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National Security


Colorado’s Fifth District is the proud home to one of our nation’s most military-intensive congressional districts and to more than 100,000 veterans who have served our country with distinction and honor.

Serving on the House Armed Services Committee, I am able to advocate for our troops.  I am dedicated to fighting for better pay and full funding for our troops so that they can receive the best training and equipment available.

Knowing all the advantages that our District provides, I, along with other members of the Colorado delegation, have aided in the buildup of combat power at Fort Carson.  I am currently engaged in working with the Army to finalize the new 13th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) to come to Fort Carson.  The expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS) is a delicate issue, but it is vital to better training for our soldiers as they prepare to fight the battles of the 21st Century. I am dedicated to working with all parties to create a win-win solution for everyone affected by the PCMS expansion issue.


 Left, Congressman Lamborn with a Blackhawk Helicopter crew from the Colorado Army National Guard Unit based at Buckley AFB.

Right, Congressman Lamborn meets with Colorado soldiers serving in Afghanistan on a congressional trip to study security issues.

Military Installations in the Fifth Congressional District      

Fort Carson

Peterson Air Force Base

Schriever Air Force Base

Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station

Air Force Academy

Colorado Springs is home to Northern Command, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, Air Force Space Command Headquarters, Army Strategic Command, the 4th Infantry Division and the 21st and 50th Space Wings.

House Armed Services Subcommittee Assignment

Member of Strategic Forces Subcommittee

Member of Readiness Subcommittee



Legislative Action

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013

  • Lamborn Amendment to FY 2013 NDAA (submitted on House floor), would limit the availability of funds for Cooperative Threat Reduction activities with Russia until the Secretary of Defense can certify that Russia is no longer supporting the Syrian regime and is not providing to Syria, North Korea or Iran any equipment or technology that contributes to the development of weapons of mass destruction. Status: Adopted by voice vote
  • Lamborn Amendment to FY 2013 NDAA (submitted to HASC), would add to the report on military and security developments in North Korea the combatant commander's assessment of any gaps in intelligence, capabilities, capacity or authorities. Status: Adopted by voice vote
  • Lamborn Amendment to FY 2013 (submitted to HASC Strategic Forces Subcommittee),Prohibition on Use of Funds to Implement International Agreement on Space Activities that Have Not Been Ratified by the Senate or Authorized by Statute (Status: Adopted in subcommittee)

HR 3662, the Down Payment to Protect National Security Act (112th Congress)

  • Lamborn is an original cosponsor of this bill which replaces the deficit reduction from the sequester with savings from the reductions in the federal workforce. For more on Lamborn's efforts to protect defense dollars from across-the-board defense cuts, click here.

Introduced legislation

H.R.2348 (112th)  - EMP Weapons Accountability Assessment Act to require the Director of National Intelligence to submit a report on the foreign development of electromagnetic pulse weapons.

H.RES.692 (112th) – Resolution to recognize the 30th Anniversary of the United States Air Force Space Command headquartered at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado.

H.AMDT.1131 to H.R.4310  - Amendment to limit the availability of funds for Cooperative Threat Reduction activities with Russia until the Secretary of Defense can certify that Russia is no longer supporting the Syrian regime and is not providing to Syria, North Korea or Iran any equipment or technology that contributes to the development of weapons of mass destruction.


Developing the United States’ missile defense system is one of my highest priorities. While mutually assured destruction kept tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union relatively quiet during the Cold War, the international dynamic has changed. Key players from rogue nations, such as Kim Jong Il and Ahmadinejad, are dangerously less predictable and more vocal about their military intents.

 While some in Congress are trying to cut funding for missile defense projects, I will continue to support the funding of current missile defense programs and the development of new technology and development. As co-founder of the Missile Defense Caucus, I recognize the importance of a strong missile defense system.  Right now, our military has only a limited defense capability in the event of a threat. Self-declared enemies of America already have some missile capability and our eastern seaboard is largely unguarded from ship-launched missiles.


The terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 forever changed our world. In response, Congress created the Department of Homeland Security. Congress continues to play a critical role in ensuring our laws are up-to-date with the ever-changing terrorist threats from around the world. 

We must ensure that our federal agents have the most effective tools possible to keep our citizens safe. Good intelligence is key to our safety, not only here at home, but also for our deployed soldiers and diplomats around the globe.

Of course, in monitoring those who would do us harm, we must protect the privacy rights of American citizens. Through good oversight, I believe Congress can write laws that will allow us to aggressively pursue terrorists and their supporters while still maintaining the rights afforded to us in our Constitution.

Cosponsored legislation

H.R. 2348 Weapons Accountability Assessment Act

Requires the Director of National Intelligence to report to the congressional intelligence and defense committees on the research, development, testing, and deployment programs of foreign countries relating to electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons and associated delivery systems and platforms. Directs that such report identify each country pursuing an EMP weapons program and describe the scope of each such program.

Silver Star Ceremony (10/23/09 12:48 PM PST)