Author Archives: meaghabyte

Jab to the Right

The gloves are on. The crowd is cheering. Let the boxing begin! But who are the two opponents? Can you tell the year by the uniforms or maybe by the cameras? Where was this fighting ring set up? Which boxer would you place your bet on?

A Rock-N-Rollin’ Mystery

Sometime in Watertown, New York, this band rocked the stage for the troops. From the looks of the band members, visors, sleeveless shirts and Nike shoes were big. That might help narrow down a decade or two. The electric guitar has a unique paint job; maybe you’ve seen it before? Perhaps you own a similar shirt in your closet? Help us put a name to this band.

USO Tailgating with Snacks To Go

These two tailgating USO volunteers are offering a friendly smile and snacks to go. There appears to be a convoy behind them, but to which military? What can you tell us about the juice packets or the pancake-like-food they are serving? Any idea when this photo was taken?

Waving Hi and Showing Some College Pride

Everyone smile and say “USO!” This group photo was taken during Operation Enduring Freedom, but what other details can you provide? Recognize a face? Know the location? Can you identify the three insignias on the banner behind everyone? Two men in the photo have college shirts on. One says Penn State and the other is incomplete. Do you know that logo?

Dish duty done with style

These three gentlemen lent a helping hand at a USO center in California. But that is all we know. Can you read the name tag belonging to the man on the right? Or how about the instructions posted behind them? Any thoughts on the year this photo was taken?