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Contractor Use of Schedules and Other Sources of Supply

FAR Part 51

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 51.1, Contractor Use of Government Supply Sources, prescribes policies and procedures under which contractors can use government supply sources, including GSA Schedule contracts. When determined to be in the best interest of the government, contracting officers may authorize contractors to use GSA Schedule contracts in the performance of cost-reimbursement contracts.  For more information, you can watch our FAR 51 video series on our YouTube playlist.

The Contractor Use of Schedules document below provides information for ordering activities to use when authorizing contractors to use Schedule contracts in accordance with FAR Part 51.

To learn about expansions to FAR51.1, please view FAR Part 51 Deviation.

contractor, schedules, federal supply schedule, FAR 51.1, contractor use of schedules, GSA Schedules, multiple award schedules, cost reimbursement contracts, cost-reimbursement, FAR 51, FAR 51 Deviation