99 548 1999 481 486 90 546 2000 494 500 106 575 2001 545 549 88 607 2002 458 463 87 525 "¹ A medium truck is a truck with a gross vehicle rating between 10,001 and 26,000 pounds." Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" Sources: "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 11 10 Heavy Truck¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES 1975 "2,948" "3,139" 733 "3,590" 1976 "3,787" "4,011" "1,003" "4,554" 1977 "3,875" "4,109" 990 "4,615" 1978 "4,357" "4,617" "1,044" "5,150" 1979 "4,601" "4,881" "1,088" "5,484" 1980 "4,039" "4,287" 977 "4,825" 1981 "4,128" "4,341" 898 "4,891" 1982 "3,772" "3,972" 790 "4,517" 1983 "3,983" "4,198" 810 "4,751" 1984 "4,200" "4,437" 921 "4,930" 1985 "4,241" "4,492" 820 "5,044" 1986 "4,175" "4,430" 781 "4,888" 1987 "4,152" "4,391" 727 "4,840" 1988 "4,253" "4,550" 786 "4,957" 1989 "4,050" "4,314" 730 "4,791" 1990 "3,936" "4,148" 571 "4,614" 1991 "3,468" "3,677" 546 "4,100" 1992 "3,319" "3,495" 486 "3,884" 1993 "3,584" "3,780" 515 "4,264" 1994 "3,865" "4,094" 561 "4,573" 1995 "3,777" "4,012" 552 "4,450" 1996 "3,961" "4,260" 534 "4,634" 1997 "4,109" "4,362" 601 "4,817" 1998 "4,130" "4,463" 643 "4,894" 1999 "4,126" "4,434" 669 "4,886" 2000 "4,137" "4,495" 648 "4,785" 2001 "3,960" "4,274" 620 "4,570" 2002 "3,768" "4,079" 597 "4,444" "¹ A heavy truck is a truck with a gross vehicle rating of 26,001 pounds or more." Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" Sources: "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 12 11 Bus¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 323 327 53 348 "6,055" 5.3 5.4 5.7 "462,156" 1976 318 319 73 390 "6,258" 5.1 5.1 6.2 "478,339" 1977 321 321 42 354 "5,823" 5.5 5.5 6.1 "490,761" 1978 370 372 41 412 "5,885" 6.3 6.3 7.0 "505,354" 1979 344 347 39 376 "5,947" 5.8 5.8 6.3 "526,765" 1980 329 330 46 390 "6,059" 5.4 5.4 6.4 "528,789" 1981 340 342 56 393 "6,241" 5.4 5.5 6.3 "543,984" 1982 288 289 35 323 "5,823" 4.9 5.0 5.5 "559,200" 1983 305 307 53 366 "5,199" 5.9 5.9 7.0 "582,884" 1984 319 320 46 374 "4,640" 6.9 6.9 8.1 "583,671" 1985 337 337 57 398 "4,478" 7.5 7.5 8.9 "593,485" 1986 284 286 39 337 "4,717" 6.0 6.1 7.1 "593,853" 1987 353 353 51 409 "5,330" 6.6 6.6 7.7 "602,055" 1988 284 287 54 341 "5,475" 5.2 5.2 6.2 "615,669" 1989 309 311 50 366 "5,670" 5.4 5.5 6.5 "625,040" 1990 286 289 32 340 "5,726" 5.0 5.0 5.9 "626,987" 1991 271 274 31 304 "5,750" 4.7 4.8 5.3 "631,279" 1992 283 285 28 316 "5,778" 4.9 4.9 5.5 "644,732" 1993 262 263 18 286 "6,125" 4.3 4.3 4.7 "654,432" 1994 256 258 18 286 "6,409" 4.0 4.0 4.5 "670,423" 1995 271 271 33 311 "6,420" 4.2 4.2 4.8 "685,503" 1996 324 326 21 367 "6,563" 4.9 5.0 5.6 "694,781" 1997 295 297 18 339 "6,842" 4.3 4.3 5.0 "697,548" 1998 288 289 38 329 "7,007" 4.1 4.1 4.7 "715,540" 1999 313 319 59 373 "7,662" 4.1 4.2 4.9 "728,777" 2000 323 325 22 357 "7,590" 4.3 4.3 4.7 "746,125" 2001 289 292 34 331 "7,077" 4.1 4.1 4.7 "749,548" 2002 270 270 45 327 "6,849" 3.9 3.9 4.8 "760,717" ¹ A bus is a motor vehicle that is used to carry more than ten passengers. * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 12 11 Bus¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 323 327 53 348 "6,055" 5.3 5.4 5.7 "462,156" 1976 318 319 73 390 "6,258" 5.1 5.1 6.2 "478,339" 1977 321 321 42 354 "5,823" 5.5 5.5 6.1 "490,761" 1978 370 372 41 412 "5,885" 6.3 6.3 7.0 "505,354" 1979 344 347 39 376 "5,947" 5.8 5.8 6.3 "526,765" 1980 329 330 46 390 "6,059" 5.4 5.4 6.4 "528,789" 1981 340 342 56 393 "6,241" 5.4 5.5 6.3 "543,984" 1982 288 289 35 323 "5,823" 4.9 5.0 5.5 "559,200" 1983 305 307 53 366 "5,199" 5.9 5.9 7.0 "582,884" 1984 319 320 46 374 "4,640" 6.9 6.9 8.1 "583,671" 1985 337 337 57 398 "4,478" 7.5 7.5 8.9 "593,485" 1986 284 286 39 337 "4,717" 6.0 6.1 7.1 "593,853" 1987 353 353 51 409 "5,330" 6.6 6.6 7.7 "602,055" 1988 284 287 54 341 "5,475" 5.2 5.2 6.2 "615,669" 1989 309 311 50 366 "5,670" 5.4 5.5 6.5 "625,040" 1990 286 289 32 340 "5,726" 5.0 5.0 5.9 "626,987" 1991 271 274 31 304 "5,750" 4.7 4.8 5.3 "631,279" 1992 283 285 28 316 "5,778" 4.9 4.9 5.5 "644,732" 1993 262 263 18 286 "6,125" 4.3 4.3 