Ticket to Work Law and Regulations

The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 added section 1148 to the Social Security Act.  Among other things, Section 1148 established the Ticket to Work and Self- Sufficiency Program (Ticket Program).  The Ticket Program provides Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities more choices for receiving employment services and increases provider incentives to serve beneficiaries with disabilities who wish to maximize their economic self- sufficiency through work opportunities.

To locate the original Ticket Program regulations published in 2001 visit:
http://www.socialsecurity.gov/op Home/cfr20/411/411-0000.htm

In 2008, Social Security made improvements to the Ticket Program.  The revised regulations incorporated Social Security’s vision of the future direction of the Program.  Social Security issued proposed changes to the Ticket Program in 2005 and 2007 based on lessons learned and issues arising from experience in implementing the original rules.  Changes to the Ticket Program demonstrated that Social Security is constantly listening, learning and responding to  both lessons learned and critically important feedback from a variety of stakeholders, including beneficiaries, employers, disability organizations, advocates and service providers.  These changes were published in the Federal Register on May 20, 2008, and went into effect on  July 21, 2008.  Check out these regulations at Regulations in (Word Format).

A chart that compares the changes made to the Ticket Program based on the 2008 regulations can Be viewed at: Side-by Side Comparison of Key Regulatory Provisions: Old Regulations vs. Revised- Regulations

Ticket to Work Program Operations Manual System

The Program Operations Manual System (POMS) is a primary source of information used by Social Security employees to process claims for Social Security benefits.  The instructions related to the Ticket Program are located at:
