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  Carrier Reports
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New Entrant Studies HTML PDF Word Excel PPT Text
graphic New Entrant Safety Research Study, April 1998 --- Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- Link to Text Format
graphic Motor Carrier Safety Status (SafeStat) Measurement System - Methodology Document version 8.5, January 2003 --- Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- ---
graphic An Effectiveness Analysis of SafeStat, November 1998 --- Link to PDF Format --- --- --- Link to Text Format

Report Descriptions
An Effectiveness Analysis of SafeStat, November 1998 - The Effectiveness Study was conducted to measure SafeStat's effectiveness in identifying high risk carriers while providing an objective basis to formulate and test improvements to future versions of SafeStat. This paper was published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB).
Motor Carrier Safety Status (SafeStat) Measurement System - Methodology Document - The SafeStat design document that describes the details of the methodology used to quantify and monitor the safety status of motor carriers.
New Entrant Safety Research Study, April 1998 - The New Entrant Study, final report of April 1998, is presented online. The study reviews the safety performance and regulatory compliance experience of the growing number of new entrant motor carriers.
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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
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