4.7 "654,432" 1994 256 258 18 286 "6,409" 4.0 4.0 4.5 "670,423" 1995 271 271 33 311 "6,420" 4.2 4.2 4.8 "685,503" 1996 324 326 21 367 "6,563" 4.9 5.0 5.6 "694,781" 1997 295 297 18 339 "6,842" 4.3 4.3 5.0 "697,548" 1998 288 289 38 329 "7,007" 4.1 4.1 4.7 "715,540" 1999 313 319 59 373 "7,662" 4.1 4.2 4.9 "728,777" 2000 323 325 22 357 "7,590" 4.3 4.3 4.7 "746,125" 2001 289 292 34 331 "7,077" 4.1 4.1 4.7 "749,548" 2002 270 270 45 327 "6,849" 3.9 3.9 4.8 "760,717" ¹ A bus is a motor vehicle that is used to carry more than ten passengers. * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 13 12 Bus¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "15,043" "15,000" "15,306" "15,000" "30,441" "30,000" "5,475" 274.8 279.6 556.0 "615,669" 1989 "13,679" "14,000" "14,186" "14,000" "26,401" "26,000" "5,670" 241.3 250.2 465.6 "625,040" 1990 "14,139" "14,000" "14,679" "15,000" "42,829" "43,000" "5,726" 246.9 256.4 748.0 "626,987" 1991 "14,750" "15,000" "15,146" "15,000" "33,537" "34,000" "5,750" 256.5 263.4 583.3 "631,279" 1992 "14,285" "14,000" "14,433" "14,000" "31,974" "32,000" "5,778" 247.2 249.8 553.4 "644,732" 1993 "13,938" "14,000" "14,081" "14,000" "29,369" "29,000" "6,125" 227.6 229.9 479.5 "654,432" 1994 "13,822" "14,000" "13,878" "14,000" "28,809" "29,000" "6,409" 215.7 216.5 449.5 "670,423" 1995 "14,420" "14,000" "14,443" "14,000" "32,451" "32,000" "6,420" 224.6 225.0 505.5 "685,503" 1996 "15,219" "15,000" "15,244" "15,000" "33,426" "33,000" "6,563" 231.9 232.3 509.3 "694,781" 1997 "12,439" "12,000" "12,575" "13,000" "27,304" "27,000" "6,842" 181.8 183.8 399.1 "697,548" 1998 "12,694" "13,000" "12,749" "13,000" "29,886" "30,000" "7,007" 181.2 181.9 426.5 "715,540" 1999 "14,346" "14,000" "14,419" "14,000" "35,600" "36,000" "7,662" 187.2 188.2 464.6 "728,777" 2000 "12,882" "13,000" "13,147" "13,000" "29,448" "29,000" "7,590" 169.7 173.2 388.0 "746,125" 2001 "11,499" "11,000" "11,541" "12,000" "25,464" "25,000" "7,077" 162.5 163.1 359.8 "749,548" 2002 "12,612" "13,000" "12,633" "13,000" "29,717" "30,000" "6,849" 184.1 184.5 433.9 "760,717" TABLE 14 Bus¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "50,363" "50,000" "50,695" "51,000" "5,475" 919.9 925.9 "615,669" 1989 "48,060" "48,000" "48,157" "48,000" "5,670" 847.6 849.3 "625,040" 1990 "45,987" "46,000" "46,275" "46,000" "5,726" 803.1 808.2 "626,987" 1991 "41,264" "41,000" "41,269" "41,000" "5,750" 717.6 717.7 "631,279" 1992 "35,138" "35,000" "35,138" "35,000" "5,778" 608.1 608.1 "644,732" 1993 "37,152" "37,000" "37,550" "38,000" "6,125" 606.6 613.1 "654,432" 1994 "41,739" "42,000" "42,124" "42,000" "6,409" 651.3 657.3 "670,423" 1995 "44,155" "44,000" "44,421" "44,000" "6,420" 687.8 691.9 "685,503" 1996 "41,642" "42,000" "42,193" "42,000" "6,563" 634.5 642.9 "694,781" 1997 "40,642" "41,000" "40,642" "41,000" "6,842" 594.0 594.0 "697,548" 1998 "40,403" "40,000" "40,455" "40,000" "7,007" 576.6 577.4 "715,540" 1999 "47,931" "48,000" "48,269" "48,000" "7,662" 625.6 630.0 "728,777" 2000 "42,390" "42,000" "42,655" "43,000" "7,590" 558.5 562.0 "746,125" 2001 "42,477" "42,000" "42,477" "42,000" "7,077" 600.2 600.2 "749,548" 2002 "45,072" "45,000" "45,072" "45,000" "6,849" 658.1 658.1 "760,717" ¹ A bus is a motor vehicle that is used to carry more than ten passengers. * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 15 13 Passenger Vehicle¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 "35,057" "46,533" "30,785" "40,187" "1,234,650" 2.8 3.8 3.3 "115,364,709" 1976 "35,242" "46,506" "31,604" "40,724" "1,304,049" 2.7 3.6 3.1 "119,806,386" 1977 "37,197" "49,438" "32,758" "42,599" "1,359,834" 2.7 3.6 3.1 "123,400,366" 1978 "39,226" "52,442" "34,898" "44,870" "1,425,922" 2.8 3.7 3.1 "129,141,048" 1979 "39,637" "52,543" "34,986" "45,207" "1,405,545" 2.8 3.7 3.2 "132,476,608" 1980 "39,623" "51,739" "34,935" "45,139" "1,402,531" 2.8 3.7 3.2 "134,831,752" 1981 "38,544" "51,195" "33,726" "43,586" "1,429,675" 2.7 3.6 3.0 "137,239,007" 1982 "34,619" "45,651" "29,689" "39,262" "1,467,854" 2.4 3.1 2.7 "139,244,282" 1983 "33,481" "44,416" "29,181" "37,866" "1,522,697" 