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Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Program

About Protection & Advocacy (P&A) for Beneficiaries of Social Security Administration projects:

Social Security Administration beneficiaries with disabilities may be eager to work but need someone to help them navigate through an often-confusing web of Employment Networks, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income beneficiary rules, legal issues, and employment issues.

The Ticket to Work program reflects SSA's commitment to protecting the rights of people with disabilities to return to work without jeopardizing their government-assisted benefits. Included in the program is a network of Protection & Advocacy projects in all 50 states and U.S. territories.  This network of projects, sometimes referred to as Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS), represents the nation’s largest provider of legal advocacy services for individuals with disabilities.

Although PABSS does provide legal assistance, the scope for PABSS advice does not extend beyond disability-related employment issues. PABSS agencies also do not provide direct cash assistance. And, although Protection & Advocacy services are free, P&A providers cannot take on every case.

Areas that PABSS may NOT help you with

  • Issues Not Related to the Employment of the disabled beneficiary
  • Social Security Disability Determination
  • Personal Injury
  • Criminal Defense
  • Attempts to Obtain Guardianship
  • Property and Probate Issues
  • Malpractice
  • Direct Cash Assistance

Areas that PABSS may help you with

  • Access to and Disputes with Community Service Providers
  • Special Education and Transition
  • Health Care
  • Disability Benefits and Work Incentives
  • Rights and Conditions of employment
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and preparation
  • Rights, Responsibilities, and Reasonable Accommodations under the ADA
  • Wage andHour Issues
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Assistance Removing Barriers to a Beneficiary’s Return-to-Work goal

To find a P&A near you please visit the Service Provider Directory

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Last reviewed or modified Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
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