New Video from Emily Riesen Benefits the Troops!

Meet country singer/songwriter Emily Riesen, the artist behind the new single "All Out of Smiles."

All Out of Smiles” is the new video from Emily Riesen, a rising star on the country music scene.  It was filmed on location at Fort Bragg and features the real men and women of our U.S. Special Forces.  You can preview the video below.

Here’s the cool part: ALL proceeds (100%) from every download (available on the iTunes link below) will be donated to charities supporting the families of our service men and women. It is a song of hope which recognizes the sacrifice of the families of our military heroes, as well as the sacrifices of the service personnel themselves.

If you love it as much as we do, we encourage you to share this with everyone you know as a thank you to military families!

Sloan Gibson, President & CEO of the USO, has personally endorsed the song and its message.   The former US Army Ranger and West Point graduate has this to say about the song: ”I want to personally encourage everyone to go to iTunes and download Emily Riesen’s great new video, “All Out of Smiles”. This wonderful new song from Emily pays tribute to our men and women who wear the cloth of our nation and especially to their families whose sacrifice often goes unrecognized. All download proceeds will go to programs that support our military families!”

Click here to download the song from iTunes and support our Troops today!

4 Responses to New Video from Emily Riesen Benefits the Troops!

  1. Hi MS Reisen,

    I liked your song and video very much. You have an incredible voice.
    I was in the Air Force for 24 years and I wrote a song in 2005, Little Shoes, which may be heard at I have tried every way to get my song noticed by the right person. Maybe you are that person. Love to get your feedback.

    Thank you,
    Mary Lee

  2. This is a great way to show our support. Thank you, Emily, for your generosity.

  3. Awesome tribute. My husband is currently serving in Afghanistan so this song hits home. Thank you!

  4. I LOVE this song my husband is deployed right now and I would love to find the lyrics to this if anyone could send them to me that would be AWESOME!!! thanks and I hope you make it big Emily you have an amazing voice. GOOD LUCK!!

    Marine Wife

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