2.2 2.9 2.5 "142,153,582" 1984 "34,979" "46,621" "30,116" "39,382" "1,585,049" 2.2 2.9 2.5 "147,435,149" 1985 "34,567" "46,741" "29,901" "38,976" "1,637,759" 2.1 2.9 2.4 "154,013,265" 1986 "36,612" "49,522" "32,261" "41,373" "1,694,082" 2.2 2.9 2.4 "157,031,560" 1987 "37,342" "51,094" "33,190" "42,119" "1,772,852" 2.1 2.9 2.4 "161,543,801" 1988 "38,252" "52,263" "34,114" "43,069" "1,872,478" 2.0 2.8 2.3 "166,118,639" 1989 "37,102" "51,110" "33,614" "41,782" "1,937,696" 1.9 2.6 2.2 "169,892,626" 1990 "36,281" "49,705" "32,693" "40,879" "1,982,837" 1.8 2.5 2.1 "173,193,097" 1991 "33,701" "46,123" "30,776" "38,134" "2,007,579" 1.7 2.3 1.9 "175,389,400" 1992 "32,109" "44,465" "29,485" "36,323" "2,078,432" 1.5 2.1 1.7 "174,182,793" 1993 "32,969" "45,565" "30,077" "37,222" "2,120,459" 1.6 2.1 1.8 "177,629,233" 1994 "33,390" "46,626" "30,901" "37,742" "2,170,723" 1.5 2.1 1.7 "181,482,575" 1995 "34,555" "48,527" "31,991" "39,014" "2,228,323" 1.6 2.2 1.8 "185,762,753" 1996 "34,792" "48,973" "32,438" "39,265" "2,286,394" 1.5 2.1 1.7 "190,051,664" 1997 "34,595" "48,687" "32,448" "39,187" "2,353,295" 1.5 2.1 1.7 "191,960,390" 1998 "34,274" "48,403" "31,899" "38,539" "2,417,852" 1.4 2.0 1.6 "195,749,209" 1999 "34,163" "47,896" "32,127" "38,571" "2,470,122" 1.4 1.9 1.6 "200,012,521" 2000 "34,379" "48,300" "32,225" "38,695" "2,523,346" 1.4 1.9 1.5 "203,913,482" 2001 "34,496" "48,417" "32,043" "38,725" "2,571,539" 1.3 1.9 1.5 "207,719,870" 2002 "34,803" "48,579" "32,598" "39,174" "2,624,824" 1.3 1.9 1.5 "211,992,662" ¹ A passenger vehicle is defined as being a passenger car or a light truck. * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: "Vehicles Miles of Travel - FHWA, revised by NHTSA" Registered Vehicles - R.L. Polk Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 16 14 Passenger Vehicle¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "2,165,643" "2,166,000" "3,755,612" "3,756,000" "3,335,347" "3,335,000" "1,872,478" 115.7 200.6 178.1 "166,118,639" 1989 "2,093,029" "2,093,000" "3,618,573" "3,619,000" "3,211,173" "3,211,000" "1,937,696" 108.0 186.7 165.7 "169,892,626" 1990 "2,062,176" "2,062,000" "3,566,822" "3,567,000" "3,143,589" "3,144,000" "1,982,837" 104.0 179.9 158.5 "173,193,097" 1991 "1,952,572" "1,953,000" "3,403,566" "3,404,000" "3,027,147" "3,027,000" "2,007,579" 97.3 169.5 150.8 "175,389,400" 1992 "1,937,522" "1,938,000" "3,398,701" "3,399,000" "3,005,854" "3,006,000" "2,078,432" 93.2 163.5 144.6 "174,182,793" 1993 "1,969,527" "1,970,000" "3,473,847" "3,474,000" "3,087,155" "3,087,000" "2,120,459" 92.9 163.8 145.6 "177,629,233" 1994 "2,080,439" "2,080,000" "3,696,793" "3,697,000" "3,214,472" "3,214,000" "2,170,723" 95.8 170.3 148.1 "181,482,575" 1995 "2,170,346" "2,170,000" "3,938,346" "3,938,000" "3,409,769" "3,410,000" "2,228,323" 97.4 176.7 153.0 "185,762,753" 1996 "2,192,182" "2,192,000" "3,954,413" "3,954,000" "3,413,322" "3,413,000" "2,286,394" 95.9 173.0 149.3 "190,051,664" 1997 "2,104,215" "2,104,000" "3,800,705" "3,801,000" "3,295,235" "3,295,000" "2,353,295" 89.4 161.5 140.0 "191,960,390" 1998 "1,986,562" "1,987,000" "3,603,993" "3,604,000" "3,140,813" "3,141,000" "2,417,852" 82.2 149.1 129.9 "195,749,209" 1999 "2,005,486" "2,005,000" "3,602,771" "3,603,000" "3,174,921" "3,175,000" "2,470,122" 81.2 145.9 128.5 "200,012,521" 2000 "2,016,591" "2,017,000" "3,605,444" "3,605,000" "3,123,366" "3,123,000" "2,523,346" 79.9 142.9 123.8 "203,913,482" 2001 "1,953,944" "1,954,000" "3,496,382" "3,496,000" "2,974,363" "2,974,000" "2,571,539" 76.0 136.0 115.7 "207,719,870" 2002 "1,877,167" "1,877,000" "3,346,222" "3,346,000" "2,862,738" "2,863,000" "2,624,824" 71.5 127.5 109.1 "211,992,662" TABLE 17 Passenger Vehicle¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "4,505,753" "4,506,000" "7,592,470" "7,592,000" "1,872,478" 240.6 405.5 "166,118,639" 1989 "4,355,330" "4,355,000" "7,290,537" "7,291,000" "1,937,696" 224.8 376.2 "169,892,626" 1990 "4,206,875" "4,207,000" "7,139,679" "7,140,000" "1,982,837" 212.2 360.1 "173,193,097" 1991 "3,985,159" "3,985,000" "6,759,177" "6,759,000" "2,007,579" 198.5 