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Hardcover, 352pp
Penguin Group, April 2009
ISBN-13: 9781591842576
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May 13, 2009

Why Having Engaged Employees Matters

By Jorina Fontelera

Recent studies show that dedicated employees give their companies a boost in profitability and productivity, which is all the more reason to keep employees engaged and connected with the business as a whole.

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May 12, 2009

The State of the U.S. Entrepreneur

By David R. Butcher

Despite the extraordinary challenges small-business owners face in this downturn, the entrepreneurial spirit remains strong in America.

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Key Targets for Small-Biz Success

By Jorina Fontelera

There is no doubt the mettle of entrepreneurs has been tested lately. While many remain resilient, others could stabilize their business by considering these strategies.

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Surviving the Credit Crunch

By Ilya Leybovich

With a narrow trickle of credit and a steep decline in venture funding, small businesses are having a tougher time obtaining capital. But there may be some light at the end of the tunnel.

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Health Care Bleeds Small-Biz Finances

By Jorina Fontelera

Health-care costs have prevented many small firms from providing coverage for their employees. The new COBRA provision could bring even more problems.

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May 12, 2009

5 Tips for Discounting Prices

By Jorina Fontelera

Businesses must take care when deciding to lower prices or offer discounts. Here are some strategies for lowering prices without hurting profits or the brand.

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Will "Buy Local" Help Your Business?

By David R. Butcher

A growing body of evidence indicates that "buy local" campaigns are helping small businesses compete in an extremely challenging economic climate.

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Real-Life Star Trek Devices

By Ilya Leybovich

With a new Star Trek film exciting longtime fans and attracting a new generation of "trekkies," IMT looks at real-world counterparts of the iconic franchise's high-tech devices.

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Career Advice for the Class of 2009

By David R. Butcher

With the right strategy, new college graduates can still launch their careers with great success - even in today's competitive job market.

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Recommended Reading

Escape from Cubicle Nation provides not only the nuts and bolts of starting a business, but a full discussion of the emotional issues involved.

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