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   FMCSA Safety Programs
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FMCSA Objectives HTML PDF Word Excel PPT Text
Graphic Measuring the FMCSA's Safety Objectives
From Year 2000 to 2002, July 2003
Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- HTML Format
Program Effectiveness
Graphic FMCSA Safety Program Effectiveness Measurement: Compliance Review Effectiveness Model
Spacer    2005 One Page Summary, October 2007 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- Link to Text Format
Spacer    2005 Detailed Report, April 2008 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- Link to Text Format
Graphic    2004 Technical Documentation, March 2008 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- Link to Text Format
Graphic    2004 One Page Summary, June 2007 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- Link to Text Format
Graphic    2004 Detailed Report, March 2008 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- HTML Format
Graphic    2003 One Page Summary, June 2006 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- ---
Graphic    2003 Detailed Report, June 2006 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- ---
Graphic    2002 One Page Summary, May 2005 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- ---
Graphic    2002 Detailed Report, May 2005 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- ---
Spacer SUMMARY - How Effective are Compliance Reviews?, May 2003 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- ---
Spacer REPORT - Compliance Review Impact Assessment Model, May 2003 --- Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- Link to Text Format
Spacer SUMMARY - How Effective are Compliance Reviews?, March 2002 Link to HTML Format --- --- --- --- ---
Spacer REPORT - Compliance Review Impact Assessment Model, February 2002 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format Word Format --- --- ---
Graphic Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Assessment
Spacer    2004, 2005 One Page Summary, September 2006 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- Link to Text Format
Spacer    2005 Intervention Model Report, June 2007 --- Link to PDF Format --- --- --- Link to Text Format
Graphic    2001, 2002, 2003 One Page Summary, September 2004 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- ---
Graphic    2001, 2002, 2003 Detailed Report, December 2004 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- ---
New    1998, 1999, 2000 One Page Summary, September 2002 Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- --- --- ---
New    1998, 1999, 2000 Detailed Report, September 2002 --- Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- Text Format
New OMCHS Safety Program Performance Measures: Assessment of Initial Models and Plans for Second Generation Models, May 1999 --- Link to PDF Format Link to Word Format --- --- Link to Text Format

Report Descriptions
Measuring the FMCSA's Safety Objectives - This report documents the progress made against FMCSA's safety objectives during listed years. A detailed description of the methodology for establishing metrics and benchmarks against which to assess progress is also described. This was done through the use of SafeStat information. SafeStat is a data-driven analysis system that utilizes a comprehensive variety of safety data to determine the relative safety fitness of motor carriers on a periodic basis. Overwhelmingly, the analyses/metrics in this report show that FMCSA is moving in a positive direction with respect to meeting its stated safety objectives.
FMCSA Safety Program Effectiveness Measurement - Compliance Review Effectiveness Model - This report documents the methodology and results of the CR Impact Assessment Model used to measure the effectiveness of one of the key safety programs of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Compliance Review (CR) program. The model measures the effectiveness of the CR in preventing crashes involving interstate motor carriers and in reducing related fatalities and injuries. The model is also intended to be a tool that the FMCSA can use periodically to measure the relative performance of its program, and to analyze the effects of implementing program changes.
REPORT / SUMMARY - Compliance Review Impact Assessment Model, May 2003 - This report documents the methodology and results of the CR Impact Assessment Model used to measure the effectiveness of one of the key safety programs of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Compliance Review (CR) program. The model measures the effectiveness of the CR in preventing crashes involving interstate motor carriers and in reducing related fatalities and injuries. The model is also intended to be a tool that the FMCSA can use periodically to measure the relative performance of its program, and to analyze the effects of implementing program changes.
Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Assessment - This report documents the methodology and results from the Intervention Model, which is intended to provide the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) with a means to gauge the effectiveness of two of its more critical safety programs - roadside inspections and traffic enforcement - in preventing crashes involving interstate motor carriers and in reducing related fatalities and injuries. The model is also intended to be a tool that the FMCSA can use periodically to measure the relative performance of its programs, and to analyze the effects of implementing different program changes.
REPORT / SUMMARY - Compliance Review Impact Assessment Model, February 2002 - This report documents the methodology and results of the CR Impact Assessment Model used to measure the effectiveness of one of the key safety programs of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the compliance review (CR) program. The model measures the effectiveness of the CR in preventing crashes involving interstate motor carriers and in reducing related fatalities and injuries. The model is also intended to be a tool that the FMCSA can use periodically to measure the relative performance of its program, and to analyze the effects of implementing program changes.
OMCHS Safety Program Performance Measures: Assessment of Initial Models and Plans for Second Generation Models, May 1999 - This report summarizes the work that has been conducted to date on the initial program performance models, as well as the review panel comments and additional findings by the research team. This report also introduces second generation models for the compliance review and roadside inspection programs. Furthermore, this report provides an opportunity to present approaches that have been explored for evaluating the traffic enforcement program as well as for assessing the combined effect of all programs.
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