336.7 "175,389,400" 1992 "3,871,769" "3,872,000" "6,555,676" "6,556,000" "2,078,432" 186.3 315.4 "174,182,793" 1993 "3,937,148" "3,937,000" "6,673,102" "6,673,000" "2,120,459" 185.7 314.7 "177,629,233" 1994 "4,204,972" "4,205,000" "7,149,261" "7,149,000" "2,170,723" 193.7 329.3 "181,482,575" 1995 "4,346,772" "4,347,000" "7,483,723" "7,484,000" "2,228,323" 195.1 335.8 "185,762,753" 1996 "4,403,021" "4,403,000" "7,554,630" "7,555,000" "2,286,394" 192.6 330.4 "190,051,664" 1997 "4,331,224" "4,331,000" "7,430,391" "7,430,000" "2,353,295" 184.0 315.7 "191,960,390" 1998 "4,167,873" "4,168,000" "7,210,751" "7,211,000" "2,417,852" 172.4 298.2 "195,749,209" 1999 "4,057,575" "4,058,000" "6,960,738" "6,961,000" "2,470,122" 164.3 281.8 "200,012,521" 2000 "4,151,314" "4,151,000" "7,088,212" "7,088,000" "2,523,346" 164.5 280.9 "203,913,482" 2001 "4,167,815" "4,168,000" "7,078,578" "7,079,000" "2,571,539" 162.1 275.3 "207,719,870" 2002 "4,227,620" "4,228,000" "7,199,304" "7,199,000" "2,624,824" 161.1 274.3 "211,992,662" ¹ A passenger vehicle is defined as being a passenger car or a light truck. * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicles - Federal Highway Administration "Vehicles Miles of Travel - FHWA, revised by NHTSA" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Registered Vehicles - R.L. Polk Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 18 15 Passenger Car¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 "29,788" "37,897" "25,929" "34,460" "1,030,376" 2.9 3.7 3.3 "94,478,029" 1976 "29,533" "37,206" "26,166" "34,472" "1,070,667" 2.8 3.5 3.2 "97,011,684" 1977 "30,791" "39,038" "26,782" "35,567" "1,102,726" 2.8 3.5 3.2 "98,967,665" 1978 "32,028" "40,544" "28,153" "37,006" "1,136,459" 2.8 3.6 3.3 "101,855,551" 1979 "31,922" "39,999" "27,808" "36,752" "1,111,705" 2.9 3.6 3.3 "103,543,788" 1980 "31,550" "39,059" "27,449" "36,373" "1,107,056" 2.8 3.5 3.3 "104,770,998" 1981 "30,828" "38,864" "26,645" "35,225" "1,122,092" 2.7 3.5 3.1 "106,002,720" 1982 "27,548" "34,334" "23,330" "31,590" "1,145,828" 2.4 3.0 2.8 "106,936,590" 1983 "26,698" "33,298" "22,979" "30,486" "1,187,760" 2.2 2.8 2.6 "109,085,444" 1984 "27,735" "34,648" "23,620" "31,540" "1,226,461" 2.3 2.8 2.6 "112,177,361" 1985 "27,122" "34,277" "23,212" "30,876" "1,248,980" 2.2 2.7 2.5 "116,348,085" 1986 "28,752" "36,195" "24,944" "32,782" "1,277,550" 2.3 2.8 2.6 "117,268,114" 1987 "28,949" "36,580" "25,132" "32,922" "1,328,460" 2.2 2.8 2.5 "119,848,784" 1988 "29,534" "36,977" "25,808" "33,636" "1,384,047" 2.1 2.7 2.4 "121,519,139" 1989 "28,206" "35,410" "25,063" "32,136" "1,415,213" 2.0 2.5 2.3 "122,758,478" 1990 "27,332" "34,085" "24,092" "31,132" "1,427,178" 1.9 2.4 2.2 "123,276,600" 1991 "25,082" "31,291" "22,385" "28,702" "1,411,655" 1.8 2.2 2.0 "123,327,336" 1992 "23,885" "29,817" "21,387" "27,355" "1,436,035" 1.7 2.1 1.9 "120,346,747" 1993 "24,263" "30,233" "21,566" "27,638" "1,445,106" 1.7 2.1 1.9 "121,055,398" 1994 "24,401" "30,273" "21,997" "27,906" "1,459,208" 1.7 2.1 1.9 "121,996,580" 1995 "24,920" "30,940" "22,423" "28,447" "1,478,352" 1.7 2.1 1.9 "123,241,881" 1996 "24,812" "30,727" "22,506" "28,341" "1,499,139" 1.7 2.0 1.9 "124,612,787" 1997 "24,424" "30,059" "22,199" "27,914" "1,528,399" 1.6 2.0 1.8 "124,672,920" 1998 "23,632" "29,040" "21,194" "26,806" "1,555,901" 1.5 1.9 1.7 "125,965,709" 1999 "22,955" "28,027" "20,862" "26,243" "1,566,808" 1.5 1.8 1.7 "126,868,744" 2000 "22,899" "27,802" "20,699" "26,064" "1,580,493" 1.4 1.8 1.6 "127,720,809" 2001 "22,805" "27,586" "20,320" "25,851" "1,593,459" 1.4 1.7 1.6 "128,714,022" 2001 "22,569" "27,102" "20,416" "25,694" "1,608,464" 1.4 1.7 1.6 "129,906,797" * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: "Vehicles Miles of Travel - FHWA, revised by NHTSA" Registered Vehicles - R.L. Polk Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 19 16 Passenger Car¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "1,958,644" "1,959,000" "3,073,018" "3,073,000" "3,054,250" "3,054,000" "1,384,047" 141.5 222.0 220.7 "121,519,139" 1989 "1,872,767" "1,873,000" "2,891,518" "2,892,000" "2,910,708" "2,911,000" "1,415,213" 