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Location: Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory

Project Number: 1245-12630-008-16
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Oct 01, 2011
End Date: Sep 30, 2013

1. Incorporate the USDA-EMFSL-developed microbial simulator of transport with runoff and infiltration into watershed-scale water quality models SWAT and HSPF as an option for microbial release and possible overland fate and transport. 2. Support the construction and population of microbial database by consolidation the relevant data in formats ready for automating process of populating input files of modeling components with consistent microbial properties for appropriate environmental media. 3. Incorporate the USDA-ARS sediment-associated microbial release and settling in HSPF and SWAT microbial routing, and ensure that USDA-ARS in-stream sediment-associated microbial release and settling module is consistent with outside flow models linked to SWAT and HSPF. 4. Support the data collection and model application at the Manitiwoc River Basin as the testbed for developing integrated technology of microbial water quality assessment and forecast.

ARS will develop novel generic manure-borne pathogen fate and transport models at field and watershed scale. These models will be tested jointly by both ARS and the Cooperator. Data for testing will be provided by the Cooperator. ARS will provide expertise and guidance on parameter selection in model applications, and will transform model computer codes to make them compatible to decision support tools within the modeling framework used by the Cooperator. The Cooperator will evaluate models for use in regulatory practices.


Project Team
Pachepsky, Yakov
Related National Programs
  Food Safety, (animal and plant products) (108)
Last Modified: 02/17/2013
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