Daily Archives: August 17, 2010

United Through Reading Keeps This Family Connected

We received this fantastic email from a recipient of United Through Reading’s Military Program.  We hope you enjoy…and be sure to let any military family you know about this wonderful program!

The kids have a great time reading along as Dad reads the same book to them on screen! (Photo courtesy of the Hofman Family)

“Thanks to you, my husband, who is currently stationed in Afghanistan, was able to take care of the kids this afternoon!  He read to them by DVD, thanks to the United Through Reading Program.  My children felt so proud to get something in the mail from him, and they absolutely loved the book selections and being able to see and hear their dad.  My 3 year old son was beaming from ear to ear.  My four year old daughter kept waving at her dad on the TV and blowing him kisses.  I loved the words my husband was also able to share with my oldest son on the DVD.

And we have a 6 week old infant as well, who I put in a baby swing in the same room, enjoying the fact that he can hear his dad’s voice for a good 20 minutes at a time. It is also the most clear recording of my husband’s voice we have, better quality than we hear on the phone, through Skype, or in the voice recordings my children have in stuffed bears from my husband. It is truly my husband’s voice filling our home. Thank you so much for having this program. We really appreciate the way we are able to stay connected with our Soldier.”

It's smiles all around as the kids receive their books from United Through Reading's Military Program, complemented by a DVD of their Dad reading out loud. (Photo courtesy of the Hofman family)