132.3 204.3 205.7 "122,758,478" 1990 "1,829,819" "1,830,000" "2,838,171" "2,838,000" "2,830,821" "2,831,000" "1,427,178" 128.2 198.9 198.4 "123,276,600" 1991 "1,706,064" "1,706,000" "2,614,871" "2,615,000" "2,680,064" "2,680,000" "1,411,655" 120.9 185.2 189.9 "123,327,336" 1992 "1,710,690" "1,711,000" "2,640,258" "2,640,000" "2,685,970" "2,686,000" "1,436,035" 119.1 183.9 187.0 "120,346,747" 1993 "1,716,811" "1,717,000" "2,631,176" "2,631,000" "2,730,536" "2,731,000" "1,445,106" 118.8 182.1 189.0 "121,055,398" 1994 "1,820,208" "1,820,000" "2,784,727" "2,785,000" "2,844,619" "2,845,000" "1,459,208" 124.7 190.8 194.9 "121,996,580" 1995 "1,899,757" "1,900,000" "2,914,074" "2,914,000" "3,024,090" "3,024,000" "1,478,352" 128.5 197.1 204.6 "123,241,881" 1996 "1,891,651" "1,892,000" "2,883,910" "2,884,000" "2,980,672" "2,981,000" "1,499,139" 126.2 192.4 198.8 "124,612,787" 1997 "1,804,018" "1,804,000" "2,736,459" "2,736,000" "2,857,757" "2,858,000" "1,528,399" 118.0 179.0 187.0 "124,672,920" 1998 "1,687,049" "1,687,000" "2,545,063" "2,545,000" "2,710,527" "2,711,000" "1,555,901" 108.4 163.6 174.2 "125,965,709" 1999 "1,662,873" "1,663,000" "2,437,505" "2,438,000" "2,678,887" "2,679,000" "1,566,808" 106.1 155.6 171.0 "126,868,744" 2000 "1,646,510" "1,647,000" "2,393,067" "2,393,000" "2,581,355" "2,581,000" "1,580,493" 104.2 151.4 163.3 "127,720,809" 2001 "1,576,844" "1,577,000" "2,273,157" "2,273,000" "2,443,828" "2,444,000" "1,593,459" 99.0 142.7 153.4 "128,714,022" 2002 "1,496,704" "1,497,000" "2,132,020" "2,132,000" "2,309,203" "2,309,000" "1,608,464" 93.1 132.6 143.6 "129,906,797" TABLE 20 Passenger Car¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "4,031,696" "4,032,000" "6,050,002" "6,050,000" "1,384,047" 291.3 437.1 "121,519,139" 1989 "3,830,906" "3,831,000" "5,677,937" "5,678,000" "1,415,213" 270.7 401.2 "122,758,478" 1990 "3,703,441" "3,703,000" "5,485,396" "5,485,000" "1,427,178" 259.5 384.4 "123,276,600" 1991 "3,447,304" "3,447,000" "5,084,089" "5,084,000" "1,411,655" 244.2 360.2 "123,327,336" 1992 "3,307,629" "3,308,000" "4,851,763" "4,852,000" "1,436,035" 230.3 337.9 "120,346,747" 1993 "3,299,043" "3,299,000" "4,788,724" "4,789,000" "1,445,106" 228.3 331.4 "121,055,398" 1994 "3,556,554" "3,557,000" "5,126,409" "5,126,000" "1,459,208" 243.7 351.3 "121,996,580" 1995 "3,669,008" "3,669,000" "5,334,994" "5,335,000" "1,478,352" 248.2 360.9 "123,241,881" 1996 "3,682,236" "3,682,000" "5,280,700" "5,281,000" "1,499,139" 245.6 352.2 "124,612,787" 1997 "3,594,844" "3,595,000" "5,116,422" "5,116,000" "1,528,399" 235.2 334.8 "124,672,920" 1998 "3,435,442" "3,435,000" "4,895,876" "4,896,000" "1,555,901" 220.8 314.7 "125,965,709" 1999 "3,229,907" "3,230,000" "4,469,348" "4,469,000" "1,566,808" 206.1 285.3 "126,868,744" 2000 "3,254,423" "3,254,000" "4,462,271" "4,462,000" "1,580,493" 205.9 282.3 "127,720,809" 2001 "3,225,656" "3,226,000" "4,392,983" "4,393,000" "1,593,459" 202.4 275.7 "128,714,022" 2002 "3,276,502" "3,277,000" "4,434,924" "4,435,000" "1,608,464" 203.7 275.7 "129,906,797" * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: "Vehicles Miles of Travel - FHWA, revised by NHTSA" Registered Vehicles - R.L. Polk Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 21 17 Light Truck¹ Fatal Crash Statistics 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 "8,193" "8,636" "4,856" "9,323" "204,274" 4.0 4.2 4.6 "20,886,680" 1976 "8,833" "9,300" "5,438" "10,213" "233,382" 3.8 4.0 4.4 "22,794,702" 1977 "9,820" "10,400" "5,976" "11,269" "257,108" 3.8 4.0 4.4 "24,432,701" 1978 "11,130" "11,898" "6,745" "12,782" "289,463" 3.8 4.1 4.4 "27,285,497" 1979 "11,816" "12,544" "7,178" "13,490" "293,840" 4.0 4.3 4.6 "28,932,820" 1980 "11,951" "12,680" "7,486" "13,639" "295,475" 4.0 4.3 4.6 "30,060,754" 1981 "11,618" "12,331" "7,081" "13,113" "307,583" 3.8 4.0 4.3 "31,236,287" 1982 "10,648" "11,317" "6,359" "12,173" "322,026" 3.3 3.5 3.8 "32,307,692" 1983 "10,466" "11,118" "6,202" "11,844" "334,937" 3.1 3.3 3.5 "33,068,138" 1984 "11,218" "11,973" "6,496" "12,710" "358,588" 3.1 3.3 3.5 "35,257,788" 1985 "11,605" "12,464" "6,689" "13,141" "388,779" 3.0 3.2 3.4 "37,665,180" 1986 "12,375" "13,327" "7,317" "14,042" "416,532" 3.0 3.2 3.4 "39,763,446" 1987 "13,377" "14,514" "8,058" "15,220" "444,392" 3.0 3.3 3.4 "41,695,017" 1988 "14,089" "15,286" "8,306" "16,011" "488,431" 2.9 3.1 3.3 "44,599,500" 1989 "14,441" "15,700" "8,551" "16,324" "522,483" 2.8 3.0 3.1 "47,134,148" 1990 "14,342" "15,620" "8,601" "16,238" "555,659" 2.6 2.8 2.9 "49,916,497" 1991 "13,545" "14,832" "8,391" "15,437" "595,924" 2.3 2.5 2.6 "52,062,064" 1992 "13,318" "14,648" "8,098" "15,150" "642,397" 2.1 2.3 2.4 "53,836,046" 1993 "13,916" "15,332" "8,511" "15,828" "675,353" 2.1 2.3 2.3 "56,573,835" 1994 "14,737" "16,353" "8,904" "16,728" "711,515" 2.1 2.3 2.4 "59,485,995" 1995 "15,766" "17,587" "9,568" "17,923" "749,971" 2.1 2.3 2.4 "62,520,872" 1996 "16,277" "18,246" "9,932" "18,454" "787,255" 2.1 2.3 2.3 "65,438,877" 1997 "16,621" "18,628" "10,249" "18,961" "824,896" 2.0 2.3 2.3 "67,287,470" 1998 "17,084" "19,363" "10,705" "19,361" "861,951" 2.0 2.2 2.2 "69,783,500" 1999 "17,492" "19,959" "11,265" "19,867" "903,314" 1.9 2.2 2.2 "73,143,777" 2000 "17,966" "20,498" "11,526" "20,352" "942,853" 1.9 2.2 2.2 "76,192,673" 2001 "18,257" "20,831" "11,723" "20,611" "978,080" 1.9 2.1 2.1 "79,005,848" 2002 "18,758" "21,477" "12,182" "21,242" "1,016,360" 1.8 2.1 2.1 "82,085,865" "¹ A light truck is a pickup, sport utility vehicle or van under 10,001 pounds gross vehicle weight rating." * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: "Vehicles Miles of Travel - FHWA, revised by NHTSA" Registered Vehicles - R.L. Polk Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 22 18 Light Truck¹ Injury Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "613,782" "614,000" "682,594" "683,000" "969,598" "970,000" "488,431" 125.7 139.8 198.5 "44,599,500" 1989 "643,267" "643,000" "727,055" "727,000" "1,014,842" "1,015,000" "522,483" 123.1 139.2 194.2 "47,134,148" 1990 "653,062" "653,000" "728,651" "729,000" "1,023,688" "1,024,000" "555,659" 117.5 131.1 184.2 "49,916,497" 1991 "697,307" "697,000" "788,695" "789,000" "1,108,760" "1,109,000" "595,924" 117.0 132.3 186.1 "52,062,064" 1992 "665,323" "665,000" "758,443" "758,000" "1,059,963" "1,060,000" "642,397" 103.6 118.1 165.0 "53,836,046" 1993 "734,858" "735,000" "842,671" "843,000" "1,176,695" "1,177,000" "675,353" 108.8 124.8 174.2 "56,573,835" 1994 "790,947" "791,000" "912,066" "912,000" "1,244,639" "1,245,000" "711,515" 111.2 128.2 174.9 "59,485,995" 1995 "877,605" "878,000" "1,024,272" "1,024,000" "1,428,449" "1,428,000" "749,971" 117.0 136.6 190.5 "62,520,872" 1996 "907,752" "908,000" "1,070,503" "1,071,000" "1,462,596" "1,463,000" "787,255" 115.3 136.0 185.8 "65,438,877" 1997 "897,906" "898,000" "1,064,246" "1,064,000" "1,447,434" "1,447,000" "824,896" 108.9 129.0 175.5 "67,287,470" 1998 "888,193" "888,000" "1,058,930" "1,059,000" "1,436,885" "1,437,000" "861,951" 103.0 122.9 166.7 "69,783,500" 1999 "969,827" "970,000" "1,165,266" "1,165,000" "1,568,893" "1,569,000" "903,314" 107.4 129.0 173.7 "73,143,777" 2000 "1,001,155" "1,001,000" "1,212,377" "1,212,000" "1,600,817" "1,601,000" "942,853" 106.2 128.6 169.8 "76,192,673" 2001 "1,008,469" "1,008,000" "1,223,225" "1,223,000" "1,569,576" "1,570,000" "978,080" 103.1 125.1 160.5 "79,005,848" 2002 "979,247" "979,000" "1,214,202" "1,214,000" "1,541,457" "1,541,000" "1,016,360" 96.3 119.5 151.7 "82,085,865" TABLE 23 Light Truck¹ Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "1,388,302" "1,388,000" "1,542,468" "1,542,000" "488,431" 284.2 315.8 "44,599,500" 1989 "1,458,691" "1,459,000" "1,612,600" "1,613,000" "522,483" 279.2 308.6 "47,134,148" 1990 "1,485,082" "1,485,000" "1,654,283" "1,654,000" "555,659" 267.3 297.7 "49,916,497" 1991 "1,489,282" "1,489,000" "1,675,088" "1,675,000" "595,924" 249.9 281.1 "52,062,064" 1992 "1,512,531" "1,513,000" "1,703,913" "1,704,000" "642,397" 235.5 265.2 "53,836,046" 1993 "1,658,438" "1,658,000" "1,884,378" "1,884,000" "675,353" 245.6 279.0 "56,573,835" 1994 "1,768,017" "1,768,000" "2,022,852" "2,023,000" "711,515" 248.5 284.3 "59,485,995" 1995 "1,856,224" "1,856,000" "2,148,728" "2,149,000" "749,971" 247.5 286.5 "62,520,872" 1996 "1,956,753" "1,957,000" "2,273,930" "2,274,000" "787,255" 248.6 288.8 "65,438,877" 1997 "1,986,369" "1,986,000" "2,313,969" "2,314,000" "824,896" 240.8 280.5 "67,287,470" 1998 "1,961,453" "1,961,000" "2,314,874" "2,315,000" "861,951" 227.6 268.6 "69,783,500" 1999 "2,092,298" "2,092,000" "2,491,389" "2,491,000" "903,314" 231.6 275.8 "73,143,777" 2000 "2,194,602" "2,195,000" "2,625,942" "2,626,000" "942,853" 232.8 278.5 "76,192,673" 2001 "2,233,553" "2,234,000" "2,685,596" "2,686,000" "978,080" 228.4 274.6 "79,005,848" 2002 "2,282,135" "2,282,000" "2,764,381" "2,764,000" "1,016,360" 224.5 272.0 "82,085,865" "¹ A light truck is a pickup, sport utility vehicle or van under 10,001 pounds gross vehicle weight rating." * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: "Vehicles Miles of Travel - FHWA, revised by NHTSA" Registered Vehicles - R.L. Polk Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" TABLE 24 19 Fatal Crash Statistics (All Vehicles) 1975 - 2002 VEHICLE VEHICLE FATAL VEHICLE TOTAL FATAL VEHICLES OCCUPANT TOTAL MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT FATALITY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES INVOLVED FATALITIES FATALITIES TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1975 "39,161" "55,534" "35,925" "44,525" "1,327,664" 2.9 4.2 3.4 "126,153,304" 1976 "39,747" "56,084" "37,102" "45,523" "1,402,380" 2.8 4.0 3.2 "130,793,242" 1977 "42,211" "60,516" "39,150" "47,878" "1,467,027" 2.9 4.1 3.3 "134,514,286" 1978 "44,433" "64,144" "41,533" "50,331" "1,544,704" 2.9 4.2 3.3 "140,374,064" 1979 "45,223" "64,762" "41,930" "51,093" "1,529,133" 3.0 4.2 3.3 "144,317,076" 1980 "45,284" "63,485" "41,927" "51,091" "1,527,295" 3.0 4.2 3.3 "146,845,134" 1981 "44,000" "62,699" "40,424" "49,301" "1,555,308" 2.8 4.0 3.2 "149,330,311" 1982 "39,092" "56,455" "35,646" "43,945" "1,595,010" 2.5 3.5 2.8 "151,147,755" 1983 "37,976" "55,106" "34,843" "42,589" "1,652,788" 2.3 3.3 2.6 "153,829,970" 1984 "39,631" "57,972" "36,284" "44,257" "1,720,269" 2.3 3.4 2.6 "158,899,717" 1985 "39,196" "58,271" "36,043" "43,825" "1,774,826" 2.2 3.3 2.5 "166,047,491" 1986 "41,090" "60,792" "38,234" "46,087" "1,834,872" 2.2 3.3 2.5 "168,545,286" 1987 "41,438" "61,836" "38,565" "46,390" "1,921,204" 2.2 3.2 2.4 "172,749,894" 1988 "42,130" "62,703" "39,170" "47,087" "2,025,962" 2.1 3.1 2.3 "177,455,476" 1989 "40,741" "60,870" "38,087" "45,582" "2,096,487" 1.9 2.9 2.2 "181,164,568" 1990 "39,836" "59,292" "37,134" "44,599" "2,144,362" 1.9 2.8 2.1 "184,275,422" 1991 "36,937" "54,765" "34,740" "41,508" "2,172,050" 1.7 2.5 1.9 "186,370,190" 1992 "34,942" "52,227" "32,880" "39,250" "2,247,151" 1.6 2.3 1.7 "184,937,848" 1993 "35,780" "53,777" "33,574" "40,150" "2,296,378" 1.6 2.3 1.7 "188,349,676" 1994 "36,254" "54,911" "34,318" "40,716" "2,357,588" 1.5 2.3 1.7 "192,497,438" 1995 "37,241" "56,524" "35,291" "41,817" "2,422,696" 1.5 2.3 1.7 "197,064,868" 1996 "37,494" "57,347" "35,696" "42,065" "2,485,848" 1.5 2.3 1.7 "201,630,659" 1997 "37,324" "57,060" "35,725" "42,013" "2,561,695" 1.5 2.2 1.6 "203,567,637" 1998 "37,107" "56,922" "35,382" "41,501" "2,631,522" 1.4 2.2 1.6 "208,076,469" 1999 "37,140" "56,820" "35,875" "41,717" "2,691,056" 1.4 2.1 1.6 "212,685,157" 2000 "37,526" "57,594" "36,348" "41,945" "2,746,925" 1.4 2.1 1.5 "217,028,324" 2001 "37,862" "57,918" "36,440" "42,196" "2,797,287" 1.4 2.1 1.5 "221,230,149" 2002 "38,309" "58,113" "37,232" "42,815" "2,855,756" 1.3 2.0 1.5 "225,684,815" * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions N/A Not Available Sources: "Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicle - FHWA, Registered Vehices revised by NHTSA" Created: "Nov. 2, 1999" "Fatal Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Fatalities - Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)" Last modified: "Dec. 11, 2003" TABLE 25 20 Injury Crash Statistics (All Vehicles) 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE INJURY VEHICLE TOTAL INJURY INJURY VEHICLES VEHICLES TOTAL INJURED MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT INJURY REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED INJURIES *** PERSONS*** TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "2,233,321" "2,233,000" "3,972,635" "3,973,000" "3,416,400" "3,416,000" "2,025,962" 110.2 196.1 168.6 "177,455,476" 1989 "2,153,095" "2,153,000" "3,825,892" "3,826,000" "3,283,789" "3,284,000" "2,096,487" 102.7 182.5 156.6 "181,164,568" 1990 "2,121,921" "2,122,000" "3,774,805" "3,775,000" "3,230,666" "3,231,000" "2,144,362" 99.0 176.0 150.7 "184,275,422" 1991 "2,007,635" "2,008,000" "3,581,439" "3,581,000" "3,096,870" "3,097,000" "2,172,050" 92.4 164.9 142.6 "186,370,190" 1992 "1,991,178" "1,991,000" "3,587,314" "3,587,000" "3,069,603" "3,070,000" "2,247,151" 88.6 159.6 136.6 "184,937,848" 1993 "2,021,945" "2,022,000" "3,647,237" "3,647,000" "3,149,164" "3,149,000" "2,296,378" 88.0 158.8 137.1 "188,349,676" 1994 "2,123,257" "2,123,000" "3,864,999" "3,865,000" "3,265,928" "3,266,000" "2,357,588" 90.1 163.9 138.5 "192,497,438" 1995 "2,216,670" "2,217,000" "4,094,026" "4,094,000" "3,465,279" "3,465,000" "2,422,696" 91.5 169.0 143.0 "197,064,868" 1996 "2,238,065" "2,238,000" "4,120,179" "4,120,000" "3,468,072" "3,468,000" "2,485,848" 90.0 165.7 139.5 "201,630,659" 1997 "2,148,985" "2,149,000" "3,965,713" "3,966,000" "3,347,614" "3,348,000" "2,561,695" 83.9 154.8 130.7 "203,567,637" 1998 "2,028,941" "2,029,000" "3,756,727" "3,757,000" "3,192,035" "3,192,000" "2,631,522" 77.1 142.8 121.3 "208,076,469" 1999 "2,054,256" "2,054,000" "3,773,070" "3,773,000" "3,236,328" "3,236,000" "2,691,056" 76.3 140.2 120.3 "212,685,157" 2000 "2,069,905" "2,070,000" "3,783,177" "3,783,000" "3,188,750" "3,189,000" "2,746,925" 75.4 137.7 116.1 "217,028,324" 2001 "2,002,710" "2,003,000" "3,663,422" "3,663,000" "3,032,672" "3,033,000" "2,797,287" 71.6 131.0 108.4 "221,230,149" 2002 "1,928,984" "1,929,000" "3,519,517" "3,520,000" "2,925,758" "2,926,000" "2,855,756" 67.5 123.2 102.5 "225,684,815" TABLE 26 Selected Property-Damage-Only Crash Statistics (All Vehicles) 1988 - 2002 VEHICLE PDO VEHICLE PDO PDO VEHICLES VEHICLES MILES OF CRASH INVOLVEMENT REGISTERED YEAR CRASHES CRASHES INVOLVED INVOLVED TRAVEL ** RATE * RATE * VEHICLES 1988 "4,611,349" "4,611,000" "7,985,335" "7,985,000" "2,025,962" 227.6 394.2 "177,455,476" 1989 "4,458,979" "4,459,000" "7,677,777" "7,678,000" "2,096,487" 212.7 366.2 "181,164,568" 1990 "4,309,446" "4,309,000" "7,493,024" "7,493,000" "2,144,362" 201.0 349.4 "184,275,422" 1991 "4,072,787" "4,073,000" "7,085,701" "7,086,000" "2,172,050" 187.5 326.2 "186,370,190" 1992 "3,974,190" "3,974,000" "6,906,403" "6,906,000" "2,247,151" 176.9 307.3 "184,937,848" 1993 "4,048,190" "4,048,000" "7,039,777" "7,040,000" "2,296,378" 176.3 306.6 "188,349,676" 1994 "4,336,477" "4,336,000" "7,575,802" "7,576,000" "2,357,588" 183.9 321.3 "192,497,438" 1995 "4,445,504" "4,446,000" "7,843,799" "7,844,000" "2,422,696" 183.5 323.8 "197,064,868" 1996 "4,494,024" "4,494,000" "7,917,782" "7,918,000" "2,485,848" 180.8 318.5 "201,630,659" 1997 "4,437,840" "4,438,000" "7,829,738" "7,830,000" "2,561,695" 173.2 305.6 "203,567,637" 1998 "4,268,525" "4,269,000" "7,586,647" "7,587,000" "2,631,522" 162.2 288.3 "208,076,469" 1999 "4,187,640" "4,188,000" "7,402,349" "7,402,000" "2,691,056" 155.6 275.1 "212,685,157" 2000 "4,286,194" "4,286,000" "7,510,331" "7,510,000" "2,746,925" 156.0 273.4 "217,028,324" 2001 "4,282,391" "4,282,000" "7,480,233" "7,480,000" "2,797,287" 153.1 267.4 "221,230,149" 2002 "4,348,233" "4,348,000" "7,607,918" "7,608,000" "2,855,756" 152.3 266.4 "225,684,815" * Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled ** Millions "*** ""Injured Persons"" counts all non-fatally injured persons in injury and fatal crashes." N/A Not Available Sources: "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" "Vehicle Miles of Travel and Registered Vehicle - FHWA, Registered Vehices revised by NHTSA" "Injury and PDO Crashes, Vehicles Involved, Injuries - General Estimates System (GES)" Last modified: "Nov. 21, 2002" .